chapter 23

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Finally, we reached the destination where he wanted to take me. My mouth was open seeing the view. Even in hell, he has beautiful places like this along with fire and darkness. I was admiring the view in awe.

Lucifer cleared his throat which brought me back to reality

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Lucifer cleared his throat which brought me back to reality. Then it hit me. Why did he bring me here? Why he is so sweet today?

He took hold of my hands and dragged me towards the table which was set for us both. The table was kept on a wooden platform. The whole place was lit with lanterns.

We both sat on the plush chair and his staring started. He was analyzing me from top to bottom. I felt so naked in front of his eyes. I nervously shifted on my seat and looked everywhere but at him. He suddenly intertwined our hands. A small smile crept on my face as it was the very first time he was being so gentle with me. His touch gives me butterflies. Maybe it was because of the certain kind of bond we share.

As much as I try to avoid him, I can't. Somehow I give up to him. And he knows that. He also knows how to take advantage of it.
Sabrina, I brought you here to talk about something which will benefit both you and me.

He finally broke the silence between us. I don't why but I have a very bad feeling about this. He was talking about a deal. A deal with the devil. A deal that has done no good to whoever signed it.

Marry me!

I was beyond shocked. How come marrying him will benefit me?
How come it will benefit me?
I played along with his words. I don't think there is any wrong in listening to him.

You will not have to bear more pain. All you need to do is give up and marry me. Just say the word 'yes'!
Does he really think that this pain matters me? My heart is broken into a million pieces. Can he join it back?

Pain doesn't matter to me. I will marry you and give up if you bring my parents back! I will do it if you bring everyone back whom you killed! If you change the past! Can you do that!?
I was screaming at the end of my statement. He was just looking at me in the eye. This pissed me off more than I already am.

How can you be so shameless after what you did?! How can it not affect you?! You killed everyone! You raped me! You made others rape me! And now you have the decency to ask me to marry you..... And wait! you were not asking! You were commanding me! How could you!? How dare you?!
I stood up from my chair. His eyes were blazing by now. He was breathing fire. One thing which he doesn't like is me talking back to him and here I am full-on yelling at him. What else could he expect me to do after what he did? He ruined me. He made me dirty. He made me feel disgusting about myself.

Lucifer too stood from his seat and grabbed the sheet which was spread on the table. He yanked it and threw it away which made all the cutlery fall down to the ground.

He then grabbed me by my waist and laid me on the table. He grabbed my legs and spread them wide. He stood on between them and choked me by my neck. I was screaming for help but no one came.
Let me go!
I was screaming at the top of my lungs. He tightened his hold on my neck with every passing second. I realized it was the end of me and I slowly closed my eyes.

I slowly opened my eyes. My head was aching and so was my neck. Then the realization hit me like a brick. I recalled all the events which took place between me and Lucifer. Everything was blurry.

After blinking a few times, the view became clear. I was in a small room that was illuminated by one small bulb hanging above my head. I tried moving my limbs but something was restricting me. I tried moving my head to the side but the condition was the same as my limbs.

I panicked and started yanking my arms and legs. Then I realized that I was naked and tied. Oh no! I have to get out of here. But how?

I was making plans in my head all the while trying to calm down when I heard some noise. It was more like a scream in agony. Soon enough the intensity of the scream increased. It increased to a level that I started screaming due to the pain that voice held. My eyes welled up instantly. My ears were hurting by now.

The voice died down as soon it came. I felt something trickling down my ears. After a few minutes, the screaming started again. This time it was much more painful and loud than the first one. This cycle continued for several hours. That's what I think.

I heard the door being opened and closed. It was followed by a click sound and the whole room illuminated. I squeezed my eyes shut due to sudden exposure to bright light.

After a while, my eyes adjusted to the bright light. Lucifer was standing in front of me in all his glory. Behind him, a few men were standing with their heads bowed down. The shirt which he was wearing was stained with blood. Blood?!

He unbuttoned the shirt and threw it on the ground. One of the men came and picked it up. NOw he was standing shirtless in front of me. His muscular body and tattoos were on display. He was drool-worthy.

He ordered his men to untie me and that's what they did. I landed on the ground with a thud. I looked up at him from my fallen position. Lucifer walked up to me with his hands in his pocket and a smirk on his face. He kept his foot on my right cheek and pushed it down with his utmost force. I started to scream at him. I applied force to the point where I felt that my skull will be broken at any moment.

Finally, he removed his foot. He grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled me up.
I want what I want. And I want you. And I will have you. I gave you a choice but it looks like you want it to be the hard way. Then fine! I will be enjoying it!

He threw a white robe at my face. His servants laid down an iron table and one chair. Lucifer forcefully pushed me on the chair.
You haven't eaten for quite a while. You must be hungry, right?
He flashed a big grin at me. I have a very bad feeling about this. He clapped his hand twice and a man dressed in white with a hat on his head entered the room. He was carrying a tray with him. He looked like a chef.

He came forward and kept the tray in front of me. It was covered with a lid. He opened the lid and kept it beside the tray. He left as soon as he came.

What is this?
I asked Lucifer while trying to contemplate what he is up to.
Your food!
He replied with utmost enthusiasm. What it is? Chicken? Maybe something else........
The"food" in front of me was purple, green, and yellow in color. I don't think it is edible.

I have some best chefs and they cook delicious meals. Their specialty is pet animals. I love it, you should try it too!
He said with the same enthusiastic tone.
Pet animals?
No, he didn't.........

No! You can't do this! How could you?!..........
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