chapter 18

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Adrenaline kicked in. No! I have to get out of here. Before he could reach me, I activated flight mode and ran as far and fast as I could. I heard screaming and shouting from behind.

I heard Lucifer threatening me that it won't end well for me. But the question is.....did I care?
No! Absolutely not!
I have lost what I lost but now I can't and won't let him destroy the last chunk of hope in my chest.

One day you will pay back Lucifer. One day you will feel the same pain as me!
Ignoring everything around me, I ran to nowhere.
One week later

I have been running for the past week. They all destroyed Andromeda. I saw the destruction from my own eyes but I can not do anything. I was afraid of being caught. What a coward I am!!!

I can't save my parents, I ran without my friends and Oscar, and now, I was unable to save my home. I feel disgusted by myself. The bruises which were given by Lucifer still hurts. The cuts and scrapes I got from running in the woods added more to the pain.

I lost count of how many demons tried attacking me. There was something weird about them. They all will bow down first and then attack me.

I am very grateful to myself that I packed a few things but they didn't last long. My clothes were torn from places and soaked in blood because of running and fighting from the demons.

I ran out of food supplies. You see my junk food treasure helped me a lot for the past few days. I have not seen a single normal being walking the streets of Andromeda. All seem and smelt foreign.

While walking through this dead town I came across a broken warehouse. Right now I am standing outside of it.
Some muffled noises can be heard from inside. I started to look for an alternate entrance inside the warehouse. Hopefully, I found a slightly open window. I pushed it more and sneaked through it.

It was a big open space like area. On my left was a grand staircase leading to the first floor. There were six rooms upstairs but all the lights were turned off. Either they are sleeping or roaming outside.

But there was a ray of light and noises were appearing from behind the staircase. I walked to the source. It is a basement kind of room whose door was left open.

I pushed the door further open. There was only a single light bulb hanging in front of the entrance showing another set of stairs going downwards. I sprinted through the stairs and switched on the lights. What I say shook me to my core!!!

I let out a loud gasp. Several cages were lining both sides of the room. The cages were occupied by the people of Andromeda. I can easily identify them because of my supernatural skills. All of them were tied with harnesses. Some of them were brutally beaten.

My head snapped towards the stairs when I heard someone's footsteps. It is impossible to hide here. I ran to the farthest corner where no light can reach and hid behind a cage. I know it was a stupid idea to hide behind a cage but I had no other option. And it's dark in here.

Who switched on the lights?
One of them yelled. The others just shrugged or mumbled a small no.

Then I heard a very familiar voice. A voice that sent a shiver down my spine. Please no...
I peeked from my hiding space to see him standing in all his glory. After destroying everything how can he be so calm?

What happened?
His voice boomed through the whole room.
All of them bowed down to Lucifer. He waved his hand dismissively and all of them went back to their sitting position. Suddenly, Lucifer's eyes snapped towards me and I quickly went back to my old hiding position.

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