chapter 52

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I woke up with a stinging pain on the side of my head. Fuck you, Samael! I don't understand why he gotta be so loyal to him. Never mind, I feel a lot better now. I moved the fingers of my legs. It is a bit hard but not impossible. They are just numb.

I looked down at my body. I was lying on my bed wearing a silk nightgown. I supported my body on my forearms and sat up. Maybe my limbs are fine but my back hurts a bit. Let's just hope it gets better before Lucifer decides to play one of his sick games with me, which he definitely will. Sometimes I just don't know what to expect from him. He is nice but then he becomes cold the moment he sees me happy. He doesn't let me go but he is making everything unbearable for me. He wanted to show Britney as a false queen but he must be trying to kill her in that room.


I completely forgot about her for a second. Shit! God knows what Lucifer must be making her go through. I go there again, Samael will not allow me in and I can not fight him.

I placed my head on my knees and held it with both of my hands. What is happening to me? How did I get in this shit? I wish I could go back in the past and tell my old self to never go to that ball party in the first place. I had a peaceful and lovely life. But now it feels like that I don't even the meaning of those two words and life. My life for approx two years has been within this castle or let alone this one room and dungeon. Sometimes I wonder will I ever make it out of here? Even if I do will I be able to survive? I have been completely dependant on Lucifer for all my needs. It will take a lot of time for me to get back to my old self.

I am in a state that now, my old self and old life only look like a dream which will never be fulfilled.

I exhaled heavily. I always get too overwhelmed by emotions. They will be the death of me someday. I wanted to leave. I needed it. But I can not. I have got a life growing inside of me. How can I leave? Even if I do he will find me, take the baby with him and kill me for sure. He might never love me. It is merely sex in between us. But he loves the baby. It is his first child. Of course, he will!

My hand subconsciously went over my tummy. This baby will be an abomination but it is my baby. No way I am letting any harm come to him.

I was pulled back from my thoughts by someone opening the door. I looked up to see Lucifer standing by the door without his shirt and half drenched in blood. It was enough to send me on a little panic trip. I started panting. Whose blood is it? My eyes became the size of a saucer. All I was looking at was the blood that was sticking to his chest, hand, and face. The sight was horrible.

He started walking towards me like a lion who is ready to prance on his prey all the while sucking the blood on his finger. He slowly climbed on the bed and started crawling towards me. The white sheets were stained with blood. My breaths became raspy and my eyes burned from tears. I hugged my knees to my chest. Lucifer sat in front of my scared frame. He wrapped his callous fingers around my ankle and straighten my legs.

I was shaking like a leaf when he kissed my toe and peppered kisses all over my right leg. My body stopped all its movement when his palm rubbed on my core. My body went stiff. I froze on my spot from fear of the unknown.

He slowly leaned towards my face and nibbled on the right lobe. He bit on it a little bit harshly. His hot breath fanning my skin. His hand wrapped around my throat like a deadly serpent and pressed it with pressure, enough to remind me of the person I was dealing with.

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