Chapter 153

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After Steve and Maddy grabbed the Pym particles....they walked down a busy hallway.

"Alright! Finally we can head back home," Maddy smiled.

Steve froze...grabbing Maddy and pulling her into a dark room. Feeling safe. Maddy sighed and walked around the room....but froze, as soon as she saw a picture of her and Steve.

"Uh, Steve?" Maddy asked.

Maddy looked around and saw Steve....looking through a one-sided window. On the other side stood Peggy Carter.

"Peggy?" Maddy whispered.

After a few moments of watching Steve stare at Peggy...Maddy pulled on his arm and dragged him out of the room.

Maddy and Steve leaned up against a military car.....watching Tony talk to Howard.

"Do you regret....flying that plane into the water?" Maddy asked.

"Sometimes. Do you?" Steve asked.

"No. I see it was supposed to happen, besides we wouldn't befriended so many people," Maddy smiled.

"Maybe. Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and stay with Peggy," Steve sighed.

"And leave me?" Maddy asked.

Steve grew quiet.

"And leave James? Not seeing your own nephew grow up?" Maddy asked.

Steve looked away....avoiding the conversation.

"Before Peggy died...she said her only regret was that we didn't get to live our lives... Don't do this! Don't ruin the time line because you want to be with her...There will always be another woman," Maddy said.

"I know! But she was the only woman....who liked me, before I was a super soldier," Steve whispered.

"Seeing her just brought up old feelings....I know you love her, I love her too! But we can't alter with time," Maddy sighed.

"I know," Steve replied.

Tony quickly walked up to them...with a smile on his face.

"Alright! Let's head back," Tony said.

Steve and Maddy nodded.


Everyone suddenly appeared....and recovered all the stones.

"Did we get them all?" Hulk asked.

"Your telling me this will actually work?" Rhodes asked.

Maddy looked around and realized someone was missing...someone rather close to her.

"Barton? Where's Nat?" Maddy asked.

Barton fell to his knees....quietly sobbing.

"No!" Maddy yelled, quickly turning on her feet and running away.

A few moments later Maddy was sitting on the dock...staring out at the lake, her feet dangling off the side. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying.

A group of foot steps walked up behind her....she turned around and saw Tony, Steve, Thor, Barton and Hulk.

"D-Do we know if she had any family?" Tony asked.

"We were her family," Maddy said, wiping away her tears.

"What? Are you guys crazy?" Thor asked.

"I just asked a question," Tony replied.

"Yeah! You're acting as if she's dead. Why are we acting like she's dead? We have the stones, right? As long as we have the stones, Cap....Maddy, we can bring her back, isn't that right? SO STOP THIS SHIT! We're the Avengers, get it together...all of you," Thor said.

"You don't-," Maddy replied but was cut off.

"We can't get her back!" Barton snapped.

"Wha-What?" Thor asked.

"Thor! It can't be undone. It just can't," Maddy growled, standing up.

Thor laughed.

"I'm sorry....You're rather cute when angry! No offense. You are very earthly being. Okay? We're talking about space magic. And 'can't' seems very definitive don't you think?" Thor asked.

"Look, I know that I'm way outside my paygrade here. But she still isn't here, is she?" Barton asked, looking at Thor.

"No, that's my point-," Thor said but was cut off.

"IT CAN'T BE UNDONE!" Maddy growled, walking up towards Thor....balling up her fists.

"The red floating guy said it can't be undone....maybe you should go talk to him. GO GRAB YOUR HAMMER, AND GO FLY AND TALK TO HIM!" Barton snapped.

Steve grabbed Maddy and pulled her into his chest...trying to calm her down. Nothing was working.

"It was supposed to be me! She sacrificed her life for that GODDAMN stone! She bet her life on it," Barton said.

Maddy pushed Steve away....walking over to a bench and ripped it up from the dock, throwing it across the lake. She started to breath heavily.

"She's not coming back.....she's not coming back," Maddy repeated.

"We have to make it worth it, for her! We have to," Hulk sighed.

"And we will," Steve spoke up.

Everyone started to walk away....except Steve, who was staring at his heartbroken sister.

"Maddy?" Steve asked.

"I-I can't take losing anyone else again," Maddy whispered.

"I know," Steve sighed.

"Losing everyone after Thanos .....did a number on me, and now I've just lost one of my best friends...I just can't," Maddy whispered, slowly walking away from Steve.

As Maddy walked away from Steve.... he sighed.

"I'm so sorry, Kiddo," Steve mumbled.

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