chapter 21

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Six months later........

I can barely open my eyes now. I don't know how long I have been here. My white attire was soaked in my own blood. This place is home to many filthy creatures. I still don't know how many creatures are here in this place. Every time I scream for help or cry in pain I hear some gurgled voice and a creature comes out.

One of them has grown fond of me because most of the time I have seen that particular creature coming out from the lava. It is nearly seven or eight inches in height with four legs and two hands with sharp claws. That thing has three ugly heads with fangs. They are like leeches. That creature comes in a group and sticks to my skin and draws blood till I pass out. Trust me, the pain is unbearable and if I scream, they bite harder.

Let me tell you what happened from the beginning

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Let me tell you what happened from the beginning. After Lucifer left he came back after a few days. He brought a basket with him too. He said that I might appreciate a company and Oscar popped out of the basket. I was so happy to see him. But I did not want him to be here. Those creatures were already draining me and I don't want Oscar to bear the same pain.

I begged and cried and screamed to let me and Oscar out but, he didn't listen. Instead, I was rewarded with a good beating from his thick leather belt. The marks are still there and they hurt like hell. After that day according to Lucifer, he comes in the span of every four days to check on me and give me food which I share with Oscar. Every time he asks me the same question about submitting to him and I give him the same answer which is fuck off. Then Lucifer beats the shit out of me and fucks me hard. Sometimes his so-called friends come too.

I feel so dirty about myself. My lower body is covered with dried cum. Fuck, I am completely drenched in my own piss and vomit. He didn't even provide me with a sanitary pad or anything during my menstruation.

But all hail to Oscar. This cute little thing makes me laugh even in this godforsaken place. Yeah, he is still alive and so am I. I am a strong soul who is not gonna give up so easily and Lucifer understands this her well. And this why he comes up with a new trick every fucking time.

Right now, Oscar is sitting on my lap and I am stroking his bloodied fur. The door to the cell opens to reveal the devil along with his minions. What does he want now?

I walked up to me. His newly polished shoe clicking on the floor disturbing the peaceful environment of this place. He stood right in front of me but I totally ignored him. I was slowly singing a lullaby which my mom used to sing to me when she was alive. But now she is not and I have accepted it. And now I live with my parent's memories because that is what along with Oscar keeps me sane in this place.

Their remembrances do cause me pain but not more than that inflicted by Lucifer. He crouches down to my level and I still ignore me. Soon after I feel a stinging sensation on my right cheek but I continue singing with tears in my eyes. He was saying something but his voice seems distant. Oscar snuggled more into me. I lightly smiled but that smile didn't last long.

Lucifer yanked Oscar from me and threw him in the air. My eyes followed Oscar but I know better than screaming. If I scream, then those monsters will come again. Talking about the tears, well, I cry twenty-four hours a day. So, it's normal for me.

Oscar was about to fall in the lava when he was caught mid-air by one of his minions. I let out a sigh of relief. At least he is safe. I don't know what I will do if I lost him too. The one who caught him put him inside a plastic bag and tied the knot. He looked back at Lucifer who shook his hands dismissively with a smirk on his face. He was definitely up for something. I knew it very well.

No! Please no! Let him go! He will die!
I started screaming. I need my Oscar back. I tried to reach him but lucifer held me back. His minions left the cell and Lucifer turned me around. I was still struggling in his grip. He blew a tight slap on my face and my body fell to the edge of the platform. I was facing the lava. Before I could get up Lucifer reached me and pushed my face closer to the lava.

I can feel the excessive hotness of the lava on my face.
I will burn you and then peel your burned skin if you didn't stop struggling right now!
He said through gritted teeth. I knew he was not joking and will really do it. One thing I have learned in this whole time that Lucifer is a man of his words. He means each and every word he says. Just for the sake of my life, I stopped struggling and became completely still.
Good girl!

He patted my hair twice before yanking me up by my hair and dragging me out of the cell. His grip became tighter with every step he took. He opened the door to a very familiar room. This is the room where I woke up when I first came here and was gang-raped.

He pushed me inside the bathroom and made me stand under the shower and stood at a distance and was watching me like a hawk.
Strip. NOW!
He left no room for argument. When I didn't move and gave him a challenging look, he strode towards me and tore my clothes in one go. I was standing stark naked in front of him. It happened so fast that my brain was still processing what he did. But does it matter?

To him? Definitely No. To me? Not anymore. I have been naked in front of him for so many times that now it doesn't matter anymore. And even if it matters, what can I do? Absolutely nothing. He will overpower me every time.

I was not like this before. I changed and I know it. The only thing in my mind is to get out of this place. And that is only possible if I play smart. And I am smart enough to know that I can not escape with a broken and bruised body. It doesn't mean that I give up on his desire. It will never happen. I still fight back.

He turned me around forcefully and turned on the shower before stepping backward. I know he will not leave. He is stubborn but so am I. If he doesn't leave, I will just stand here. That's what I did. After a few minutes, he huffed and stormed out of the bathroom.

I took my time to wash my hair and body. My wounds and bruises stung in the shower. It was hard to remove the dirt, blood and god knows what things were sticking to my skin. One thing which I never will be able to discard is his touch. No matter how many times I tub it, even when I pell it off, his touch still lingers on my skin.

I stepped out of the bathroom with a towel around my body. My eyes met Lucifer's. He was angry. He walked up to me and banged me against the bathroom door.
You are giving me a very hard time, little girl! Why are you so stubborn? Huh? Just give up already! I know you are hurt, I know you are suffering, it will all end!
He hissed while bringing his face extremely close to mine. His minty breath was fanning my skin. His eyes shone red. For a moment, I was lost in his eyes. But soon the trance broke, and I was fueled with anger.

Sorry not sorry, old man, I will never give up to your intentions.
He looked at me with penetrating orbs and intimidating aura. I was scared will be an understatement to define my condition. I gulped hard but maintained my 'being strong' appearance.

He noticed my uneasiness and smirked at me before taking a step back. He scanned my body with the same smirk plastered on his face. This is not gonna end well for me. He placed hands on each side of me, trapping me in place. He leaned towards me and kissed my forehead then my eyes. Slowly he was moving down towards my lips.
You know, I can make it feel so good........
He said in a feeble voice. He slowly leaned more towards my lips and kissed me.

It was slow at first but later it became rough. And after some time it started hurting. I pushed him with all my might but he didn't move an inch. I whimpered and he bit down on my lower lip drawing blood. He licked the blood and pushed his tongue inside my mouth. I was running out of breath but it didn't have any effect on him.

He finally let me go and I was gasping for air.
A special night is waiting for us. Go and get ready. I will not take no as an answer and it's not like you have a choice.

With this, he turned on his heel and left the room. I slid to the ground and tears started pouring out of my eyes. What my life has become? I cried for almost half an hour.

I went inside the closet to get ready for his special night. Let's see what awaits me now!

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