Chapter 71

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Maddy stood in front of window watching Doctors quickly work on Fury....

"Is he gonna make it?" Natasha asked rushing in the room.

"I-I don't know," Steve said.

"Tell me about the shooter... was it you know who?" Natasha asked.

"Yes! It was him! And it's my fault! Fury could die because of me! I should've ended him when I had the chance," Maddy yelled.

Maria Hill suddenly walked in the room...

"Ballistics?" Natasha asked.

"Three slugs, no rifling. Completely untraceable," Maria said.... staring at Maddy.

"Soviet made?" Natasha questioned.

"Yeah..." Maria mumbled.

Fury's state deteriorates... they all four watch in shock.

Maria glares at Maddy.... she rushes up to her.

"You should be on that table! Not him," Maria growled... Maria goes to put her hand on Maddy.

Maddy quickly grabs her arm and shoves her up against a wall.... punching it, scaring the life out of Maria.


"Maddy! Stop!" Steve said.

Maddy snapped her head towards Steve.

"Are you serious? You're gonna let her talk to me that way? Unbelievable!" Maddy snapped... tears forming quickly.

"Maddy come on...." Natasha said.

Maddy turned on her heels and rushed out of the room.... she couldn't believe that Steve didn't back her up.

Maddy walked through double doors.... Jasper Sitwell greeted her, who was part of the SHEILD strike team.

"Come on Miss Rogers, you are due back at the headquarters for questioning," Jasper smiled.

Maddy nodded.... and noticed two SHIELD agents standing behind him, Maddy turned her head and saw that Steve was just behind her.

"Are you two gonna be riding to...." Jasper said but was quickly cut off.

"Absolutely not!" Maddy replied.

"M-Maddy come on," Steve whispered low enough for Maddy to hear.

"Alright you heard the lady!" Jasper smirked.

Maddy walked along side the two agents, while Steve watched her walk away.... sudden sadness filled his eyes, he lost his best friend and now he was losing his sister.

His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now