It had been one year since Bucky and Maddy had gotten married....and everyday they fell more in love with one another.Maddy was peacefully sleeping while Bucky watched.
"Maddy....darling wake up!" Bucky whispered, placing wet kisses on his wife's face.
"No! Bucky! Ew!" Maddy whined, shoving him away.
"T'Challa is coming to see us! It's important," Bucky said.
"But I'm tired," Maddy frowned, sitting up rubbing her eyes.
"Come on....Little Sparrow, let's go feed the animals!" Bucky laughed.
"Um Little Sparrow? Why does my nickname have to be a bird?" Maddy asked, quickly getting dressed.
"Sparrow means joy...and you bring me so much joy!" Bucky smiled.
"And White wolf means wisdom and strong warrior, which of course I get....because you've been through so much," Maddy sighed.
Bucky grabbed Maddy's hand and lead her outside....she smiled when she saw all of the children playing with the animals, Maddy sat down on a square bale...watching Bucky work.
"Sir! Could you walk slower...I'm trying to watch," Maddy smiled.
Bucky shook his head and kept working...Maddy watched him feed the animals and then quickly start moving bags onto a cart. She pushed herself off the square bale and decided to help.....she roughly grabbed Bucky by the hair and placed a kiss on his cheek and quickly pulled his hair up into a bun.
Suddenly T'Challa and familiar woman who were accompanied by two Kings guard....slowly started to walk up to Bucky and Maddy.
Maddy turned and looked, she smiled when she noticed a case in T'Challa's hand..... happiness filled his eyes.
"Where's the fight?" Bucky asked.
T'Challa opened the case and reveled a vibranium arm.
"It's on its way," T'Challa said.
T'Challa and the woman placed the arm on Bucky....they all watched him check it out.
"Maddy, Steve is on his way...he's coming here," T'Challa smiled.
The Quinjet landed in front of them.....and in moments, Steve started walking off the ramp with Natasha, Bruce, Rhodey, Vision, Sam and Wanda.
"Seems like I'm always thanking you for something," Steve laughed, shaking T'Challa's hand.
Maddy pushed passed everyone and jumped into Steve's arms, practically knocking him over... Steve laughed wrapping his arms around her. They pulled away.
"You have a beard!" Maddy smiled.
Steve shook his head.
"So how big of an assault can we expect?" T'Challa asked.
"Uh, Sir....I think you expect quite a big assault," Banner sighed.
"How are we looking?" Natasha asked.
Maddy turned towards Natasha.....her eyes grew big, seeing Natasha with short hair and that was almost white.
"You will have my Kings guard, the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje and......" T'Challa said but was cut off.
" One semi-stable and One beautiful, 100 year old man and woman," Bucky spoke up, walking up towards Steve and Maddy.
Steve walked up to Bucky and pulled him into a hug.
"How's my brother-in-law?" Steve asked.
"Not bad! Even if the world is ending," Bucky smirked, looking over at Maddy.
Maddy walked over to Natasha and pulled her into a hug.
"How have you been?" Maddy asked.
"I'm doing great! I kicked an alien's ass....the other night," Natasha smiled.
"I'm jealous!" Maddy frowned.
"I know! Also're glowing, are you pregnant?" Natasha asked.
"No! I don't think," Maddy sighed.
"Let's all head inside!" T'Challa said.
Everyone nodded and started walking inside.....trying to come up with a plan.
Sorry about this chapter being so short, I actually re-wrote it like 4 times...I hope you all enjoy! Don't forget to vote! Love you all. <3

His Super Soldier // Bucky Barnes
FanfictionAnd in the end.... all he wanted was his Super Soldier.