chapter 65

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Who am I?
The question rang through the walls of the room. Lucifer looked at me with nothing showing in his eyes. No emotion. Almost nothing and then his eyes shone red. He was staring at me whereas I was dying in anticipation.
You might want to sit.
He broke the silence after several moments passed by. I hurried to one of the two chairs placed in front of his desk. I wiped my sweaty hands on my gown. I just have a bad feeling about this.

You know them.
He said as a matter of fact. I know that too. If I have pictures clicked with those twins then I must be acquainted with them somehow. I opened my mouth to speak but he shushed me.
No talking. You know them but of course, you don't remember.
He said while pointing a finger at me. Didn't I know all those things prior? Of course, I did. I scrunched my nose and eyebrows in annoyance. That's is not what I want to know.

He pulled out the picture from the file and placed it in front of me. I was smiling widely. I along with the twins was wearing the same uniform sort of blazers. I was hugging a handsome-looking man who had an arm around my shoulder and another arm on a woman's shoulder. Another man was also in the picture who was as tall as the first one but his skin was a bit darker. The two twins stood by my side smiling widely. It was a perfect picture. I analyzed it deeply but couldn't remember a thing. Every time I close my eyes all I see are silhouettes and nothing else. I looked up to meet his gaze.
Who are they?
I asked with confusion lacing my voice.

He first pointed at the couple.
They are your parents. This other man is your said brother, Ace and these two twins are your best friends.
He said as if it was no big deal. I looked back at the picture. I felt like thunder lightning has just struck me. I was so shocked. I was questioning my existence, to be honest.

He meant to tell me that I do not remember my parents. Tears filled my eyes. I lifted a shaking finger and touched their faces on the picture. A pang of sadness hit me like a truck. A single tear dropped on the picture. I wiped away the tears from my hand and sniffed.
Where are they?
I asked him with determination. I realized that I missed them and I need to see them.
They are dead. I killed them.
He said in a monotone. The tears which I have been holding back started to pour down.
I said with a sore throat.

I wonder why he did that. I stared at him hoping that he will give me an answer. I don't know what I was feeling right now. I just found out that I had a family and they are dead. My best friends are in prison cursing me for god knows what. And here comes the best part, I don't remember anything.

Lucifer leaned a bit on the table.
Do you want to know for sure?
He asked me. I meekly nodded my head as no voice came from my throat. He leaned back on his chair and sighed heavily.
Long story short, they are not your real parents. They killed your real parents and took you away with them because you are a special being. They met up with the rest of the people in the photo and lured you into the trap. They made you feel loved when all they were doing was using you for their benefit because you have some special powers. They tried to trick me too. But I saw you, I like you and I brought you. That's it. I killed your fake parents because they lied to me. You were living a very peaceful life here with me by your side. You loved me so much. Practically, you worshipped me like a god. You never went against me and did what I told you. Your so-called best friends got jealous of you and tried to kill you and Eligor. So, I imprisoned them and they will be dead soon.
He narrated. He got up from his seat and circled across the desk to reach me.

He stood behind my chair and bent to reach my ear from behind. His arms around my body. He took me in his warm embrace. I exhaled loudly and closed my eyes. This was too much to handle.
I know you don't remember anything but I hope you remember the love and devotion you felt towards me.
He said and kissed the nape of my neck. I tilted my head to give him more access to my sweet spot. I lightly nibbled on it. I do feel some strong attraction towards him. And from the way my body and mind behave, I guess it's true that I loved him dearly. A bubble of happiness burst inside of me from this thought. But along with that happy feeling, there was a sense of betrayal too. A betrayal from a toxic relationship.

He made me feel good from his gentle actions but the truth was finally learned. And I was devastated. He turned my chair to face him. He kneeled near my feet and held my hands.
You remember it, right?
He asked me. I nodded my head in response. A smile etched on his face added stars to his perfectly sculpted face. Anyone can tell he loved me from the look on his face.

Suddenly, a question came to my mind.
Why was I locked in that room?
I asked. He blinked once and smiled softly at me. He looked different from earlier. He looked approachable.
You were not locked. You were kept there for your safety.
He said in a soft tone. He was being so gentle with me. He lightly squeezed my hands from time to time in a supportive way. I nodded at his response. At first, I thought he was the one who locked me but that was not the case. I returned his smile.
But I don't remember anything. Why is it so? I couldn't identify anyone but you.
I spoke again.

Remember I told you that they tried to kill you?
I nodded my head in answer. He just told me that.
Right. I saved you from so much effort at that time. I was so scared that I might lose you forever. Fortunately, you only hurt your head and were alright.
He squeezed my hands gently again.

He looked so vulnerable speaking those words. He cared for me deeply and truly. I was so touched by his actions.
They will face the punishment they deserve.
He spoke with his shining eyes. They looked dangerous but I wanted to gaze at them. They were captivating. He is right. They should face the punishment they deserve. What they did was not right.

All of them are power-hungry people who want to use you for their profit. They never loved you. They only pretended to love you. It was fake. It was a lie. They lied to you, Selene. You should not save them or feel pity towards them. Oh, and your name is Selene.
He said and I wanted to believe every single word of what he said.

And that's what I did.

I believed every single word he said. I wiped my tears and put a smile on my face. Maybe he was a bit harsh and rude to me earlier to protect me from everyone outside. In reality, he loved me dearly. And I think I feel the same way. The question of why I can not remember anything pestered me a lot. But now, I think it was better that I didn't know anything. At least I wouldn't have felt the hurt and betrayal I am feeling now. I wouldn't be holding any grudge towards them. I still have some questions unanswered but I plan on asking them later.

Right now, all I want to do is adore the person in front of me. I bent down and placed my lips on his lips. I started with a slow and cozy kiss. I pulled away first but it looked like he was not happy with it. He grabbed my hand and sat me on his desk.

And soon, we were devouring each other.


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