chapter 29

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*next morning*

I woke up on top of Lucifer. I blushed at our position. Last night, Lucifer brought me to this room which was adjacent to the master bedroom. It is not as majestic and big as the earlier one but it is spacious too.

His arms were wrapped around my waist securing me in position. I slipped from under his arms. My foot touched the cold floor. But as soon as I stood up I was pulled back by my wrist. I turned around to see Lucifer glaring at me.
Where are you going?!
The look on his face was so deadly that I lost my tongue. He twisted my wrist and I let out a painful whimper.
I stuttered. He instantly let go of my hand. He wiped away the unshed tears from my eyes.

He stroked my hair and grabbed a fistful of them. He got up from the bed and kissed me hard. Slowly I tried to cope up with his pace and kissed him back. He squeezed my butt rather painfully and I let out a whimper. He took the chance to slip his tongue inside of my mouth and explored every single corner of it while licking, biting, and nibbling on my bottom lip. After a few breathless minutes, he pulled away
Don't leave the room until I come to fetch you.
He said in a warning tone and left the room leaving me just like that.

I rushed to the bathroom. I quickly did my business and brushed my teeth. I came out to see neatly folded clothes kept on the bed.

Maybe some maid left it here because if Lucifer would have brought the dress he would never leave the room

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Maybe some maid left it here because if Lucifer would have brought the dress he would never leave the room.
I unfolded them and a note fell. I picked it up and opened it to see what's inside.
Spring needs to come back!

Oh shit! I need to get rid of this. I looked around the room. My eyes fell on the dressing table. I rushed towards it and started searching through the drawers. Nothing! It was empty...

Maybe no one stayed in this room. I was sweating heavily. Now, I have no other option than to leave this room. I tiptoed to the door. My legs were shaking. What if Lucifer got to know about this? But I don't have any other option. My hand reached for the doorknob. I debated my decision. Sighing, I slowly turned the knob. I popped my head out.

I caught sight of no one. I stepped into the hallway. It was majestic!

 It was majestic!

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