chapter 7

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Madelyn P.O.V

I can't believe it. I knew Sabrina was a bit troublesome but I never thought she will pull such an act and that so with him.

I was shocked or surprised would be an understatement. I and my sister was standing beside each other while Sabrina was talking with her dad. Suddenly, mom approached us.
Maddie, please go and your father is. I need him right now. Tell it's urgent.

She was in a hurry. I quickly nodded my head and mouthed an okay. This building has seven floors and I don't know in which one he is. I decided to start with the topmost. I took the elevator. The ding sound indicated that I have reached my destination.

I opened the door to be met with an exceptionally good interior. This floor has rooms that looked like rooms booked for the guests downstairs. There was pin-drop silence on this floor. I don't think that dad would be here. But still, I checked all of them out of my own curiosity.

I wanted to visit this place earlier but I was never able too. This was the perfect moment to do so. I checked all the doors. Each of them was decorated with different chandeliers and silk curtains. This place screams royalty. Mr. Marano definitely has a great taste. He was the one who organized everything here.      

Now only two doors were left at the end of the corridor and then there were stairs. I opened the right side door but it was empty. It was like the adjacent room so I didn't bother to enter it. Then I went to the left side door. I touched the knob lightly but it was already open. Some noises can also be heard but they all were muffled.

I stick my ear to the door in order to make out the noises but no. It was useless! All I figured out of it that there was more than one person. Maybe a group of people is there. All men. I cracked the door open a bit and peeked through it. What I saw scared me to my core.

No, this is not true! He can't do this! Mr. Marano can not do this! But how can I deny what is in front of me! Why?!

Why he is supporting them? All of them did this! But what else could you expect from them?  What else could you expect from the devil and his allies?

All the kings of ten dimensions were there along with Mr. Marano. They killed the rest three! Brutally!
Their faces can't be made out. Someone clawed it. It looked like a wild animal who was kept hungry for several months were unleashed on their faces. The walls and the floor were covered in the splashes of blood.
That's what you wanted right? You got it! Now, it's time for you to fulfill the other part of the deal.

The devil spoke with a smirk on his face.
Now, that there is no other power in my way, everything is mine. It will be officially mine once you decide to take over Andromeda. I have to tell you that dealing with you was the best thing I ever did. You take all of them down and when everything is finished, I will get to rule in place of you.

Mr. Marano started to laugh like a maniac after finishing his statement.
Just a few more hours and then all will be over.

The man beside Lucifer spoke. They all started evilly laughing. I can't see his face as he was out of my sight.
I started backing away from that room. No!

Why did I open the room when I knew dad wasn't here? Why? I shouldn't have. I was slowly stepping backward which I bumped into a vase I did not know existed till now.
Oh crap!!
I heard some shuffling noises from inside the room. My mind went on alert. And the only thing I wanted and needed to do was RUN.

And that's what I did. One of them came out of the room screaming after me but I have already sprinted down two floors. Yup, I took the stairs. They were the nearest way to escape. I stopped for a second to see whether they are following or not. I saw a man watching me from the seventh floor.

He screamed. It was all I heard and it was enough to motivate my legs to move as fast as they can.
I need to tell this to someone.
They can't take us down like that. That is not fair. We are not even armed. But whom to tell? No one is gonna believe that the person who is a God-like figure to them is planning to sell all our lives just for power!

This is insane!

Jesus Christ! Whom should I tell all this? They are needed to stop. I reached the party which was blazing with people's laughter and music. Tears brimmed my eyes. I searched for everyone but no one was in sight. Mom, Dad, Mr., and Mrs. Hart, no one was is in sight. Where did they all go? Where is Mari?

Then I spotted her. I knew that she is capable of stopping it. I sprinted towards her with my now flushed face. She was talking to someone. I walked out closer. The person was Ace. He saw me from the corner of his eye and came towards me with open arms and hugged me. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. Ace and I talked rarely. We were just acquaintances.

I looked back at Sabrina and she was pissed. But I had a more important matter in hands than to solve the cat and dog fight here. I was looking at her when she was busy messing up with Ace.

I was busy with my own thoughts. Should I tell her? Will she believe me? What if she does not?

Ace went away and I had her whole attention. I was nervous and scared. But then I decided to tell her everything. The look on her face told me that she herself was rationalizing what incidents I just saw.

[I am not writing the whole conversation again as it is already done in the last chapter. Sorry, for the disturbance. Please continue]

Relief washed over my features when she said that she believes me.
But someone approached her.
Oh no! This is the same man who was watching me while I was sprinting through the stairs.
He said that Sabrina's parents are looking for. She decided to leave.

No, please don't go! Don't go, Sabrina!
I wanted to yell at her for not to leave me alone but nothing came out of my mouth. I was frozen from shock and...

She left.........

So you're the little bird who was eavesdropping. Huh?

Still, nothing came out of my mouth. Not even a single syllable. That's how I was. If Mari would have been in my place, she would have had a hand to hand combat with him. But it's me and I can't change it. Sometimes I pitied myself for it.

I was slightly shaking from fear. He smirked at that.
Now, you are coming with me like a good girl or you're gonna create trouble?

Who are you?

You will know very soon!
I don't know what to do. His voice and smirk emitted a dangerous vibe from him.

If you don't come then I will have to slaughter your parents and your twin. So, are you coming?

I knew one thing for sure that if they can kill one then they won't mind killing another which is why I agreed to him.

No, please! I saw your people! I will come with you but please let them go!

I almost sobbed but he wiped away my tears.
Dear Madelyn, we are at a party so don't create dramatic scenes.

How come he knows my name? But that not something of concern to me now as my loved ones were definitely more important than some psychopath knowing my name.  After saying he took hold of my hands we walked out of the party hall. The moment we exited, sadness consumed me and I broke down in tears completely.........

So I have decided! It's gonna be Madelyn's P.O.V this time and the next chapter will be of Lucifer. Hope you people like it!

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