Chapter 21

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Maddy, Steve and Bucky walk through the entrance of the camp..... Maddy looked around seeing huge smiles on everyone faces, everyone but General Phillips.

"General, some of these men need medical attention," Steve said.

General Phillips looks around, he nods and a team of medics quickly rushes towards the hurt men.

"I'd like to surrender myself for disciplinary actions," Steve replied... turning to look at Maddy.

"I as well, Sir," Maddy said.

"That won't be necessary," General Phillips frowned looking from Maddy and Steve.

"Sir, we," Steve said but was quickly cut off by General Phillips.

"Just how many orders do you both plan on disobeying, Captain....Ms. Rogers?" General Phillips questioned.

General Phillips locked eyes with Maddy... Maddy smiles.

"Yes, Sir," Maddy smiled.

General Phillips turns around facing Peggy... who quickly appeared from the crowd.

"Faith, huh?" General Phillips asked before walking away.

Maddy stands there awkwardly... she turns to look over at Steve, only to see him talking to Peggy.

"You're late!" Peggy smiled.

He quickly pulls out the Stark Transponder... which was shot to pieces.

"Sorry, couldn't call our ride," Steve smirked.

Suddenly everyone around Maddy started cheering for Captain America.... Maddy frowned. She started to get angry... she helped him with the rescue mission, and now he's getting all the credit.

She felt a hand on her shoulder, she turned to see Steve... Maddy pulled away from his touch, she looked around.

A nurse quickly rushed passed Maddy... bumping into her, she noticed the nurse walking over to Bucky....

"Where do you hurt?" The nurse asked Bucky.

"Everywhere," Bucky smiled.

Maddy growled under her breath... she quickly turned on her heels and walked away, completely ignoring Steve.


Maddy was sitting on her cot, looking at the locket Bucky had given her.... she frowned and slipped it into her pocket.

"Maddy are you okay?" A familiar voice said from behind her.

She threw her head over her shoulder to see who it was... she frowned when she noticed who it was.

"I'm doing just great, Captain," Maddy snarled.

"Are you upset about something?" Steve questioned walking closer to Maddy.

"Why would it matter, Steven?" Maddy said.

"Because you're my sister.... and I noticed something is bothering you, so please talk to me," Steve pleaded.

Maddy sighed, she ran her fingers through her hair.....

"I don't understand how everyone cheered for you.... when I was there too! I did just as much of the rescuing.... and not one person cheered for me," Maddy said.

"Maddy.... I'm sorry," Steve sighed... sitting down next to her.

"It's fine.... I guess," Maddy frowned.

His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now