Chapter 56

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After killing half a dozen of Aliens.... Maddy leaned up against a smashed car, completely out of breath.

Maddy looked up at the portal.... only to see more Aliens fly out, she sighed softly... throwing herself off the car and jumping back into action.

"Um guys?!" Natasha called out.

Everyone turned and looked at her.... seeing her point up at the portal, they all frowned when the notice more giant aliens worms fly out.

"Alright! Call it Cap..... or Miss America," Tony replied.

"I'll take this! Until we can close that portal up there, we're gonna use containment. Barton, I want you on that roof.... eyes on everything, calm out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or to ash," Maddy ordered.

"Wanna give me a lift?!" Barton asked... turning to look at Tony.

"Right! Better clench up!" Tony laughed.

"Thor, you've gotta try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down! You've got the lighting.... light the bastards up!" Maddy continued looking at Thor.

Thor nodded, taking a few step backs and flew off.

"You, Me and Steve, stay here on the ground... keep the fighting here," Maddy said.

Steve put his hand up.... stopping Maddy from talking.

"I got this!" Steve smiled.

Steve turned towards Hulk.... a huge grin plastered across his face.

" And Hulk...... SMASH!" Steve ordered.

Maddy couldn't help but laugh a little.

They all took a step back and watched as Hulk leaped up into the sky, jumping from building to building.... snapping Aliens in half.


"Captain, Maddy, none of this is gonna mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal," Natasha sighed.... leaning up against a totaled car.

"Our biggest gun couldn't touch it," Steve said.

"Well, maybe it's not about the guns," Natasha replied.... pointing up towards the flying chariots.

"The scepter is the answer to all of this, we get the scepter.... than we can close the portal," Maddy spoke up.

"Exactly! Now we just have to get up there and close it, but who's gonna do it?" Natasha smirked.

"Nope! Not me.... this is all you," Maddy laughed.

"Oh come on! I'll be with you the whole time," Natasha smirked.

Maddy frowned...

"I think Steve needs me here.... I don't think he'll be able to handle all of this by himself," Maddy said.

"I can handle this! You go with her, but please be careful," Steve replied... placing a hand on Maddy's shoulder.

Maddy groaned... and quickly gave in.

"Oh alright!" Maddy said.

"Well our ride is on its way.... I just need a lift!" Natasha smiled, looking over at Steve.

Natasha backs up giving herself a running start, she held out her hand for Maddy to take... Steve lifts up his shield and angled it.

"Are you sure about this?" Steve asked.

"Oh yes! It's gonna be fun," Natasha replied... voice full of sarcasm.

Natasha runs at Steve with Maddy on her tail.... Natasha does a parkour move, using her feet to run up the car and jumps on Steve's shield... Maddy stood there completely speechless.

"You sure you don't need me here?" Maddy asked, slightly begging Steve to let her stay.

"No... I'm all good, Miss America," Steve smiled.

Maddy looked up and noticed Natasha was on the flying chariot.

"Maddy, I'm gonna swing around and pick you up.... be ready! I don't know how to stop this thing," Natasha said speaking through the headset.

"Step right up!" Steve laughed.

Maddy groaned.

"I truly hate you, Steven," Maddy said... forming a small smile.

"I'm sure you do, that smile however tells a different story," Steve smirked.

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