Chapter 18

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Maddy reaches a corridor... she noticed a man standing at the end of the hall, he quickly takes off.

She stalks inside, wary.... she walked past all the scattered files and broken glass, her eyes catch a large cage.... she noticed a slumped prisoner leaning up against the bar. She stopped dead in her track when she heard the prisoner talk.... his voice sounded familiar.

She walked closer.... her heart began to race.

"Barnes, James Buchanan. Sergeant," the prisoner said.

Maddy gaped, stunned... she couldn't believe her eyes, he was alive.

"B-Bucky!! BLOODY HELL!!" Maddy said practically crying.

"Who's there?" Bucky replied

Maddy races towards the cage, her heart dropped when she noticed Bucky was beaten up.

Bucky squints, unable to focus... Maddy noticed it looked like he had aged 10 years, but she didn't care.... she was completely upset that someone had beaten him up... but she was grateful he was alive.

"Is that....." Bucky said.

Maddy smashes off the lock, with her barehands.... she holds out her hand, grinning.

"It's me, Buck," Maddy smiled.

Bucky looks up at Maddy... studying her face.

"Maddy?" Bucky questioned.

"I thought you were dead.... you had me worried sick, Buck," Maddy said... dropping to her knees.

"Y-You seem different and you look different..." Bucky replied.

Maddy puts her hand gently of Bucky's face and checks him... making sure his injuries aren't bad, her heart fluttered when he leaned into her hand.

"God I've missed you," Bucky smiled... grabbing her hand.

"The Bucky Barnes missed me?!" Maddy said acting surprised.

"Of course I've missed you!! You are my girl," Bucky smirked.

They both stared into each others eyes.... both getting caught up in the moment, they broke eye contact when they heard someone clear their throat...

Maddy snapped her head and saw Steve standing there.... and he didn't look too happy.

"Look who I found!" Maddy smiled.

Steve walked closer and saw Bucky.

"Bucky!" Steve smiled.

Bucky looked up at Steve... he looked completely stunned.

"Steve?" Bucky questioned.

"So glad you are okay!" Steve said.

"I thought you were smaller," Bucky laughed.

Maddy and Steve help Bucky down from the cage... Bucky gapes at both of their transformation, but mostly with Steve's transformed body... who was much taller.

"W-What happened to you?" Bucky asked.

"I joined the Army!" Steve smiled.

Maddy and Steve wrap their arms around Bucky and help carry his limp body down the corridor.... suddenly bombs start to go off.

"Did it hurt?" Bucky asked... looking from Maddy to Steve.

"Little bit," both Steve and Maddy said.

"Is it permanent?" Bucky asked.

"Ummm so far it is," Maddy laughed.

"Steve you are gonna get so many girls.... and will be falling to the ground to be with you," Bucky laughed.

"That may be true.... but I have my eyes on someone," Maddy winked at Bucky.

"Could you guys be any more disgusting? I think I just may throw up," Steve laughed.

"The heart wants what it wants.... Steve," Maddy shrugged with a huge smile on her face.

His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now