There was a thudding sound on the back of the SUV, Maddy turned her head and saw the man in black..... she poked her head through the window and frowned."What?" Steve asked.
"We have a problem.... well actually the same problem," Maddy sighed.
"Sam, we can't shake this guy," Steve said.
"Right behind you guys!" Sam replied.
Several police cars quickly start chasing the SUV.... Steve side swipes them, jerking Maddy around as she struggles to hold onto the side of the car.
Maddy looked ahead and noticed Bucky was now running in on-coming traffic, and in a split second so was the SUV.
"Are you trying to kill me?" Maddy asked.
"No, I'm trying to make sure the police don't get to Bucky," Steve smiled.
Maddy frowned and quickly averted her eyes back to Bucky.... her jaw dropped when she noticed how smoothly he grabbed a motorcycle and spins it in midair, tossing the rider off. Bucky jumped on the motorcycle and sped off....
"I must say.... that was very attractive," Maddy said.
"Ew! Gross! Maddy focus!" Steve groaned.
Maddy turned towards Steve and smirked, but it soon faded away when a loud explosion filled her ears. Steve and Maddy turned to face where the explosion was....rubble from the street above them started to fall, as the SUV started to get closer to the falling rubble, Steve started to swerve.
"Get ready to jump! otherwise this is gonna end very badly for the both of us!" Steve said.
Maddy nodded.
Steve drifted the SUV and leaped out....meanwhile Maddy was getting ready to leap, but her eyes caught the man in black running after Steve. Maddy jumped off the SUV and started to run, once she was inches from the man she tackled him....pulling him away.
"Maddy? Are you okay?" Steve asked.
"Y-Yeah!" Maddy groaned, holding the man down.
Armed police arrive and quickly started to surround them.
Rhodes leaped down from above and raised both of his hands....pointing them at Steve and Maddy.
"Oh shit," Maddy mumbled.
"Stand down, Now!" Rhodes ordered.
Maddy walked over towards Bucky and Steve and stood next to them.
"Congratulation, Cap.....Maddy. You both are criminals," Rhodes replied.
The police move in quickly and force Bucky to his knees, The man in black raises up his hands....Two cops move Steve and Maddy's arms behind their backs. The man in black retracts his claws and pulls off his mask...revealing a young, beautiful African America man.
"Your highness!" Rhodes said.
"Your highness? Wait! You are T'Challa, I'm sorry about your father," Maddy replied.
T'Challa nodded.
Maddy sat quietly between Steve and Sam, her mind was flooding with questions.
"So, you like cats?" Sam asked.
"Sam!" Steve said.
"What? Dude shows up dressed like a cat and you don't wanna know more?" Sam asked.
Maddy quickly shook her thoughts away and stared at the man in black.
"Y-Your's Vibranuim, right?" Maddy asked.
T'Challa moved his head, looking at Maddy...curious as to how she knows it.
"The Black Panther has been the protector of Wakanda for generations. A mantle, passed from warrior to warrior. And now, because your friend murdered my father, I also wear the mantle of king. So, I ask as both warrior and long do you think you can keep your friend safe from me?" T'Challa asked.
"Till my very last breath! And I know for a fact, my friend didn't kill your father," Maddy said.
"How are you so sure?"T'Challa asked.
"Because after SHIELD fell....I was with him, for a whole year," Maddy sighed.
"You shouldn't let love get in the way...because I will prove that he murdered my father," T'Challa frowned.
"You shouldn't let grief get in the way....because he didn't kill your father!" Maddy snapped.

His Super Soldier // Bucky Barnes
FanfictionAnd in the end.... all he wanted was his Super Soldier.