"I must say.... it feels weird picking it up again. The legacy of that shield is so very complicated, to say the least," Maddy sighed.
Maddy ran her fingers on the shield.
"When Steve told me what he was planning, I didn't think either of us really understood what it was like for a woman to be handed the shield.... how could we?" Bucky asked.
"The younger generation need someone like me..... someone to look up too! Someone to protect them! I deserve this," Maddy said.
Bucky looked at her..... seeing how much she really meant those words.
"I owe you an apology..... I owe you a million apologies. I'm sorry Maddy," Bucky sighed.
Maddy looked up at the sky.... pretending to think about it if she should forgive him, she then looked back at him and smiled.
"I knew from the start we weren't gonna have a perfect relationship, but no relationship is perfect! We definitely aren't perfect.... but I do know one thing. I love you James Bucky Barnes, forever and always," Maddy said.
Bucky smiled.... his heart fluttered as those words flew off her mouth.
They both turned their heads when the noticed Sam was walking up towards them.
"You both realize Karli won't quit," Sam sighed, looking rather awkward.
"We'll call us when you have a lead, we'll be there! We are gonna head home and get the nursery ready.... and just relax," Bucky smiled.
"Right.... well just know this doesn't makes us a team," Sam replied.
"Oh totally not," Maddy laughed.
"Besides we aren't that good," Bucky said.
"Definitely not!" Sam smirked.
"We are professionals," Maddy said.
"Definitely," Sam replied.
"Would that make us partners?" Maddy asked.
"Mmm co-workers," Sam sighed.
"Why not the ultimate trio?" Maddy asked.
"I like it! But it's missing something," Sam said.
"The American Trio!" Bucky smiled.
"There we go!" Sam laughed.
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Maddy sat in the rocking chair and watched Bucky slowly build the crib.... She turned her head and looked down and noticed James placing books on a shelf.
She quickly stood up and stumbled forward.... feeling a little off, she walking into the living room and noticed someone sitting on the couch.
A familiar blonde headed man.
"Steve?" Maddy asked.
Steve turned around and smiled....
"Hey! How's it going?!" Steve asked.
"Uh well.... We are getting the nursery ready," Maddy said.
"Mind showing me?" Steve asked.
Maddy nodded and motioned for him to follow her.
They walked down the hallway and heard Bucky groan..... soon they walked into the room.
James quickly jumped to his feet and raced towards Steve.
"UNCLE STEVE!" James yelled.
"James! My goodness you've gotten big," Steve smiled.
"Steve! Great you're here! Help me with this crib," Bucky frowned.
"So by the look of the large black lettering on the wall.... I'm guessing I'm going to have a niece?" Steve asked.
"Yes," Maddy smiled.
"I see you've named her after mother," Steve said.
"Of course! I loved mother dearly," Maddy sighed.
"James... why don't you go play outside," Bucky replied.
James nodded and raced out of the room.
"So why are you really here?" Maddy asked.
"I saw what happened on the news, wanted to make sure Maddy was alright," Steve sighed.
"I'm fine," Maddy said.
"I was a fool for giving you that shield, I should've talked to the government first," Steve replied.
"Giving me that shield was probably the best thing ever! The younger generation needs me Steve," Maddy sighed.
"But now you are too pregnant! Maybe we should give it to someone else," Steve said.
"Who? Last time it was given to someone else.... They went crazy. And did you forget that I flew into outer space and kicked Thano's ass?" Maddy asked.
"Alright.... You've made a point," Steve replied.
Steve sat on the floor and helped Bucky build the crib....
"I'm keeping the shield," Maddy mumbled.
"That reminds me! On the couch I have something for you..... to match the shield," Steve smirked.