After fighting off many cops, Bucky breaks a banister and swings down it....Maddy turned around and waited for Steve, only to see him hurling a cop over his shoulder.Maddy leaped down the stairwell and catches onto a railing, she climbed over only to see Bucky smirking at her.
"You are in so much trouble," Maddy mumbled.
Suddenly Bucky climbed through a window and jumped up then started to run along a corridor and leaped off the balcony, he turned towards Maddy and waved.
"You have got to be kidding me," Maddy frowned.
"Are you coming?" Bucky asked.
"Y-Yeah! I guess," Maddy sighed.
Maddy climbed through the window, jumping up and grabbing onto the ledge....she pulled herself up and quickly started running along the corridor and leaped off the balcony. Crashing into Bucky's arms.
"You made that look very graceful," Maddy said.
"I've started to notice I'm very good at jumping from roof to roof," Bucky smiled.
"I hadn't noticed," Maddy laughed.
Suddenly a man dressed entirely in black tackled Bucky...knocking him down.
Maddy looked closer and noticed the man was dressed as a black cat...a Panther, perhaps.
The man started to attack Bucky with sweeping kicks and slashes, Bucky then started to fight back kicking the man into a wall.....The man swiped his claws and spun. gracefully. Bucky quickly moved back, avoiding him....
"BUCKY!" Maddy yelled, throwing him a metal bar.
Bucky grabbed it and held it up against the man...protecting himself.
Maddy looked around desperately.... but stopped when she saw a familiar shadow fly over her.
"Sam, southwest rooftop!" Steve ordered.
"Who the hell is the other guy, Maddy?" Sam asked.
"I don't know.... he came out of nowhere," Maddy said.
"Don't worry! We are about to find out," Steve replied.
All of a sudden a chopper flew over the building and started circling... Maddy looked up and knew things weren't gonna turn out good, and she was sure Tony and the rest of the team.... now knew what they were up too.
"Sam! Steve! I think Tony is gonna find out if he hasn't already," Maddy frowned.
"Don't worry, Maddy! We'll figure something out," Steve replied, jumping down beside his sister.
"Took you long enough! Now we should probably take care of that chopper," Maddy said.
Steve nodded.
"Sam!" Steve yelled.
"Got em!" Sam replied.
Sam flew down and shoved the chopper off course, then quickly makes his way towards the others.
Maddy and Steve turned facing Bucky and the man dressed in a Panther suit, they both watched as Bucky broke free and started running towards the edge of the building.
"Shall we?" Maddy asked.
"After you!" Steve said.
Maddy rushed towards the edge.... trying to reach Bucky, but was too slow.
"BUCKY!" Maddy called out.
"Go after him! I'll be behind you!" Steve replied.
Without even thinking Maddy jumped down the building.... and started running, she looked over her shoulder and noticed the man in black was catching up to her, she frowned....quickly picking up her feet.
Maddy looked up ahead and saw that Bucky had jumped down through an opening.... which led to an underpass. She sighed and then jumped down as well, trying her best to avoid by getting hit.
"BUCKY WAIT!" Maddy yelled.
Bucky moved his head as if he was going to turn around, but he didn't.
Maddy sighed.
"Maddy! Mystery man is catching up on you! You need to focus!" Steve said.
"I am focusing! Focusing on not getting hit by these god awful drivers," Maddy frowned.
"Right! Sorry! Well if I must say.... do you need a ride?" Steve asked, quickly pulling up in a black SUV.
"You stole another car?!" Maddy laughed.
"Maybe," Steve smiled.
"STAND DOWN! STAND DOWN!" The police yelled from behind.
"Either you get in or not!" Steve said.
Maddy nodded.... quickly climbing on the side of the car.

His Super Soldier // Bucky Barnes
FanfictionAnd in the end.... all he wanted was his Super Soldier.