chapter 78

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What are you doing?
His voice rang through my ears and my body shuddered in fear on its own. My hands which were on the bookshelf trying to hide the mess stooped midair. I felt my throat getting parched and my breath became uneven.

My shivering hands fell back to my sides. I heard the shutting of the door which was followed by heavy footsteps. I didn't dare to turn around and face him. He stood right behind me and grabbed my shoulders.

Lucifer bent to my ear and whispered.
Are you hiding something?
This statement was enough to send me overboard. I aggressively shook my head from side to side, denying his claim. With one swift movement, he turned me around and grabbed my chin in between his two fingers. Lucifer tilted my head up to his gaze. Our bodies were extremely close to each other, making me feel certain feelings that I should not be feeling right now. I don't know why my body loses control around him.

Lucifer asked again.
I mumbled in a soft voice and averted my gaze and focused them on my feet. His eyes are dangerous. They burn through my soul. I am afraid that he might find out if I gaze at them for a longer period.
Lucifer said with a smirk gracing his features.

Lucifer stroked my cheeks tenderly and tucked a strand of hair away.
Looks like you can't bear to part away even for a second.
Lucifer paused for a second before continuing again.
Are you trying to persuade me?
Lucifer bent his body to meet my gaze. I knitted my brows in confusion. What's he trying to say? Persuade him for what?

That's when the nuisance I said on the call rang in my head. I couldn't do anything but mentally bang my head against the wall. I nervously smiled at him and looked at him. His eyes were clouded my lust. Lucifer took a menacing step towards me and I backed against the bookshelf. Soon I was trapped in between Lucifer and bookshelf.

His one hand snaked around my waist and the other hand grabbed both of my hands and raised them above my head. I inhaled a sharp breath and shut my eyes. My other senses exacerbated the moment I closed my eyes. His lips landed on the nape of my neck. An unintentional moan escaped my lips. I can feel his smirk against my skin. He was enjoying this. He was enjoying me.

His lips started moving down to my cleavage. Lucifer's hand around my waist was the only thing holding me upright otherwise I would have melted in a puddle.
Say that you want me.
He whispered against my skin. His hand moved closer to my sacred part. Lucifer gently rubbed the already throbbing area. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out.

Lucifer's chuckle rang through the ears.
I am taking that as a yes.
With this, he lifted me by my waist and carried me to the couch. Lucifer laid me on the couch, not so gently. Finally, I opened my eyes. My vision was a bit blurry. I saw Lucifer unbuttoning his shirt. And then it struck me. The key.

I need to hide it. Soon!

My body felt so limp. There was a strong throbbing in certain areas. The moment I tried to turn on my side I was pulled back by Lucifer. He gave .e a hard glare as if warning me of the consequences.

I am so dead. What did I get myself into??

Lucifer lifted my right leg and placed himself in between my legs. With one swift movement, my nightgown was gone from my body and I was laying in my undergarments. He leaned down and started nibbling on my neck. His hand reached towards the strap of my bra.

My heart was beating so loudly. What will happen to me if he finds out?

I scrunched my eyes shut in anticipation but nothing happened. A low growl can be heard. Shit! I am done! Slowly, I opened an eye to look at him.

He was looking at me. Lucifer's hand was still holding the bra strap which was not pulled down yet. Instead, he was growling at the person standing at the door. When did the door open? I didn't hear anything. I turned my head to get a better view of the person standing at the door.

Guess who?


And I was never so embarrassed in my life. He had an unusual expression on his face with his phone pressed on his ear. Lucifer got up from me and covered my body with his shirt.

I turned my head to the other side. This was the perfect timing. I guess luck is on my side today. I took out the keys and hid them inside the couch. Once satisfied, I turned to look at them again.
I was calling you and you are here!
Samael said and put his phone inside his pocket. Lucifer was only in his boxers and I was drooling over his godly physique.

I shook those thoughts away and focused back on the conversation.
And you barged in without knocking!
Lucifer talked back.
I came to check up on her. I didn't know you were back.
Samael pointed his finger at me without even glancing at me. It was not like I was disappointed. I don't know him much but I have heard the stories of his bloodthirst.

But out of every single person I have encountered and remembered here, Samael is the one who never looked at me with skeptical or lustful eyes. Maybe he knew I belonged to his brother or whatever the reason was but I know he will not kill me if I am left alone with him. The most Samael would do is threaten me. This is why Lucifer trusts him around me.

Close the door behind you.
Lucifer said in a calm tone and started walking back towards me.
Samael said and closed the door behind him.

Are you okay?
Lucifer asked me. I, who was quite looking at their chilled conversation in astonishment felt a little weird.
Yeah, just a bit awkward.
I answered his question truthfully. Lucifer sat by my feet and took them in his lap. He started massaging my feet. It felt so good. I leaned back on the sofa and closed my eyes in delight. I didn't know till now that my feet were hurting so much.

There's nothing to be awkward about. You are the only woman I have not shared with him.
Lucifer exclaimed as a matter of fact. My eyes snapped open on his remarkable statement. I was looking at him with wide eyes.
Why are you looking at me like that? Don't you know it is common to share women in between elites? It is a sign of harmony.
Lucifer continued.

I couldn't stop myself anymore and spoke out.
What if it is against their will?
I asked Lucifer skeptically.
Women in the elite world don't hold will or opinions.
Lucifer spoke again in a calm tone as if it was so normal for them to toss around women on different beds.
But it's wrong. I mean, how could you people do this to women?
I questioned in a slightly higher octave.

Lucifer stopped foot massaging me and looked at me with cold eyes. Suddenly, he pressed a point on my left feet and a sharp pain shot through my neck. I groaned in pain and held the hurting area.
You see, women are weak. They get hurt with such a little move. They are dependent on us. They need us. So, just for their own sake, they must obey us and our every command. It is a simple rule of nature. You must follow it too. Now, show me where it is hurting.
Lucifer said in an authoritative tone.

I moved my neck to the and left and pointed to the area where it was hurting. Lucifer let go of my feet and straddled my waist. He started planting kisses on the area which was now numb.
Will you treat me like other women?
This question escaped oast my lips. I never wanted to ask this because I never wanted to know the answer to this question but still, it left my mouth. Lucifer stopped his movement and stared at me with creased eyebrows.

He held my face tenderly in between my palms and joined our foreheads. I closed my eyes not wanting to look at him during such a critical moment.
Never till the day you force me to.
He said.

He will! He will throw me away if I don't obey him! If I try to put my wishes first, he will allow another person to fuck me in front of him! This thought made me cry out even more.

But that day will never come, right? You will always obey me, right Selene?
Lucifer said menacingly in my ear. His hold tightened around my body and my breath hitched in my throat.
Say it!
Lucifer said through gritted teeth.
Yes, I will!
I said in a meek tone. My voice was barely audible to anyone but him.
Lucifer was satisfied with my answer.
Now, where were we?
Lucifer continued and commenced his magic on my body.

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