chapter 39

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I scrunched open my eyes. The light above the bed was only lit whereas the rest of the room was covered in a thick blanket of darkness. I slowly sat up. A sudden pain shot through my head which flowed down my spine making me lose my balance. I supported my body on elbows. For a second everything blurred in front of my eyes.

I blinked my eyes a few times to focus my vision. I felt something moving in the darkness. It was like a shadow. After a few seconds, the bulky body of Lucifer came in front of my sight. My heart sank to the bottom of the pit. It was running faster than a cheetah. I started sweating and a sudden nervousness along with undeniable fear hit me like a brick.

No! Please! I didn't do anything wrong! Please let me go!
I started screaming and tears welled up in my eyes. My voice even broke at the end of the sentence. But it didn't affect him. He kept his stone-cold glare on me and kept moving forward.

I crawled back. I shaking my head negatively. My breathing became heavy and at one point it became almost impossible for me to breathe. He finally reached the edge of the bed and my back hit the headboard of the bed. I looked way too tiny lying on the majestic bed. Lucifer stretched his arms to catch my legs but I jerked him off. The look on his face made it clear to me that he was pissed off and I was doing no good.

He clicked his tongue in annoyance. He hovered over the bed and grabbed my leg in one swift motion. He pulled me towards the end of the bed and held me there. I thrashed my arms and legs to free myself but all my efforts were in vain. I don't why my efforts do not work in front of him. It's always useless. Sometimes I feel like just succumbing to his every demand. Then an other part of me stops me from doing so.

He blew a tight slap on my left cheek which made me stop all my struggle. My hand went to the stinging area to soothe some pain. I laid on the bed quietly with my face buried in the mattress. He yanked me up by my hair. A loud cry escaped my lips. He pulled me to the floor and threw me away like some dirty rag. A hit the ground with a loud thud. He straddled my back. Lucifer leaned towards my ear. His hot breath hitting my skin. A low whimper escaped my mouth. He grabbed my neck from the back and gave it a tight squeeze.
It would be better if you stop struggling!
He hissed in my ear making the hair on the back of my neck stand.

When I didn't reply he squeezed my neck cutting the oxygen supply. I croaked out a small yes and he let go of my neck. I was panting. He was still sitting on my back. Lucifer's hand slid down my back and in one go he tore the dress in two.

I felt his weight shifting from my back. He stood up and went somewhere. I craned my neck to look at him. Lucifer stood by the closet door and took off his shirt. He smirked at me and went inside the closet. I sighed loudly. This is my life. I felt weak.

Very weak.......

My eyes felt heavy. I sighed deeply and closed my eyes shut. I feel like screaming and crying. It is just a lot. I can't take it anymore. It is bringing me down! But what should I do?

I have become a mess. Even if I make it out of here I don't think I will be able to survive for a day. Lucifer has broken me down into tiny pieces that I couldn't put myself back together. I have been used in different ways and by different people. I don't pity myself. I despise myself. I hate me!

Only he is capable of keeping me together. This thought made tears well up in my eyes. Above all, I am connected to him. No matter what I do, I will always come back to him. Willingly or unwillingly. I have lost hope of escaping him.

My train of thoughts was broken by the horrendous cracking of a whip. The sound was enough to make me shiver in fear. I heard his footsteps. He was coming towards me. I just don't want to look at him. Nevertheless, I opened my eyes to look at him. I tried to get up but a kick from Lucifer was enough to send me flying towards the wall.

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