The sun was falling behind the horizon....Maddy opened the box that was given to her, she opened the container and moved it to her lips. Drinking every last drop. She shook her head in disgust, coughing a little bit. Maddy turned her body and noticed a large box placed in the corner of her hut....she smiled, remembering that T'Challa said that his family gifted her with something else.She opened the box which reveled a beautiful was long and laced, with puffy sleeves. Under the dress was a flower crown. Maddy picked up the dress...feeling how smooth it was.
Maddy quickly got undressed and placed the dress on, a few tears fell from her eyes...happy tears of course. She placed the flower crown on, and walked over towards the mirror.
"WOW!" A familiar voice said.
Maddy turned around and smiled....seeing her brother stand before her.
"You came!" Maddy replied.
"Of course! I couldn't miss my little sister and best friends wedding!" Steve smiled.
"Aw Steve," Maddy said, her voice cracking.
Steve sighed and walked towards her....pulling her in for a hug.
"I know I left....and I know you probably think I wouldn't come, but I'm here now," Steve replied.
"I wouldn't have been mad....if you couldn't have made it," Maddy sighed.
"I know! But as I said before all I want is for you to be happy....because that's all that matters to me," Steve smiled.
They pulled away....
"Now lets get you married!" Steve laughed.
Steve grabbed Maddy's hand and walked her outside of the hut... Her face lit up when she noticed her close friends were standing near Bucky.
"You brought them?" Maddy asked.
"Yes! They are our family," Steve smiled.
"They are....aren't they! But I don't see Tony or anyone from his team, beside Nat," Maddy sighed.
"I tried getting them out here...but Tony is still upset," Steve said.
"It's okay! I'm glad you got Nat out here," Maddy replied.
They walked towards Bucky....who looked like he was about to cry.
Steve handed Bucky, Maddy's hand....and placed a small kiss on her cheek.
"W-wow you look beautiful," Bucky smiled.
"Thank you! You look hot in your robes," Maddy smirked.
Everyone laughed.
"Alright! Do you wanna go first or do you want me?" Maddy asked.
"I'll go first! I have a lot to say," Bucky smirked.
Maddy watched as Bucky unfolded a piece of paper....and took a deep breath.
"Maddy Elizabeth Rogers....It is clear to me now that everything in my life has led me to you! I think back on all of my choices and consider even the very bad ones. If I had done even one thing differently, I might have never gotten you to become my wife... you are the person I wanna spend forever with! The person I wanna grown old with and maybe the person to have my future kids, I will love you forever and always. My darling Maddy! My super soldier! My everything!" Bucky smiled, gazing down at Maddy.
"James Buchanan Barnes.... I stand here before you, looking into your eyes, I see all of the things I fell in love with. As I stand here before you, my heart beating so strongly, I find myself so lost for the right words to say. A love like ours happens once in a lifetime. I promise you that I will do everything I can to show you the depths of my love for you....each and every day. I love the moment we are in now, but I am also excited for all that is ahead of us. I vow to soak it all in, to be present in our love and our life together. And when I get distracted, I will be thankful you are there to remind me that the most important thing in life are right in front of me, the same way I vow to do that for you! Thank you for marrying me. It is a thanks I will carry with me for the rest of my life. I love you today. I love you forever and always. My Bucky! My super soldier! My forever!" Maddy smiled, staring up at Bucky.
They turned and looked at the small crowd....everyone had tears in their eyes.
"Kiss the bride!" Steve cheered.
Maddy pulled Bucky in for a kiss, which was soft and sweet....filled with so much hope.
Everyone cheered, as they pulled away.
"I'm sorry I didn't get you a ring," Bucky whispered.
"I don't need a ring...I just want you," Maddy smiled.
"I'm gonna find you a ring! One you deserve," Bucky smirked.
Maddy and Bucky laid in their bed....holding each other, with large smiles on their faces.
"Wow! That was amazing," Bucky laughed.
"For someone with one arm, you sure know how to make a woman feel good," Maddy smirked.
"And I'll do it again," Bucky said.
Maddy laughed....tracing his abs with her finger.
" I never thought I would marry my best friend's little sister," Bucky replied.
"I never thought I'd marry my brother's best friends," Maddy smiled.
Bucky pulled Maddy closer....watching as her eyes grew heavy, and soon she fell asleep. Bucky soon fell asleep as well. Both holding each if it was the last time.

His Super Soldier // Bucky Barnes
FanfictionAnd in the end.... all he wanted was his Super Soldier.