chapter 45

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That's what I feel right now. But I know that it won't last forever. I woke up almost an hour ago in my empty bedroom. And for the past one hour, I have been staring at the ceiling like some puzzle I am trying to solve. My life is messed up. He is killing everyone like he is on a killing spree.

I was not able to do anything before and even now I am helpless. I could not do anything even if I want to. No matter how much I despise Britney but she didn't deserve this. I have seen his true self. I know what pain feels like. I just hope she gets some sense back into her and she runs far away from this place.

Then it clicked.
Is Anthony alright?
I completely forgot about him. I wish he dies but not at the hands of Lucifer or any of the other kings. I want him to live in his guilt. Lucifer was way too brutal with everyone. I don't want to see a distorted body of Anthony.

My train thoughts came to a halt when the door to my room creaked open and entered my biggest nightmare with a plate in his hands. He greeted me with a smile that had a lot of mirths hidden behind it. I sat up and supported my back against the head post. He placed the plate on my hand and sat on the bed.

My breathing picked up. My hands started shaking in fear. Lucifer always had this effect on me. I looked down at the plate resting on my hand. Can I eat it? Did he mix some kind of drugs in it? He must have noticed my displeasure and denial. He picked up the fork from the plate and waved it in front of my eyes. I was looking at him with a confused gaze. Slowly, he placed the fork in his mouth and chewed it. He placed the fork back on the pate and sighed.
You don't need to fear me, at least now. I won't do anything that will bring some trouble to my child.
He placed his hands on my stomach and said.
You can't blame me for fearing you. I have some valid reasons for that.
I replied. It was the first sentence that I spoke without stuttering in a while.
I know and I kind of enjoy the scared kitten view of yours. I would love to keep it that way but not right now. I want my child intact and if you tried anything stupid I promise that I will give you a thousand more reasons to fear me!

He spoke with a smirk. His threat lingering in the air suffocating me. I was looking at him in fear and anger. I know he was serious about every word he spoke. I gulped a big lump in my throat. He guided my hands towards the fork and wrapped my fingers around it. He made me stab the fork on the food with force more than required. It looked like he was making me stab someone's heart with a dagger. Just the mere thought of it made me gag.

I slowly chewed on the food. The food felt tasteless on my tongue.

The door opened again and Ada came again. I get to know about her name the same day when she declared my pregnancy. She looked at me and gave me a small smile. It feels so good to see someone smiling at me. A very few people do that. Usually, some people scowl at me and the rest do not even look at me in fear of Lucifer. I returned the smile with the same warmth.

Lucifer got up from his place and Ada replaced him.

She did some check-ups and threw a few colorful words at him making me giggle. At that moment, everything seemed normal. It lasted just for a moment but I enjoyed it.

Ada left leaving me alone drowning in my misery. Sometimes I envy her. She can freely roam around whereas I am trapped here. I envy her beautiful smile. I wish I could smile like that. Tears welled up in my eyes but I suppressed them. Showing Lucifer that I am weaker than he expected me to will do no good to me. It is better if I kept that fact within me.
I wanted you to see my art back in the living room.
He pouted like a five-year-old child who was denied chocolate. 
Don't worry, I haven't done anything yet. I will wait till tomorrow. I don't want you to miss it.
He bent down and smiled wickedly at me.

He tucked his head on my neck and not so lightly nibbled on it. I hissed in pain and tried to pry him off him but he didn't move an inch. I knew what was coming next. My body was not in a state to handle it. I couldn't. Tears started freely flowing from my eyes. His fangs grazed the soft skin of my neck and not so long after he started feasting on me. The moment his fangs dug into my skin, a shrill scream escaped my mouth.

I was a sobbing mess but he didn't seem to care. He continued feasting upon me. My head started spinning and I started seeing black dots dancing in front of my eyes. My throat felt dry and I closed my eyes. Soon, I embraced the peace again. I hope it lasts a bit longer than the last time.............

Bright sunlight coming from the window hit the side of my face. I slowly scrunched open my eyes and held my palm in front of my face blocking the sun rays. People out of this hellhole will see this morning full of happiness. They will see it as a new day of cheerfulness and opportunities. But for me, my case is different. For me, it is just another day of dread and painful memories. It is a new day full of malicious tricks and tortures. A lone escaped my side and I turned on my side. I laid on my side while the tears freely cascaded down my face. I am laying on my bed waiting for my doom to knock on the door of my life. Quite frankly, I am gonna accept it. I will be welcoming my doom because right now death is the only way out of here. I can never make it out of here with a baby inside of me. And there is no way in the cosmo I am killing it. There's no fault of this child. So why would he be punished?

The room was eerily silent when the door burst open. I went on high alert due to the sudden sound and grabbed a pillow. I held the pillow in front of me like a shield and hid my face behind it. The room fell silent again. Slowly, I rose my head a bit from the pillow and peeked from behind the pillow. My breaths were heavy and in panic. I saw Madelyn standing in the doorway with a pile of books in her hand. She was looking at me with shock, confusion, and pity. I don't want anyone's pity.

Seeing the intruder was Madelyn, I let out a deep sigh. All tensed up muscles in my body relaxed. I threw the pillow on the other side of the bed. I grabbed hold of the glass of the water on the nightstand and chugged on it. I cleared my throat and gave her a reassuring smile. She returned the same gentle gesture and sat on the bed near my foot. I folded my legs giving her space to keep the books down. She brought five books. But why?

I gave her a confused look.
These books are about this dimension in which we are captivated.
The confusion within me was multiplied by a hundred times.
But why did you bring this to me and how did you get those books?
She made a weird face and glared at me. She raised an eyebrow at me.
Really Sabrina? You were the one who asked for something which will help you to know more about this place so that you can find a way out of here.
She shrugged and continued.
As for the latter question, I was cleaning in the library where I saw these books and I remembered about our little escape plan. So here we are.
She said with a big grin. Then it clicked. Just a day before I get to know about my pregnancy, the day when I met Madelyn after a long time, I was the one who convinced her to help me. I told her to bring me something which will help is get out of here. The grin on her face clearly says that she was more than happy. But how can I break the little bubble of happiness she is living in?

How can I tell her that I am pregnant and now I don't want to leave?


My eyes welled up. I looked down at my lap.
You know, these bastards have captured a lot of people from Andromeda and they have made us their slaves. They treat us like shit. But when I told the others that you will help us and we can finally escape they all were so happy. You are an angel for all of us.
Her smile grew wider with every passing second. It broke my already broken heart. I am the only hope they have. But I have to kill the child if we all have to leave. That thought alone kills a part of my soul. I can kill a thousand men but not an innocent and helpless child. I am stuck in a dilemma. What should I do now?

It doesn't matter what I am gonna do. I know one thing for sure that I am not killing this child. My child. Our child. And that's when I said it.
We are not leaving Madelyn. I am not going anywhere.
I rose my head and my eyes locked with hers. The grin on her face faded and was replaced with something more serious and deadly. She fell silent for a few minutes. Confusion pooling her eyes. I only knew that it was the quiet before a deadly storm.............

Her voice filled with shock, disbelief, and anger. I nodded my head in response.

That's when the hell broke loose.............
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