chapter 84

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I thought I lost consciousness but I guess I was wrong and so was everyone. It was like everything became black and then went back to normal. Everyone was looking at me wide-eyed as I started levitating in the air.

I was shocked. What is happening through my body? My skin started turning black and the veins popped up identical to that of Lucifer when he is angry. The only difference was that my veins were purple. A purple smoke was also emitting from my body which traveled up to the shining circle above my head.

I felt a sudden surge of power shoot through me. Adrenaline kicked in my body almost making it difficult to breathe in the beginning. Then the smoke stopped.

The circle was still there but the black clouds and trail of purple smoke disappeared. My body hit the hard ground with a thud. I felt hot everywhere. My nerves felt as they may burst any second.

I looked up at Lucifer who was grinning at me.
What do you want?
I yelled. My voice was deeper than usual. He is a psycho. I heard him chuckling at my question.
I just want you. All to myself. Forever. And there's only one way to do that.
Lucifer said.

He stopped mid-sentence and started walking towards me. I supported my body on my elbows and sat up as he approached me. He stood outside the circle.
To capture your soul.
My eyes became bigger than a saucer at his response. My heart skipped a beat or two.

Capture my soul? Is he planning to kill me? That's the way he can capture my soul! But Lucifer can't kill me!

I stuttered out. Lucifer chuckled again and gave me a smug look.
It is all your fault, darling. You pushed me! You never obeyed me so I tortured you to death. That didn't work. Then I made you forget everything but somehow you recalled every memory and now you are not obeying me again. I do not have any other choice, Sabrina.
Lucifer said and set a foot inside the circle.

I felt a sudden pang in my heart as if someone was stabbing my heart with a knife. With every single step, he took, the pain increased till the moment it became unbearable. I was choking on my saliva and coughing violently.
This is the only way to keep you with me forever.
Lucifer said and extended his hand to touch my face. His touch was so gentle that I almost leaned onto him. A tear escaped my eyes and Lucifer wiped it for me.

You don't have to do this!
I begged with tears in my eyes. Lucifer held my face in between his palms and wiped my tears. He pulled me in his arms and hugged me all the while rubbing my back. I cried even more with such sweet gestures of his. What is the meaning of this? Lucifer wants me dead and he wants me to be cool with it. He says he loves me and now he is ready to kill me.

I will suck all your powers from your body. If that happens, your body will automatically stop working and you will be dead within a few days. It will be alright. I will make it hurt less for your sake. Now, be good.
Lucifer cooed in my ears. Till now I already bawled my eyes out. I tried to push him away but my body was paralyzed in its place.

Lucifer started chanting something in my ear followed by others present on the scene. The pain heightened to its peak.

A purple light emitted from me illuminating the entire place which was followed by my screaming. It was like my body was collapsing from inside. Lucifer was still hugging me and chanting. The bright light was consumed by Lucifer. I was coughing blood as I felt the same power and confidence flow out of my body.

Lucifer's hold tightened around my body. He was squeezing me with all his strength. I heard him groaning in pain. It affected him so little whereas I was dying here.

Of course, it will. I am the one who is supposed to die here, not him. And all these men stood there. They knew everything and still stood like a statue. What kind of love is this?

Slowly, my body went lifeless. I was indeed dead. My years were dried up. I couldn't scream anymore. Is this my fate?

After several painful minutes, It all stopped abruptly. Lucifer let go of me and my body dropped dead on the ground. I was just staring at him. I couldn't move my body. I could not move my eyes. I can only look straight at the person in front of me as a lone tear escaped my eyes.

I hate you Lucifer! If I could speak right now then I will scream and tell you this. You deserve to rot! I regret that I couldn't make you rot!

Lucifer came by my side and gently stroked my face. He leaned down and kissed my forehead.
I love you, Sabrina. I will take care of you now. I will never hurt you. Your soul will be my most precious jewel.
Lucifer said and picked me up. He continued to stride down the path I and Samael came.

Lucifer took me inside the castle. Instead of taking me back to my room, he took me somewhere else. We crossed the whole castle and reached a cave. The cave illuminated on its own the moment we entered it. My body was paralyzed except for my eyes. It was the only body part I can use. The exit became closer.

A scary-looking tower came in front of my eyes

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A scary-looking tower came in front of my eyes. Several birds were flying over the tower. The cloud was completely dark. Maybe the cave was some sort of secret passage.

Lucifer carried me inside and placed me on a worn-out bed. Is this where I am supposed to die? I can do nothing but stare at the ceiling. My eyes shifted their gaze towards Lucifer. I saw his lips moving but couldn't hear a thing.

I guess it is a nice thing. He might manipulate me into believing him again if I would be able to hear him. At least, I am happy about that. My eyes were burning from all the crying but still, the tears never stopped. Lucifer brought his handkerchief to wipe away tears.

Can anyone stop this?

He didn't leave instead laid beside me on the bed. He turned my body to face him and pulled me closer to him. Lucifer wrapped his arms around my body and covered us with the blanket. It was not like I could feel the temperature. I could not feel anything.

My eyes were wide awake as he snored lightly. His warm breath hit my forehead. And just like that, new tears poured down my already hurting orbs.

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