chapter 76

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I was wailing on the bathroom floor when I heard footsteps and the sound of the door opening.
It was Lucifer. He called out my name ever so gently. His voice brought more tears to my eyes. I covered my mouth from my palm to prevent any kind of noise from coming out.

Not long after there was a knock on the bathroom door.
Are you in there?
Lucifer asked from behind the door. Quickly, I wiped the tears and fixed my hair a bit. I washed my face with cold water before answering the door. I opened the door with a smile.

His hand was raised mid-air as he was prepared to knock again. I gave him a tight-lipped smile. My emotions were all over the place. I was facing a storm within my heart. I tried so hard not to cry in front of him. I didn't want him to know that I know about his deeds.

I don't know what to do now. I feel like there's no hope for me. As if I have lost meaning. As if everything has lost meaning. I was staring at him. He seemed so innocent. His eyes were so pure, his face so angelic. But his thoughts, they were so vile. The thought that he is just overly obsessed with me tore my heart open. I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing.

Lucifer clicked his finger in front of my face. It was then I realized that I was in a trance. I zoned out everything he has been saying. My legs gave up and I was about to collide with the ground when two strong pairs of hands caught me midair. He dragged my almost lifeless body to bed and tugged me under the sheets.

I don't feel well. It is like my body is burning from inside.
I managed to croak out. His grip loosened a bit before he tightened it again.
You must be tired from the events.
Lucifer said in a monotone. No emotions were reflected from his statement at all.
I was tired but the burning started after chugging the drink you gave me.
I indirectly confronted Lucifer. A part of me was hoping that he will tell the truth and ask for my apology and then everything will go back to normal.

I gazed into his eyes searching for answers. His eyes glow maliciously red. His grip tightened further to the point it was hurting me. I winced a little.
Do not overthink anything. You are only tired and don't you dare skip the drinks. It is for your good. Trust me.
Lucifer lied to my face. Again. I felt a sharp pain shoot through my heart. It was just another stab from him.

I nodded my head and smiled lightly at him. Before anyone can speak anything else, there was a light knock on the door. It was so feeble that it was merely heard. Lucifer muttered a come in. Instead of opening the door, there was a light knock again.

We both looked at each other and creased our eyebrows in confusion. Why are they not opening the door? Lucifer stepped down from the bed and went to the door. The moment he opened the door two small figures hugged his legs. Lucifer's body stiffened a bit before letting out a hearty laugh.

Two of them spoke in unison. Lucifer turned around with both of them in his arms and closed the door behind him. Eligor and Adrian jumped from his embrace and ran up to me.

Did I forget to mention?

My baby, Eligor, is growing rapidly. Much faster than any other baby. He can walk, run and talk some broken words.

Eligor and Adrian lay on each of the sides with me in between them and hugged me. My mind felt at ease with the sight of my sons. Adrian was like my own child. There is no difference between him and Eligor.
Looks like these two bastards ditched me for you.
Lucifer said who was still standing near the door. I laughed a little at his remark.
That makes you a bastard's father!
I said. I can see his face turning sour on my remark. Lucifer snorted and left the room. All of us giggled at his behavior.

Shouldn't you both be sleeping? It's midnight!
I looked at them and asked. I put on a fake angry expression, which, these two laughed at.
You are not scary!
Adrian exclaimed.
Am I not?
I said playfully and started tickling them.

Tell me, am I not scary enough?
Adrian and Eligor laughed their asses off. These two are little bundles of joy. I hope they don't lose their innocence and childishness just like anyone else here. I don't want my children to learn evil.

I am facing turmoil right now. My husband lied to me and I can't do anything about it. No matter how much I want to not accept the fact but he is the devil's son. Both of them are related to Lucifer. I am more worried about Eligor, who was grinning at me. His cute chubby face lights up my day. His life has been in danger since the day he is born. I know very well why they are attacking him. They think he will be the second Lucifer, crueler and blood thirstier than anyone ever born. They hate me because I gave birth to him.

But my kid is not like that. He is so small.

I hugged both of them and lulled them to sleep. What should I do now?

My mind drifted back to all sorts of things. I started analyzing every single incident in the past ten months. Many things ticked me off. Why did Ace accept everything? Why did he take all the blame on him?

I was so helpless right now. I know Madelyn must be knowing everything but she has already sided with Lucifer. She will not tell me anything. I don't think I should visit now. Her screams were echoing in my head. I don't want to see her battered condition and feel more guilt than I am feeling right now. I will visit her later.

Isn't it ironic? How things change, how people change. What's funnier is that I don't remember whether Lucifer ever loved me or not. I believed every word he said and now I am questioning my existence. I don't know where to go and find answers. It is not a conscious decision to go and confront Lucifer directly. I have seen him shed blood. He never even flinch. He enjoys blood. He enjoys death, how bodies go lifeless in front of him.

I came to this conclusion long ago when that dickhead of a priest burned five girls and he watched it with twinkling eyes and a smile.

I don't think I will be able to find Ace. He must be in some kind of secluded area. I could not go and find him for answers. I exhaled loudly and looked down. Eligor and Adrian were sound asleep.

It is like I am stuck in a room with no windows and no doors. Not even a crack. I can not see anything. I can not do anything. I can not remember anything.

But there is one thing I know for sure if I don't have a way out then I have to make one by myself.

Then it struck my head. I guess there's one place where I can find something. Quietly, I jumped out of the bed and made my way out of the door not before tucking my kids safely in the bedsheets. I tried to be as silent as I could and scurried out of the room. I sucked in a breath and moved towards my destination.

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