Chapter 34

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Steve and Maddy quickly run towards another door.....

There was a huge rumble, causing the ground beneath them to shake..... Maddy gapes through the doorway, and see's a gigantic plane rolls past them.

"Uh Steve.... you might wanna see this," Maddy said.

Steve walked over to Maddy and looked through the window.... for a spilt second, Maddy saw the color from Steve's face drain.

"Looks like we have a plane to catch," Steve replied.

They quickly burst into the hanger.

The massive plane taxies down the runway.... both Maddy and Steve take off after it.

At the far end of the hanger.... a door suddenly opens, letting in a glare of daylight. Maddy and Steve continued to chase after the huge plane.... but the huge plane quickly picks up speed.

Maddy whips her head around.... hearing an engine move along side her and Steve, her face instantly lights up.... when she see's Peggy and General Phillips.

"Get in!" General Phillips ordered them.

They nodded and hopped in.

General Phillips quickly gains up on the plane, but the plane instantly widens the gap.... Maddy quickly looked around the car, looking for something that could possibly help them.

She spots a toggle switch on the dash.... she smiled.

"Hold on!" Maddy yelled and pushed the button.

They all four suddenly jerked back.... as the car picked up speed, quickly catching up to the plane.

"CLOSER!" Steve yelled.

General Phillips floors it. The car surges towards the propellers..... Maddy and Steve drop just as the propellers shave off the hood of the car.

Maddy looks over at Peggy.... they both exchanged worried looks.

"Hold it steady," Steve said.

Maddy quickly jumps from the car the huge plane tire..... she turns back to see Steve and Peggy kissing, a huge grin spreads across her face.

"ABOUT DAMN TIME!!" Maddy yelled out to them both....

They turned to look at her then to General Phillips, who had a disgusted look on his face.

Steve braced himself on the hood of the car, General Phillips pulls up closer to the plane... only inches away from the spinning tire.

"Oh I see how it is!" Maddy yelled.

"Well if you would have waited.. you wouldn't have made a huge jump like that," General Phillips smiled.

"Now General.... you know I don't wait around, I take action," Maddy laughed... holding her hand out for Steve to grab it.

His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now