chapter 30

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Lucifer left a while ago and I am just laying on the bed. And it doesn't smell anymore. Lucifer changed it. This is the first time he actually listened to me. I smile made its way on my face. But then the realization hit me.
Where is the note?

I mumbled to myself and started searching through the room. I can't find it anywhere. Where did it go? I was panting heavily. I am on the verge of having another panic attack. Just then the door to the room opened and a maid walked in.

Oh shit! Now, this is going to be much harder. The maid pushed the food tray inside and kept the plate on the bed.

It would be a complete lie if I say me didn't like it

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It would be a complete lie if I say me didn't like it. I picked up the fork and the plate. I rested my back against the headboard and dug on my food.
This is delicious.
I said with my mouth stuffed with food. And then I realized my mistake and this made me choke on my food. If she tells Lucifer about speaking he will kill me for sure.

She handed me a glass of water and patted mu back.
The spring needs to come back. The time is up and it's necessary. The doom will be doomed later.
She lightly whispered in my ear. I looked at her with my mouth hung open and eyes wide.
How do you know?
My mouth was still open wide. She lightly closed it by pushing my chin up.

That is not important. The spring is much more important now. They can't afford to lose it. We don't have time. It should be done now.
I shook my head in negative. For some reason, the thought of leaving him just cut my heart open. I can't do it.
I can't do it..... No, I will not do it!
She looked at me dead in my eyes and I gave her the same expression. No way, I am not going with this creep.

If you won't do it then they will send someone else to complete your work!
She warned me. But what she is telling me to do is impossible for me to comply with. It was hard for me earlier too but now it just got harder and I can't bring myself to the extent of backstabbing him.

They can send whomever they want too but I am not doing what they are saying!
I spat on her face. Does she really think she can make me do something which I don't want to? Well, if she thinks so then she is very wrong.
Don't be a brat kid. Just do it or it will be a problem for you too!
She grabbed both of my shoulders and started to shake me. I jerked her hands away.
Oh really? Why should I do it? Because you guys betrayed me by not telling me the truth? You all knew it all along but kept me in dark! Why?!
I screamed at her face. Now, I was super angry. She started looking here and there, searching for answers to my questions. A lone tear escaped my eye. I quickly wiped it and crossed my arms in front of me.

Ha! And still you people have the decency to order me around! Go and tell them, that winter will only prevail in Andromeda. I am not gonna do it. I will never and ever kill the devil. I will never cause any harm to him, neither I will let any of you come close to him! Go! Get out!
I was out of control. I was panting heavily due to all the screaming and yelling. But this disgrace does not have the decency to leave me alone.
I am not going without you! You better come on your own or I have to use force!
She warned me and I chuckled at her behavior. This is gonna be an easy one. She took out a butcher knife from under her dress.

You wanna take me back or kill me?
I asked slightly confused. I mean she was telling me to go back with her but now she is ready to cut me in small pieces.
You are now a threat to us. You are better dead than alive.
With this, she practically jumped on me aiming for my chest.


I was sitting in my office. To say that I was annoyed would be an understatement. There are two reasons for it. First, Sabrina is not around me. She kinda keeps me busy and these idiotic thoughts don't get into my brain. Speaking of her, I am not able to read her mind. No matter how much far I am, I can easily read all those things going on in her brain. Sometimes she really annoys the shit out of me. She is a bit handful and disobedient. And this is what draws me towards her. I am kinda in love with her and I confessed it. Something which I never thought I will do. I can't bring myself to not hurt her because I know will do that. I like her flawless milky skin but I love it more when there are black, blue, and red marks on her skin.

And the second reason, I am literally pissed off by some violent activities near the border of my territory. Some spies have also been spotted but they somehow managed to escape. I don't know who is behind these activities as I have a lot of enemies who act as a friend but I know the truth. And I am damn sure one spy is in the palace itself as few confidential information are moving around the cosmo.

I need to get rid of this problem as fast as I can otherwise it will cause more trouble. And I wish on keeping my fairy safe. There was a knock on the door.
Come in!
I spat angrily. The door opened and the seven kings of hell entered my office. They bowed in front of me. They are my most trusted people. I gestured them to take a seat.

 I gestured them to take a seat

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Dagan began speaking and I already know what he is about to say.
Yeah, I already know that there is a spy within the royal premises.
I said in an annoyed tone.

So what to do now?
Azazel asked eyeing every single one of them and then met my gaze. I am literally frustrated.
What do you mean by what to do?! Of course, find that person and interrogate them!!
I snapped at them. I pinched the bridge of my nose and exhaled deeply. All of them shared a look with each other. Samael was about to speak when a knock was heard on the door. I murmured a "come in". The door opened to reveal one of my maids. She was looking kinda scared and nervous.

What happened?!
I snapped again. I saw Samael gesturing me to calm down from the corner of my eye. The slave started fidgeting.
What the fuck?! What is your problem?!
I was getting super angry.
Master! A lot of noise is coming from your private hallway...
I raised an eyebrow at him. So what if the noise is coming? Sabrina would be singing her legs out and dancing. She likes singing and dancing.

I said in a bored tone. She started fidgeting again. What is with this maid and fidgeting?
The noise is more like screaming and throwing things.....
Now that caught my attention. I have strictly ordered all the slaves to not enter my suite without my permission.
How long it has been?
Maybe she got a panic attack again and started harming herself. I spoke while getting up from my seat ready to go to Sabrina.
The noise is coming since a new maid went to serve breakfast to mistress.
She said hurriedly and bowed her head. I stopped at her words. What?

Everyone who was present in the room suddenly got interested in her words. All of their ears perked up. I shot her a questioning look.
A new maid? Why am I not informed about it?
I personally keep a check on every single thing and the person who works and lives in this castle. The only thing which concerns me is my people and after them, it is my Sabrina.

Her eyes widened.
She said you ordered the head maid to keep her and when we asked the head maid she showed us a letter with your sign on it.
I am damn sure that the maid is the spy. I have to check on her. Nobody can save her if she dares hurt Sabrina. I will literally cut her into small pieces. I strode towards the hallway where Sabrina is.

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