chapter 80

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It burns!!

I was standing in the middle of the fucking hellfire. These freaking demons! How can they supposedly want me to walk through it? I was not even halfway through it. I merely walked a few steps and my skin was already burning.

My body slumped to the ground as another shriek rang through the arena. I kneeled with my hands flat against the fiery ground. I could feel the skin of my palm melting.

This is it!

This is the end of me!

And I was happy!

My hurting heart got the best of me as a smile crept up my lips. I looked up towards Lucifer with teary eyes. And then something happened!

My eyes widened in fear as all the dark silhouettes from my dream became clearer to me. They were right in front of my eyes. I recalled every single memory which was erased from my brain. My body was still burning but the pain in my heart was nothing compared to it. It exceeded any other pain.

It was him!

It was Lucifer who made me forget everything! It was him who tortured me to death only to bring me back and repeat the process. He lied to me all along. I was staring at him.

I didn't realize when the burning stopped and I was surrounded by flames which covered me like a blanket. Instead of burning it was now comforting me. Then it happened. I felt a shiver run down my spine. Suddenly, my body started levitating on its own. I could feel a power surge through my body. I felt strong. Very strong.

And then out of nowhere, I landed on the ground with a thud. The cheering stopped all of a sudden. I rose to my feet and held my head high with confidence. The crowd gasped. I don't know what was so surprising to them but I was loving it. I started walking through the hellfire.

 I started walking through the hellfire

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The fire burned my clothes. A thread after the other. It continued till I was completely nude and was covered with fire. I looked at my hands. My skin was glowing the same color as the hellfire and black smoke was emitting from the palms of my hands.

I crossed the hellfire without any difficulty at all. The moment I stepped out of it and set a foot on the ground, the hellfire was absorbed by my body. I was glad that I was not naked anymore. The moment hellfire was absorbed, a set of clothes appeared on my body.

A mirror was placed in front of me. I gasped in shock after looking at my reflection. Is it me? Is that how I look now?

It was just not me who looked surprised. Everyone in the arena was giving me an unusual look. The looks were followed by a gasp. I looked up at Lucifer to see him looking at me with curiosity.

I looked back at the mirror and touched my reflection. It was me!

 It was me!

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