chapter 6

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I can't believe he is standing in front of me.
It's none other than the infamous rogue
My friend cum enemy!!

Yeah, we have this sort of thing between us. I remember the day I first met him.
Good to see you again, ina...
He never took my full name. God knows why. Ace is good evil.

It's good to see you too. I am surprised you are not dead yet.
Being a rouge brings a lot of enemies. I was literally surprised to see him without a single scar. I expected to see a few broken bones.

Oh, Ina!

The one and only!
Ace opened his arms and I followed his actions. We strode towards each other to give and take a big bunny hug.

Oh, there is always a but in my life!
But! Ace being a dick walked pass me hugged Madelyn who was standing behind but I was not aware of that.

I stood there with my arms wide open. Everyone was eying me. It took me several minutes to understand what actually happened but when I did...........
Oh, Ace you are in big trouble!!!

I turned around to look at him talking with Madelyn. Why was she here? Or the better question would be where was she till now? And where is Marilyn?
All these questions were blowing up my head. I went up to them. I shoved ace with the full strength. He stumbled a bit and bumped into a waitress. The wine or whatever that waitress was carrying fell all over his expensive coat.

Well, I am so sorry, love. You are very beautiful and a few people just got jealous of you which is why they literally threw me over you to spoil your beauty. Are you alright, sweetheart?

Oh, that's just ace. Always playing around. He turned back to look at me with now darkened eyes. His wolf is on edge. Good.
I smirked evilly.
He clenched his fists and released a low growl before running up to me. This ace needed blood. So sad it's not gonna be mine.

I stood tall very well aware of what is going to happen now. When he mere inches away from my face, his flying fist stilled. Wanna know why?

Cause he knows very well what my parents and my army of uncle and aunts will do to him. That's one possibility. And the other one is that Ace is very well aware of who I am and what I am capable of. Before anyone else will do anything to him, I would have broken his bones. Then I would join them again and again, break them.
That's just me. I can see my subconscious flipping her hair with a victorious smile on her face.
You see, I only mess up with those who mess up with me. Otherwise, I am a very calm, collected, and loving girl.

Ace dropped his fists and released a loud huff in order to control his anger. He held his hands up in the air.
You are bitch. Do you even know that Ina?

I walked closer to him. He was way taller than me. I grabbed his neck gently from behind and pulled him down. I let out a small breath.
I am not a bitch Ace. Payback is a bitch.
I whispered in his ears and shoved him away. I victoriously smiled at him. I gestured him to go away with my index finger and he left.

I turned to Madelyn who was standing there watching everything.
Don't tell dad what happened over here or I will be grounded.

She blinked a few times and then she understood what I was trying to say.
Don't worry, I will not. Well, I need to tell you something.

She looked stressed. There must be something serious going on.
Sure, go on.
She started to fiddle. Okay, something is definitely wrong. Madelyn is not a nervous kind of person. She is a confident one.

Go on, Maddie. I am listening.
I held her hands in an assuring manner. She smiled weakly at me.
I was curious about this place because this place has a rich history and you know me. I love history.
She said with a big grin. But when she realized this is not what she wanted to tell me, she started talking again.

While I was walking around, I heard some hushed noises. So, I went up there to check it out! And that was a big mistake. I saw lord Marano murdering the other three lords!!
She was on the verge of crying. This must-have scared her. She never watched a live murder before. And it's not like I did. It is just my best friend's part trying to be reasonable.
Okay, I know it sucks!!!!

It's okay. You are fine Madelyn. Now tell me did you see anything else.
She opened her mouth to say something but not a single word came out of her.
I was trying to console her. Suddenly, her eyes widened. She was looking behind me. I turned to look at the intruder of our conversation.

He was with aka the Devil. My subconscious started to pronounce his name in different voices. And damn!!
They were good. If I ever meet him again I will definitely use these funny voices. As much as I wanted to roll down on the floor and laugh my ass off on my subconscious for being this skillful, I can't. Because this is a freaky party. 

But a small smile made its way to my face. Seeing me smile, the man's face lit up too.
At least I made him smile. He looked so handsome while smiling. I wonder how Mr. Vip might look like when he will be smiling. He always has this dark look. It will be good to smile, right?
Keep smiling people!!!!

Um, Sabrina?
He was waving his hands in front of my eyes while I was busy imaging Mr. Vip. Wait what??
Then I came back to my senses and realized what I was doing. I need to get this man out of my head.

Yes! Sorry, I was just......
I lost my words. What should I say? That I was daydreaming!

It's fine. No problem.
Thankfully he didn't push the topic further.
Well, I was here to tell you that your parents are calling you. They are on the second floor.

Dad left me here himself, and now he is calling me. Weird. But I got to go.
Okay, I will be back in a twinkling.
I looked over at Madelyn. It was like she saw a ghost. Maybe it's because of the incident.
Ugh, I don't want to leave her but I have to go.

Don't panic, I will come back as fast I go. Till then you mingle with everyone and try to act normal. Okay?
I gave her a small smile and left but before leaving I heard the man talking to Madelyn.

So, you are...........
I heard that much only. It's fine. At least talking to some will keep her occupied.

Hey guys!!!
I am back with a new chapter. Hope you like it. Don't forget to vote and comment.

And also I am quite confused about the next chapter. Maybe you can help me.
So here's the question!
Should I continue the story with Sabrina's point of view or should I go for some else?

And also this question...........
If I go for someone else then who should it be? Madelyn or Lucifer or any of the parents?

Eagerly waiting for your response.
Till then, keep reading!!!!
And most importantly, stay safe!!!!

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