Chapter 14

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Maddy began to sweat.... she started feeling sick to her stomach, she turned her head and noticed Steve had lost his color.

"Steve, you okay?" She asked.

"What?! Oh yeah.... totally," Steve said.

Senator Brandt walks up to them both, with a huge unsettling smile.

"Nothing to it! You both just gotta sell a few bonds, bonds buy a few bullets... and bullets kill a few Nazis. BING! BANG! BOOM! You both are America's heroes," Senator Brandt smiled.

"Not how I pictured getting there," Maddy frowned.... looking down at her ridiculous outfit. She wore red boots and gloves and a blue top, with a red and white striped skirt.... a very short skirt....she had a blue helmet with a letter A on it.

"The Senator's got a lot of pull on the hill. Play ball with us, and soon you'll be leading your own platoon's in no time," a voice from behind them said.

Maddy felt a hand on her back... she turned around and saw a man, he was smiling.

"Have fun!" The man said, while pushing Maddy out on stage.

Maddy stumbles through the curtains, her feet practically fell out from underneath her... but luckily she kept her balance, moments later Steve joined her.

Maddy looks over her shoulder.... and sees the man who pushed her, giving her a thumbs up.

Suddenly a line of Dancing girls walk behind them...

"Whose strong and brave, here to save the American way!?" The girls shouted.

Maddy looks out into the small audience... she sighed and knew what had to be done.

She looked over at Steve and nodded... he looked down at his shield, that was given to him... and started to read off the card that was taped to it.

"Whose fighting to keep you safe at home?" Steve said.

Who both vow to fight like man for what's right, night and day?!" The girls shouted.

"It's the American Soldiers, that's who!" Maddy shouted... blowing a kiss out into the crowd.

"Who will campaign door to door for America? Carry the flag shore to shore for America? From Hoboken to Spokane, The Star Spangled Man and Woman with a plan," The girls shouted.


After touring many places and shouting the same lines.... they had finally made it to Italy.

Steve and Maddy discovered that they were given hero names.... Steve was called Captain America, and Maddy was called Miss America... both given the names by children, Maddy loved the thought of children idolizing her.

Maddy and Steve stood on stage...

"Okay....I'm going to need a volunteer," Steve replied.

"I already volunteered! How do you think I got here," A random GI yelled.

The crowd laughs.... Maddy and Steve stiff up.

"Bring out the girls!!" A familiar voice yelled.

"I think they only know one song, but....I'll see what they can do," Steve said.

"You do that sweetheart! Better yet.... why don't you leave her on stage," The voice yelled, pointing towards Maddy.

Hodge stands up and walks over to the guy who was shouting.... Maddy growled under her breath.

"Where do they get these guys?" Hodge asked.

Suddenly the crowd started to boo, Steve looked completely bewildered, but he was trying to keep in order.

"H-Hey guys, we're all on the same side..." Steve said but was cut off.

"Hey Captain sign this!" A random person said, while standing up.... and dropping his pants.

Maddy jumped off the stage and walked over to the guy who had his pants down.... she grabbed a marker out of her boot, and wrote her name in huge letters across his ass.... she stood back admiring her work and smiled before turning on her heels and jumping back on stage.

She turned around and saw a guy throw a tomato at Steve.... she stood in front of him, and grabbed the tomato and threw it back out into the crowd.

"A bunch of Animals! You all are! Your mothers would be ashamed of you all!" Maddy yelled.

Maddy grabbed Steve's hand and walked off stage.

His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now