chapter 83

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3 days later

It has been three days!

Three fucking days since I last saw Marilyn. Lucifer never let me see her. I remember the evening from three days earlier. I agreed to do whatever he asks me to and that included drinking that weird fluid not twice but thrice a day.

And at some point, I am regretting it. It is mainly because of two reasons. First, Lucifer never gave me proof that he has helped Marilyn in reality. It was just his words that are deceiving. I would never say that he will be back off from his words. But it is just that, I can never be sure that he didn't hurt her again. Isn't it his old trick to treat a broken person and then break them all over again?

Lucifer has always enjoyed it!

Second, with every passing day since then, I feel like a part of me is dying slowly. It is because of that liquid. I am sure of it. Sometimes I get dizzy and sometimes I hear some weird whisperings. What's more to this torture is that Lucifer has locked me up again in here with just a basket of fruits and nothing else. I am surviving on that basket of fruit for three days.

I don't understand what is he trying to do? At a point, I thought that he was giving slow poison but then he made it very clear that he wants me alive.

Right now, my body is completely numb. I do not even have the energy to lift a finger. I am thirsty but I can not drink water. My insides are burning. It is as if my body is hollow and my mind is blank.

And then.....

Just like every other day, Samael visits me three times to make sure I drink the liquid. When the door opened, I already knew who it would be. I moved my gaze which was aimlessly staring at the wall till now to the person standing in the doorway.

But something was different today.....

Usually, he would come, snicker at me, force me to drink, and pass me some nasty remark before leaving.

But today, something was unusual. He was unusual. I furrowed my brows at Samael. He was smirking at me. Instead of entering, he opened the door wide. Madelyn and a few other women entered the room wearing exquisite gowns.

I just have a bad feeling about this. I looked back at Samael for answers. With a smug look, he mouthed surprise to me. I tried to muster some energy to sit up but I failed miserably at my attempt. The ladies laughed at my condition making me want to hide in some corner.

Samael rushed to my side and helped me sit up.
Do not forget your place!
Samael gritted his teeth at Madelyn and the other women. They gave me a gaze that filled me with hatred. Samael took a seat near and gestured to them about something. They all straightened their backs before rushing to my side and carrying me to the bathroom.

I tried to protest but no words fell from my mouth. Inside the bathroom, they made me stand in the middle of the bathroom. The moment they let go of me, surprisingly I fell to the ground with a thud. The ladies soon picked me up with disgust written on their faces. One of them brought a stool for me and they made me sit on that with a person holding me from behind.

They stripped me out of my clothes. I was too helpless to protest. When I was completely naked, Madelyn brought a red liquid near my body and poured it down from the top of my head. The rustic stench made me realize what the liquid is. Blood.

They are bathing me with blood. The smell was too bad that I felt something stir inside my stomach and soon enough it was out of my body in the form of vomit. I vomited all over Madelyn who was pouring blood on me. Finally, something good happened in the last three days.

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