chapter 27

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His touch gave me butterflies. At one moment I feel drawn towards him and the other moment I despise him.
It is absolutely correct. We are mates, you were made for me. It is obvious to fall in love. Isn't it what the prophecy meant? It has brought us together. For the first time, I liked something my father did.

The prophecy? What kind of prophecy? I stepped backward in confusion. What is he talking about?
What prophecy?
He gave me a look.

I really don't know about it. What is it?
I said with my voice laced with confusion. I figured out this much that somehow it is related to me. But I don't know anything about this.
You mean no one told you? Not even your parents?
He narrowed his eyes at me while speaking. I shook my head in negative.

Fine. Long story short, I was on a murder spree just a few centuries ago. You see, I don't have a sad past which made me like this. I am genuinely evil.
He shrugged at the statement and continued.

I annexed the witch kingdom and heaven who were allied to fight against me. There I saw a ridiculously beautiful woman named Kallista. I wanted her so I mated with her. But she committed suicide. Something which I am not guilty of.
Someone committed suicide because of him and he doesn't care about it. What I am talking about? He is the Devil. What else could you expect?

My father witnessed everything. I was about to put him in jail for eternity. Before I could gag him he just has to say the prophecy. He said that he is proud of me because I am a great ruler and warrior but I don't have a heart. So a girl will be born who will give me a heart. She will either be my weakness or my strength.
Wow! This is just a lot to take in. It was all about me and no one never told me. All of them knew about this but none of them opened their mouths. But why? Why they didn't want me to know? Why they hid this from me? Is this the reason, mom never wanted me to come to the party held a year before? I had so many questions and I am determined to know the answers.

If this is all about me, then how come I don't know it? Why no one never told me about this?
I said. He again gave me a look. Wait, there is more to it.

Why anyone will ever tell you?
He said with a duh tone.
What do you mean?
Now I am getting nervous. My stomach is tightening due to this. There is definitely more to this whole prophecy.
You mean you don't know? Oh, absolutely why they would have told you anything.
He said while chuckling. What he is talking about. I was getting frustrated.
Will you just cut the crap and be a little straightforward?
I snapped at him. His demeanor changed abruptly into a deadly one. He took a threatening step towards me and lifted my chin with his index finger.
If I am being nice to you it doesn't mean that you will start disrespecting me again. I will beat you into a pulp if you keep this attitude up!
He warned me and let go of my chin. He straightened his posture but was still glaring at me.

I gulped and looked down. I bit my lower lip. Suddenly, the floor became the most intriguing thing for me. He cleared his throat and continued.
They are not your real parents.
He said as a matter of fact. My head snapped upwards to meet his gaze. I gave him a " are you kidding me" look. In reply to it, he just shrugged.

I started to panic. What he is saying? This is not possible, right? For as much as I remember Emmy and Henry Hart are my parents. I don't trust him. He is lying. I can never accept it.
I don't trust you. Like how can I trust you? Especially on this one. You are saying the people whom I have called mom and dad are not my mom and dad.
I chuckled at his statement. Does he really think that I will ever believe him? Never in my life.

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