chapter 35

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It was dark. Everything was dark.

I slowly squinted my eyes open. It took me a few seconds to recognize where I am and when I did I regretted opening my eyes. I was hanging in the air and thankfully I was still wearing my clothes. My hands were tied together and attached to a metal hook which was connected to the ceiling of the cemented room. My legs were dangling in the air, trying to reach out to the surface. With every failed attempt made by my legs, a sharp pain shot through my hands.

The room was excessively hot. Sweat beads formed on my forehead. My long blonde hairs were nothing but trouble for me. They were scattered all over my face and neck. My hands were hurting. Ignoring all the pain, I tried pulling myself down, again. My toes made contact with some kind of fluid that made me retreat my legs instantly. I let out a small shriek. There was a burning sensation on my toes.

I bend my head to look down.
Oh. My. God.
I was hanging in the air. I became aware of the fact when I came back to consciousness. But there was something which I was not aware of.

Right beneath my hanging body was a big pit of lava and I just stepped on it. This was the reason why this room was so hot. The good thing was that it was not boiling. The lava was stable but I better not touch it. 

I let out a deep sigh. I know Lucifer did this to me. Now all I could do is wait for him to come. I was damn sure that he will never go easy on me. The body of that woman was still in my mind. It's not like that I have myself never killed anyone. I am young but I have killed people. That's just a part of my work. I was not completely trained. I gave them an easy death. I never made them suffer. But the way Lucifer kills has made me question my sanity. I want to hate him but I can not manage to do so. I know he is gonna almost kill me today but still, if I will be alive to breathe the other day, I know I will go back to him.

Seconds turned to minutes and minutes to hours. I was feeling tired and wanted to sleep but the pain in my arms restricted it. After another few hours, my arms went numb. I can not feel them. I was drowning in my misery when I heard the creaking sound of the door. 

The door opened to reveal the devil himself. As always, he was shining in all his glory. His perfectly sculpted face never failed to send me in a trance. I always felt so nervous around him. The devil was once an angel. This sentence suits him perfectly. Whoever will see him for the first time will never be able to accept the fact that this person is another name of evil.

He was wearing a black shirt with matching black pants and a silver coat. He took small yet dangerous steps towards me. He was looking like a hungry predator walking towards its prey. His eyes were blazing in fire and a sick yet sexy smirk made its way on his face. His cold demeanor sent a chill down my spine. He circled me while his gaze burning my skin. He raised his hands and I was pulled upwards. He grabbed my waist and caressed my sides. My breath became heavy. He always has this effect on me.

His hands moved up to my breast. He massaged them softly. An involuntary moan escaped my lips. He always has this effect on me. While his hands were busy in doing some sinful deeds to me, his lips touched my belly button. And then the torture began.

His lips started moving downwards laying sloppy kisses in its path. He finally reached my core and kissed me there.

It didn't take him a second longer and my nightwear was torn into shreds. He pulled my panties down. He buried his face deep inside me and his tongue attacked my vagina. I let out a loud gasp at the sudden pleasure. His skillful tongue drew different patterns sending me into the world of pure ecstasy. A knot tightened inside my stomach. He was eating me out like there was no tomorrow. He bit my clit in a very painful way.

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