Chapter 65

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                                One year later
                            Washington D.C.

Maddy sat on her bed with her knees pulled to her chest..... with her head resting on them, she stared out the window, watching the sun slowly begin to rise.

She heard a gentle knock on her door.

"Come in," she sighed.

The door slowly opened and Steve appeared, dressed in sweats and a grey shirt.

"Hey! I was going for a morning jog... wanna join?" Steve asked.

"Um.... yeah sure!" Maddy smiled, slowly climbing out of bed.

Maddy quickly threw on some clothes.... she walked towards her door but stopped, she turned on the balls of her heels and walked over to her bed and grabbed her journal and placed it under her bed.

"Hurry up!" Steve called out.

"Coming!" Maddy yelled back.

Maddy and Steve were running side by side.... they had ran 12 miles so far.

"Hey watch this," Steve smiled.

Suddenly Steve ran past her and started running up towards an African American man who was about 30 feet in front of them.

"On your left!" Steve said.

Maddy laughed and ran up to the guy....

"On your right!" She smiled.

Steve and Maddy quickly ran ahead of him and started running around again.... they quickly ran up to the man again, with huge smiles on their face.

"On your left!" Steve said.

"On your right," Maddy laughed.

"Uh-huh, on my left and right. Got it!" The man frowned.

Maddy and Steve go around once more and run up behind him again.

"Don't say it! Don't you say it!" The man yelled.

"On your left!" Steve smirked.

"On your right!" Maddy laughed.

"COME ON!" The man yelled.

Steve ran up ahead... while Maddy started to jog, she turned her head around and saw how upset the man was... he quickly stopped and walked over to a tree and sat up against it.

Maddy quickly jogged over to the man.

"You need a medic?" Maddy laughed.

The man laughed.

Suddenly Steve comes up being Maddy....

"I need a new set of lungs. Dude, you guys just ran like 13 miles in 30 minutes," The man replied.

"It was actually 14 but I'll let you have that," Maddy smiled.

"We would've ran more... but we got a late start," Steve said looking over at Maddy.

"Oh really? You guys should be ashamed of yourselves. You guys should take another lap..." The man paused, and looked between the two super soldiers.

"Did you guys just take it? I assumed you took it," The man continued.

"What unit you with?" Steve asked.

"58, Pararescue. But now I'm working down at the VA. Sam Wilson," Sam replied.

Steve gives Sam a hand and helps him up.

"Steve Rogers, and this is my sister Maddy Rogers," Steve said.

"I kind of put that together. Must have freaked you both out coming home after the whole defrosting thing," Sam replied.

"It takes some getting use to," Maddy shrugged.

"It was good meeting you, Sam," Steve smiled.

Maddy and Steve turned to walk away...

"It's the beds right?" Sam questioned.

"Excuse me?" Maddy said.

"The beds, it's too soft. When I was over there I'd sleep on the ground and use rocks for pillows like a cavemen. Now I'm home, lying in bed, and it's like...." Sam said but was cut off.

"Lying on a marshmallow. Feels like you're gonna sink right to the floor," Steve replied.

Sam smiled and nods.

"H-How long?" Maddy asked.

"Two tours. You both must miss the good old days, huh?" Sam asked.

"You could say that," Maddy sighed, her mind quickly wandered off thinking about Bucky.

"Well, things aren't so bad. Food's a whole lot better, we use to boil everything... no polio is good. Internet, is so very helpful. We've both been reading that a lot, trying to catch up," Steve said.

"Marvin Gaye, 1972, * Trouble man* soundtrack. Everything you've missed jammed into one album," Sam replied.

"I'll put that on the list," Steve said, pulling out a small notebook which was filled with things he wanted to see or hear.

Maddy quietly laughed.

"Well if you two are done bromancing.... I'm gonna head back home, Steve I'll see you later," Maddy sighed.

She quickly took of running before either of them could say anything.

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