Chapter 123

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Maddy, Steve and the team rush towards the Quinjet. A fizzing stream of energy slices across...they all quickly stop and look up, they all frown when they noticed it was Vision.

"Captain Rogers! Ms. Rogers! I know you both believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good you both must surrender now," Vision sighed.

Maddy  noticed that Tony's team was gathering in front of  them.

"What do we do, Maddy?" Steve asked.

Maddy turned and looked at him....not understanding why he asked her...he was the one in charge.

"I-uh...we fight!" Maddy said.

Both teams stride towards each other....everyone had grim determination on their faces.

"Maddy! You make a run towards the Quinjet," Steve replied.

"I-I need to fight with you!" Maddy sighed.

"We'll be okay....You go!" Bucky smiled.

Maddy everyone started to fight one another, Maddy rushed around them. Trying her best to stay out of eye sight.

Suddenly Tony landed in front of her, taking his helmet off.

"Maddy! Please...I don't want to hurt you," Tony sighed.

Maddy looked at him, she looked in his eyes and noticed he met every word.

"I-I can't! You don't believe me...I know Bucky didn't do anything," Maddy said.

"Then you leave me no choice," Tony frowned.

Tony lifted up both of his hands....his blasters, quickly heating up.

Maddy grabbed him by his hands and flung him over her body....slamming him against the ground.

"You know damn well you can't hurt me!" Maddy growled.

"And to think...I was gonna help you have a future," Tony said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Maddy asked.

"It means! If you don't surrender...then say goodbye to your future of being a mother," Tony replied.

Maddy found herself on top of Tony, throwing punch after punch.....after a couple of more punches, she stood up and started running towards the Quinjet.

As Maddy started closer, she heard Lang talking about tearing himself in half.

"Am I hearing this right...Lang are you gonna tear yourself in half?" Maddy asked, talking through the ear piece.

"A-Are you sure about this, Scott?" Steve asked.

"I do it all the time! I mean a lab. Then I passed out. I'm the boss!" Lang said.

Maddy stopped running and turned around....wanting to see what Lang was gonna do.

All of a sudden Lang was huge....the size of a small building.

"WHOA!" Maddy smiled.

"I guess that's the signal!" Steve replied.

Maddy turned around and started to run again...she looked in the corner of her eye and saw Steve and Bucky running along side her.

"I saw you punching Tony," Steve said.

"He pissed me off," Maddy mumbled.

"W-why?" Steve asked.

"H-He went back on his word," Maddy sighed.

There was a sudden explosion.... they all three looked up and saw that the tower in front of them started to fall, they quickly pick up their feet and start running harder.

Maddy, Steve and Bucky throw themselves under the rumble....making it into the hanger.

Natasha stood in front of them...waiting.

"You both aren't gonna stop," Natasha sighed. 

" know we can't," Maddy said, shrugging her shoulders.

"I am so gonna regret this," Natasha mumbled....lifting up her hand and shooting behind them.

They all turned around and saw T'Challa falling to his knees.

"GO!" Natasha ordered.

The three of them rush towards the Quinjet....quickly loading up.

Steve sat in the front and flew the Quinjet while Bucky and Maddy sat behind him...both not saying a word.

His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now