Chapter 6

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Erskine pulls down an overhead microphone, he looks towards the booth.... he taps it a couple of times, gathering the attention of many people.... who were in the military, especially Peggy.

"Gentlemen... lady, this evening we do not take another step toward annhilation. Tonight we take first steps onto the path for piece," Erskine said.

"We will begin with a series of micro injections to the subject's major muscle groups," Howard said.

Howard and some assistants ready the machinery...

"The serum will cause immediate cellular change... in order to prevent uncontrolled growth, the subject will then be saturated with Vita rays," Erskine smiled.

Erskine quickly turns off the microphone and looks over at a nurse.... the nurse opens a case revealing a gleaming aluminum syringe.

Maddy's eyes widened.

The nurse taps the needle, pulls back the plunger.... and quickly injects Maddy in the arm. She winces... then relaxes.

"Oh, well that wasn't so bad," Maddy smiled.

"That was a tetanus shot," Erskine laughed.

A panel slides back, revealing a carousel of blue vials.....14 tubes of serum stand at the ready.

"What have I gotten myself in too," Maddy whispered.

Erskine and a nurse insert six vials into the injector... Erskine nods at a tech, who deploys the injection pads...Hundreds of tiny needle tips...

They closed over Maddy, pressing her to the table.

"Beginning serum infusion in five, four, three,," Erskine said.

He presses a switch... the injection pads click.

Maddy jerks as unseen needles deploy, the blue fluid slowly empties from the serum injectors.... Maddy's veins swell, her head begins to shake violently.

Erskine hits another button... padded restraints close in on Maddy's head, holding her still. Maddy's wide eyes begin to glow... with an intensely color of light blue.

Finally, the injectors vials empty completely.

"Now, Mr Stark," Erskine replied.

Stark pulls a lever... the table slowly tilts upright, Maddy quickly rises.

A hood lowers over Maddy's head, sealing her inside the vita chamber.

"Maddy, can you hear me?" Erskine asked.

"It's a little muffled... but yeah," Maddy replied.

"We shall proceed," Erskine smiled.

Stark throws a switch... his vita ray reactors come online.. Finally, Stark turns the power dial.

A piercing whine fills the room... on a huge gauge, the needle begins to climb... rapidly.

Maddy's face goes tense... she closed her eyes tight as the pain intensifies.

Maddy snaps her head back.... seizing.

"Maddy? MADDY?!" Erskine callee out.

Maddy opened her eyes and looked around.

"Wait.... no! Keep it going... it's working!" Maddy yelled.

There was a sudden bright light, then complete utter darkness...

Maddy sighed...

Suddenly the lights rise...

The hood and panel retract, releasing a blast of steam.

Once the steam cleared....

A new women was hanging in the straps.. she was magnificent, perfect... and completely sweaty.

Her head rests against her chest... eyes closed.

The technicians undo the straps... Maddy collapses into Erskine and Stark's arms... they both stumbled back.

"Maddy?" Howard asked.

"Doctor? D-Did it work?" Maddy breathed out.

"I think it did," Howard laughed.

"Yes! It worked!" Erskine smiled.

Peggy quickly walks in and hands Maddy some clothes....

"I can't believe it worked!" Peggy smiled.

"I feel so powerful... if it worked on me, then it could work on Steve!" Maddy smiled.

"Congratulations, Ms. Rogers.... you are now the very first super soldier," Howard said.

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