Chapter 134

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The barrier opened....the creatures came flooding in.

"WAKANDA FOREVER!" T'Challa screamed, crossing his arms.

Maddy and Steve took off running, slaughtering the creatures that ran up to them....tearing their non-earth bodies apart. The blood splattered on Maddy's face, the blue liquid started making her feel sick.

"Oh this is just gross!" Maddy groaned, wiping away the blood.

Steve laughed.

"How much longer, Shuri?" T'Challa asked, talking through the earpiece.

"We've barely begun," Shuri sighed.

"You might wanna pick it up a little....because if I have to kill any more of these things, I just may throw up," Maddy said.

"I will try my best little sparrow," Shuri laughed.

"Little sparrow?" Steve asked.

Maddy turned and looked at Steve.....she rolled her eyes.

"Don't ask," Maddy replied.

"It's her pet name....that the village people gave her," Bucky said.

"How cute!" Natasha smirked.

"Little Rogers.....Human shield and Little sparrow," Sam laughed.

"Such wonderful pet names!" Bucky smiled.

"Would you guys stop! We have a world to save....from some wanna be alien thing," Maddy sighed.


After fighting for what seemed forever....the remaining Heroes and Wakandans were struggling to fight against the outer world creatures. Maddy turned to look at Bucky....watching him go down, one of the creatures pinned him down...its fangs snapping at his head.

Maddy raced towards Bucky.....tackling it, and quickly shooting it in the head. It squirmed and then died.

Bucky jumped up....pulling Maddy close to him and placed his lips on hers. 

"W-What was that for?" Maddy asked, pulling away.

"That was just very hot," Bucky smiled.

Maddy shook her head and laughed.

"There's too many of them!" Banner yelled.

Suddenly, a large beam of rainbow-hued light lands in the middle of the caught Maddy's eyes. She smiled, and raced to where Steve was. An ax flew out, wreathed with lightning and tearing through the creatures, freeing everyone that were trapped.

The ax flew back into the hands of its master's hand....the light beam, quickly disappeared. Reveling Thor....a tree looking thing and a raccoon.

"You guys are so screwed now!" Banner laughed.

"THOR!" Maddy called out.

Thor turned around...his face lit up, he raced towards Maddy and Steve.

"Little Rogers! Steve!" Thor smiled.

"Where have you been?" Maddy asked.

"I went home....and then my home was destroyed, and then my brother was murdered at the hands of Thanos," Thor frowned.

"L-Loki died?" Maddy asked.

"Y-Yes," Thor sighed.

"I'm so sorry," Maddy whispered.

They looked at one another....exchanging sad expressions.

"We can talk after! For now....we fight!" Thor said.

"Agreed!" Maddy replied.

Thor turned around....facing a large swarm of the creatures,  he smirked.

"BRING ME THANOS!" Thor yelled, racing towards the swarm...cutting their heads off.

"I want to use that!" Maddy smiled.

Steve laughed.

His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now