Maddy and Steve broke into the Smithsonian Museum.... they both walked towards the Captain America and Miss America exhibit."Why are we wearing these?" Maddy asked, quickly grabbing her old suit.
"Well, I didn't wanna wear what SHIELD made.... and I figured you didn't wanna wear black, or worse sweats," Steve said.
"I wouldn't have worn sweats," Maddy frowned.
Steve laughed.
They both quickly got dressed and rushed to the SHIELD headquarters where Sam and Maria were waiting for them.
They all four quietly sneak in.... trying to stay undetected.
Maddy softly knocked on the door... which was then opened by a very nervous tech guy.
Maria and Sam pull out their gun and point it towards him, he quickly moved out of the way.... letting them in.
"Excuse us!" Maddy yelled.
Every Tech that was sitting down was now standing up..... looking very nervous.
Maddy and Steve walked toward the table and hit the microphone button...
"Attention, all SHIELD agents. This is Maddy and Steve Rogers. You've all heard a lot about us over the last few days, and some of you were even ordered to hunt us down.... and capture me. But I think it's time you all know the truth. SHIELD is not what we thought it was, it's been taken over by HYDRA," Maddy announced... she quickly moved out of the way so that Steve could have a chance to speak.
Steve nodded.
"Alexander Pierce is their leader! The STRIKE team and insight crew are HYDRA as well. I don't know how many more, but I know they're in this building. They could be standing right next to you. They almost have what they want: absolute control. They shot Nick Fury and tried kidnapping my sister and it won't end there. If you launch those Helicarriers today, HYDRA will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way, unless we stop them!" Steve announced, turning to look at Maddy who was ready to finish the speech.
"We knkw we are asking a lot, but the price of freedom is high, it always has been, and it's a price we're willing to pay. And if we're the only ones, then so be it. But I'm willing to bet we aren't," Maddy said quickly finishing the speech.
"Did you both write that down and rehearse it? Or was it off the top of the both of y'all's head?" Sam asked.
Steve and Maddy both shrugged.
They all three quickly rush out of the room and made their way towards the Helicarriers..
"Okay! So there is three of us, and three of them.... I say we each take one," Maddy said.
"I agree!" Steve replied.
"What if we run into him?" Sam questioned.
"Then we'll take care of him," Maddy said.
"Hey! How do we know the good guys from the bad?" Sam asked.
Maddy laughed.
"If they're shooting at you, they're bad!" Steve said.
Sam takes off flying... while Maddy and Steve jump down onto the Helicarriers.
"Hey Sam! I have the perfect name for you!" Maddy said through the headset.
"Oh yeah! What's that?" Sam asked.
"Pigeon man!" Maddy laughed.
"Absolutely not!" Sam said.
"To late!" Maddy replied.
Maddy turned a corner... and HYDRA agents started shooting at her, she quickly jumped out of the way.
"Hey, Cap! I found those bad guys you were talking about," Sam said through the headset.
"Oh no! You don't say Sammy boy, I thought the men shooting at us were the good guys," Maddy frowned.
"You both okay?" Steve asked.
"Well considering we are dead yet, I'd say we are doing good," Maddy replied.
Maddy quickly ran to the edge of the Helicarrier and looked over.... noticing it was slowly lifting up in the air.
She turned around and saw a familiar face, one she couldn't forget.
"Bucky.... you don't have to do this!" Maddy said, seeing him lift up his gun... pointing it towards her direction.
"Pigeon man, status?" Maria asked.
"Engaging.... oh come on! Not you too," Sam replied.
Maria laughed.
"Alright! Cap, Miss.... I'm in, Bravo locked" Sam said.
"Shit!" Maddy spoke up.
Maddy quickly jumped out of the way, dodging the bullets that were flying towards her...
"Eight minutes! Maddy, Cap!" Maria said.
"Working on it!" Both Maddy and Steve yelled.
Maddy looked all around her and noticed 10 HYDRA agents closing in on her.... she sighed, and quickly shrugged.
"Maddy! Stand down.... we don't wanna hurt you," one of the agents said.
"And what if I don't?" Maddy smirked.
Suddenly Sam flew up behind her and started shooting at the agents...
"Go! I got this!" Sam smiled.
"Thank you Pigeon man!" Maddy laughed.
She quickly turned on her heels and took off running.
"Alpha locked!" Steve said.
"Alright! Two down, one to go!" Maria replied.

His Super Soldier // Bucky Barnes
FanfictionAnd in the end.... all he wanted was his Super Soldier.