chapter 5

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All the neck snapped toward me including my parents. They exchanged glances and their face was filled with horror.......
I am in for some deep shit.......

Now, what should I do?
Think Sabrina! And think fast!
I remember mom's words. Put up a strong front even if you are about to piss your pants. Don't let them see your fears.
I repeated those words in my mind again and again.
I crossed my arms in front of me and stood my ground.

How about a big NO!!
I shouted loud enough for everyone to hear. There were some loud gasps from the people surrounding me. Even the twin sisters were looking at me as I was some extinct creature.

I saw mom smirking from the corner of my eye. She always liked the badass side of me. I got that from her. My father was a rational being whereas my mom was always the hot-headed one.

The man raised his one eyebrow and then his orbs grew red. A sudden heat surrounded me and within the next few flashes, I was in front of this man.

Now I realized that this person is exactly or more than a foot taller than me. I have to crane my neck to look at him. Whatever force brought me to him, it made me lose my balance a bit.
I was about to fall head down the first but two strong muscled and tattooed hands saved me from almost making myself look like a squashed watermelon.

I will thank him later but now it is the time for being a badass bitch.......

I jerked his arms off me. He seemed to be taken back by my attitude.
I like being first.
BURN!!!! Mr. Special!

I stood in front of me and interlocked our eyes. And man that scared me. His eyes were changing color. He took hold of my chin and moved my head to and fro. It looked like he was inspecting as I was some object.

I slapped his hands away.
Back off, dumbass!!
The men behind him chuckled but one look from Mr. Special and they covered it with a cough. 
He started to inspect me again. I was blazing in fury. How can someone be this irritating? Didn't he understand by me slapping his hands that I don't like him touching me?

I slapped his hands again to show my protest but he caught my hand with his free one.
You surely are a different thing, huh?
He tugged on my hand gently and pulled me closer. I must be out of my mind because his voice was like music to my ears and his embrace gave me butterflies. I know my butterflies are becoming restless because they sense the upcoming trouble.

He started caressing the side of my face. I don't like his gestures. All men are like him and I don't give a fuck about them. I gave him a tight-lipped smile and strongly pinched his hand which was caressing my face. He hissed in pain and quickly withdrew it.

He looked at me with deadly eyes. I put my hand on my chest and pretended to be scared and sent him a playful wink.
I am enjoying pissing him off.

Soon enough dad came by side. He bowed his head down in front of him. I didn't like it.

Apologies, sire!!! She is a child. I hope you understand.
The man gave a curt nod and walked away. But not before glaring at me. I waved my hand at him and mouthed an I hate you. He smirked at me in return.

Dad released a sigh of relief before turning towards me.
Do you even know who he is?

A man? A jerk and a total asshole? Didn't you see how he smirked at me?

I complained while pointing at the direction where he goes.

No, Sabrina, he was not any of the options you gave me. He is Lucifer. The most powerful being. Nobody plays with him especially you!

Dad whispered his name with such emphasis that at one point he seemed really important. Good, now his name will be Mr. VIP instead of Mr. Special. This name is better, isn't it?

If he is this special then I should mess with him more. I am like this only. The more you tell me not to do something the more motivated I get to do it. 
I am a chaos seeker!
God, I can see my subconscious growing horns and tails and big black wings just like the devil.

The devil?
Did just said that his name is Lucifer?

Reality washed over me. I looked at dad who was staring at me trying to interpret my next move.
As in the real devil?
I was shocked. I just met the real Devil and I slapped him twice. And he didn't turn me to ashes.

Yes, sweet. So do not go messing around me. I and mom have to go somewhere. We will be back in a while. Till then as far as you can from him.

Okay, Daddy.

I know what hides behind this innocent face of yours. C'mon now, promise me.

I groaned. He always knows what I am up to. I was literally going to give rise to big drama but now that is not the case.

I promise.
With this dad left. Now, what should I do? I started to search for someone I knew as I was standing all alone.

Attention everyone!!!!!
It was the voice of Anthony Marano. Father of Britney bitch Marano. And also one of the four lords of Andromeda.

Britney was standing beside him in all her fake glory. No matter what she was beautiful. If she wouldn't have been a bitch to me we could have been good friends.

First of all, I would like to welcome all of you on this beautiful evening

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First of all, I would like to welcome all of you on this beautiful evening. I on the behalf of the whole Andromeda would like to thank you all for coming here. We are very grateful and we hope that after this evening Andromeda and the rest of the cosmo will share better relations. So, enjoy your fullest.

We all cheered and clapped. Mr.marano stepped down from the stage. So this is the grand party all about. Hmmm.

After his speech was over, I continued my search operation. While doing so, I accidentally bumped into someone. I turned around to apologize when I saw a familiar face. My face lit up brighter than the chandeliers hanging in the hall. I have never been this happy in my life when I saw this person in front of me.

You are back.......
I said with a toothy smile on my face.

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