Chapter 1

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An average height woman dressed in a military uniform whose hair was dirty blonde and blue eyes like the morning sky, she was standing next to a man who looked like a bag of bones.... skin was white as snow.

"Rogers, Steven" an Army Doctor called out.

The woman gently slapped the man, who was sitting down on a chair on the shoulder.

He folds the paper and jumps to his feet.

The woman walked up towards the Doctor... who was staring at her, he looked hungry. She rolled her eyes and smiled, she threw her head over her shoulder to see the frail man walking up to both her and the doctor.

"Maddy, stand down..." Steve whispered.

"Stand down? I'm no dog... Steven," Maddy smirked.

"Then don't embarrass me," Steve mumbled.

Maddy nodded.

All three walked towards a table... Steve slowly got on it.

"Miss, you can't be back here?" A Nurse said.

Maddy turned and looked the nurse up and down... and frowned.

The Nurse quickly dropped her head and ran off.

"Are you wife or girlfriend?" The Doctor asked.

Maddy snapped her head towards the direction of the Doctor..

"Neither.... I'm his sister," Maddy replied.

"Baby sister," Steve added.

"Oh I see!" The Doctor said.

The Doctor grabbed Steve's file... and scanned it quickly.

Steve and Maddy both watched anxiously.

"What did your father die of?" The Doctor questioned.

"Mustard gas," Steve said.

The Doctor turns towards Maddy, who simply nods.

"1918. He was in the 107th infantry... I was hoping to get assigned to them if..." Steve replied but was quickly cut off by the Doctor.

"And your mother?" The Doctor asked.

"Few years back, she was a nurse in the TB ward.... got hit, couldn't shake it," Steve replied.

Finally the Doctor shakes his head.

"They weren't weak, Doc.... they were fighters, just give him a chance," Maddy spoke up.

"Sorry son.... you'd be ineligible on your asthma alone," The Doctor sighed.

Maddy shook her head... she was completely disappointed, any man who is willing to enlist should be able to take the field... and stop this war.

"You can't do anything?" Maddy asked.

"I'm doing it... I'm saving his life," The Doctor said... looking over at Steve.

"BULLSHIT!!" Maddy yelled.

"Excuse me?" The Doctor questioned.

"Maddy....enough!!" Steve yelled.

Maddy looked at Steve with a surprised expression... she growled angrily and walked away.

She headed towards the door... her heels clicked against the tile. She heard men whistling for her.... and howling like dogs.

"Ugh.... such pigs," Maddy mumbled.


Steve and Maddy sat in front of a large screen..

"As Hitler's troops continue to ravage occupied Europe," The Announcer said on the screen.

Both Maddy and Steve watched intently.

"On the home front, enlistment center teem with the able bodied... eager  to help our allies," The Announcer continued....

"They're just tryin to get outa workin for a living!" A random jerk yelled... from in front of them.

Maddy noticed that Steve was no longer, looking at the screen.... but he was looking across the aisle, a middle aged Jewish couple looked somber.

"Jeez, play the cartoons already!!" The random jerk yelled again.

Maddy flinches.... Anger grew inside her.

Suddenly Steve turns leans over the seat..

"Can you keep it down, please," Steve whispered.

"Together with the allied forces, they march toward freedom and liberation for millions of grateful citizens," The Announcer Said.

"Let em clean up their own mess, those jerks!!" The jerk yelled out again.

Maddy leans over... fuming. She jabs the man in the shoulder. Hard.

"You want to shut up?!" Maddy growled.

The man slowly rises from his slumped position... he rises and rises, revealing a very large man. Taller then Maddy.... and Steve.

"Oh great," Maddy mumbled.

She turned towards Steve...

"It's okay... I can take him," Steve replied.

"You most definitely can not," Maddy whispered.

His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now