Chapter 184

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They all started walking through a container yard..... following behind Sharon. Every once in a while Sharon would look over her shoulder.... giving Maddy a disturbed look.

This caught Zemo and Sam's attention.

"Is everything alright, Sharon?" Sam asked.

"Y-Yeah," Sharon said.

"Why do you keep looking at Maddy?" Sam asked.

"Uh no reason," Sharon replied.

They all stopped.

"I know for a fact that's a lie," Sam frowned.

Maddy looked at Sharon.... waiting for her to tell them, why she was acting so weird.

"Last night.... I went to Bucky's room, and Maddy opened the door..... and let's just say I saw her naked," Sharon said.

"Why did you go to Bucky's room?" Sam asked.

"Yes, Sharon.... why did you go to Bucky's room?" Maddy asked.

"I-I wanted to find out more about Steve's girlfriend..... and maybe I wanted him to comfort me," Sharon sighed.

"Anything else?" Maddy asked.

"I found out last night that Bucky and Maddy are married..... and she's pregnant," Sharon mumbled.

Sam laughed.

"We need to get a move on," Zemo said, ignoring the whole conversation that just happened.

They all continued to walk through the yard..... after a few turns they finally arrived.

"All right, he's in there," Sharon said.

Maddy looked up and saw four bold numbers painted on the door.

"Container four-two-six-one," Maddy replied.

"I'll keep an eye out while you guys go in and talk to Nagel," Sharon said.

"Are you able to handle keeping watch?" Maddy asked.

"Yes. Hurry! We're on borrowed time," Sharon replied.

Maddy, Sam, Zemo and Bucky walked into the pitch black container.

"Hey Sharon? You sure this is the right one?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. It's completely empty," Bucky said.

"Positive! It has to be," Sharon called out.

Suddenly Maddy heard music on the other side of the container, she walked up to the wall..... where she heard the music coming from.

"I think I got something," Maddy replied.

She pushed on the wall.... which then opened, revealing a secret passage.


They all walked in.... seeing a man sitting in a chair.

"Dr. Nagel?" Maddy asked.

The man jumped up....turning towards them.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Dr. Nagel asked.

Maddy took a step forward.

"We know you created the Super Soldier serum," Maddy said.

"GET OUT OF MY LAB! NOW!" Dr. Nagel ordered, raising his voice.

"HEY! Watch your tone," Sam frowned.

Zemo walked up.... standing next to Maddy.

"You know who he is, right?" Maddy asked.

Dr. Nagel stared at Zemo.... not moving a muscle.

"Let me refresh your memory! This is Baron Zemo," Maddy replied.

"You seem like a pretty smart you better become conversational real quick," Sam said.

"How about a counter proposal? Make me a better offer and then I'll talk," Dr. Nagel replied.

Suddenly Sharon's voice filled their ears.

"Uh.... we have company. Every Bounty Hunter in the city is here..... we gotta go, now!" Sharon said.

Maddy looked up the Dr. Nagel.... then looked over at Bucky, giving him a nod.

Bucky marched up towards Dr. Nagel, and roughly grabbed his arm.... pinning it behind him.

"Okay! OKAY! I was brought into HYDRA's Winter Soldier program to pick up their work after the five failed test subjects in Siberia. When HYDRA fell, I was recruited by the CIA..... they had blood samples from an American test subject with semi-stable traces of serum in their system. After much labor, I was able to isolate the necessary compounds in their blood. I was a god! I did what no other scientist since Erskine was able to do. But mine was going to be different! No clunky machine or jacked up skinny bodies. Mine was going to be subtle, optimized, perfect!" Dr. Nagel smirked.

"How have we never heard about this?" Maddy asked.

"Because....before I was able to complete my work, I turned to dust. Then when I returned, it was five years later.... program had been abandoned, so I came here! The Power Broker was more than happy to fund the recreation of my work," Dr. Nagel said.

"How many vials did you make?" Sam asked.

"Twenty," Dr. Nagel sighed.

Maddy and Bucky exchanged looks.

"But Karil Morgenthau stole those. I can only imagine what the Power Broker has planned for that poor girl," Dr. Nagel replied.

"Well, where's Karil now?" Sam asked.

"I don't know where she is," Dr. Nagel said.

All of a sudden gun shots were heard.

"A couple of days ago, she called and asked if I could help someone named Donya Madani....poor woman had tuberculosis. Typical of overpopulation in displacement camps like that," Dr. Nagel replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"What happened to her?" Maddy asked.

"Not my pig, and definitely not my farm," Dr. Nagel smirked.

Zemo walked around the lab..... trying to get closer to Dr. Nagel.

"Is there any more serum in this lab?" Zemo asked.

"No! I promise, you can search this place... if you'd like," Dr. Nagel replied.

"Now what?" Maddy asked.

"We are seriously out of time," Bucky sighed, grabbing Maddy by the arm.

Bucky and Maddy turned to leave.... until a gun shot went off, making them turn around.

Zemo had shot Dr. Nagel.

Killing him.

"What the hell did you do?!" Maddy yelled.

Zemo looked at Maddy and shrugged.

Bucky pulled Maddy's arm and dragged her out of the lab, with Sam and Zemo on their tail..... until Zemo disappeared of course.

His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now