Chapter 140

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"Okay, who here hasn't been to space?" Rocket asked, a smirked appearing on his face.

Maddy, Natasha, Steve and Rhodes raised their hand.

"Um...Why do you ask?" Maddy asked.

"Because you better not throw up on my ship," Rocket laughed.

"Approaching jump in 3.....2.....1!" Nebula said.

The spaceship quickly jumped into a colorful wormhole....Maddy's jaw dropped, mesmerized by the beautiful color. Steve grabbed her hand and squeezed it, she turned and saw how scared he looked...she smiled. Within a couple of moments the ship starts to slow down, quickly hovering a familiar planet that was seen on the hologram back at the Head Quarters.

"I'll head down for recon," Carol replied, flying in front of the ship.

"This is gonna work, Steve....Maddy!" Natasha smiled.

"I know it will," Steve said, turning to look at Maddy.

Maddy reached into her pocket...pulling out the familiar necklace that was given to her so long ago, she rubbed her thumb over the picture of Bucky and sighed...

"Maddy? You wanna stay on the ship?" Steve asked.

Maddy shoved the necklace back into her pocket, and placed a hand on her belly.

"No! I want to see this son of a bitch suffer! He's caused to much pain to everyone," Maddy frowned.

Steve turned to look back at Natasha...and sighed.

"If this doesn't work...I don't know what I'll do, I may lose her in the progress and she's all I have," Steve whispered.

"She won't leave us!" Natasha smiled, hope filled her eyes.

Steve nodded feeling a little better, knowing that she was right.

"No satellites! No ships! No armies! No ground defenses of any kind. It's just him," Carol said, appearing back in front of the ship.

"And that's enough!" Nebula growled.


Maddy, Steve, Rocket and Nebula walked up the stairs to the place where Thanos was staying....they walked in seeing that Thor had cut his hand off.

Maddy stared at Thanos....pure hate filled her eyes. Rocket walked past Steve and Maddy...and picked up the gauntlet, seeing that there were no stones.

"Oh no," Rocket said, turning around and showed everyone.

"Where are they?" Maddy asked.

"ANSWER THE QUESTION!" Carol ordered.

"The universe required correction. After that, the stones served no purpose, beyond temptation," Thanos said.

"YOU MURDERED TRILLIONS!" Maddy growled, punching Thanos hard in the face.

"Y-You should be grateful," Thanos smiled, looking down at her belly.

"Where are the stones?" Natasha asked.

"Gone! Reduced to atoms," Thanos smirked.

"You used them two days ago!" Maddy snapped.

"Careful princess...wouldn't want you to harm the baby with that temper. Besides I used the stones to destroy the stones. It early killed me. But the work is done. It always will be! Because I am.....inevitable," Thanos smirked.

"My father is many things. A liar is not one of them," Nebula sighed.

"Thank you, daughter! Perhaps I treated you too harshly," Thanos said.

Maddy lifted up her hand....calling Strom-breaker. Once it was in her hands, she raised it and sliced Thanos head clean off....his blood splattered onto her face.

"What.....did you do?" Rocket asked.

"I went for the head...because no one was gonna do it! And he called me princess!" Maddy snapped.

Maddy turned on her heels...looking at everyone, seeing how broken they were. She looked closer and saw a little fear in their eyes..... she slammed Storm-breaker into Thor's chest and walked away.

She knew there wasn't a way to bring those who dusted back...but she wasn't gonna give up.

Maddy walked up the ramp to the ship....and sat in her chair, placing a hand over her face. Trying so hard  to hold back the tears.

Suddenly there was a hand on her shoulder...she jumped, and looked up to see who it was.

"It's okay Little Rogers....I know you had to do it," Thor sighed.

"H-He took everything from me," Maddy whispered.

"Not everything," Thor said, pointing to her stomach.

She smiled a little knowing he was right....but what Thor didn't know was that Bucky was her everything and now that he is gone....their child would have to be her everything.

His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now