chapter 13

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It was dark. Very dark. Something was pulling me down. I can't move my limbs. All I can do is see everything which was happening in the outside world. I can see Lucifer taking me somewhere. But where?

It's all his fault. Just let me get out of here and then I will show all of them what I really am. The outer view was clear to me. We stopped in front of a room. Lucifer was talking to two devilishly handsome men.

But precisely not as good looking as him. If he could have been a bit more gentle and sweet, I would have definitely dated him. But as everyone can see he is a motherfucking dick!

Both of them left. I could see but the worst part was I couldn't hear anything. So, I don't know what is happening outside.

Lucifer took me inside the room and sat on the edge of the bed. I, no, it wasn't me. My body was standing in front of me. He just smirked and gestured something with his fingers. What does he want me to do? Looks like my body didn't understand it too.

But then again, my body started to move on its own. What am I doing? It looks like I am twirling.
When he came back to my vision, he was sitting leisurely on the bed with a smirk on his face and a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Wait!! Was he checking me out????!!!

I am literally gonna kill him. His lips started moving. Maybe he was saying something.
I can't hear a thing. It's so annoying!
Wait, did he tell me to strip? Cause my body started shedding the torn clothes which I was wearing.

Just when my top came out, our neck snapped towards the door. Maybe someone came. Lucifer draped the bedsheets over my half-naked self and strode towards the door. The person was one of the men we met outside the room.

Lucifer came back with a bag in his hands. He kept it on the bed and started saying something. Again, I was completely oblivious to whatever he was talking about. Then he left.

Okay, maybe this is the time! I started yanking my limbs from whatever was holding me back. This force is very strong. I used my full force and my left hand freed. I tried the same with my right hand. After a few minutes of hard work, I finally became free from whatever it was.

I don't have a good feeling about this. I need to stop whatever is happening. Now, Ace is also not here. Where did that idiot go? I started making a mental note of all the things I have to do. First of all, get out of this damn place. Then, find mom and dad and last beat the shit out of all these people.

But how to get out of here? I don't even know how did I end up here. I let out a sigh. Then it clicked. Damn! This is my body and soul. Whoever has taken control is a part of me. Well, a very disgusting part of me. Maybe I should just try to focus and then maybe my powers could help me get out of here.

I can do this. I inhaled a breath and closed my eyes.
Sabrina's other self

Master Lucifer took me inside of the room. He sat on the bed and smirked at me. His intense face could melt me any second. He gestured me to twirl in my place. Being his obedient slave, I swiveled.

When my eyes fell on him, satisfaction was visible on his face. I am glad that he liked it. I can feel Sabrina's continuous denial and rebellion in my head. She is trying to come out but I am way powerful than her.

Master commanded and I obliged. I took out my top when there was a knock on the door. He draped the bedsheets over me and went to answer the door. I stood there with my head hung low. I quickly glanced at the person on the door. Oh, it was him. One of Master's trusted men. He handed him a bag and said

Samael is there and we are going. When will you join the party? You are needed, do you know that?

Master inspected the bag and replied
I am coming. Till then you handle it.

He closed the door and came back. He waved the bag in front of my eyes and kept it on the bed.
These are clothes. As much as I want to dress you up myself, I can't. Maybe some other day but for now, you change and sit here.

He didn't wait for me to reply and went out of the door. Where is he going?
My head started to hurt all of a sudden. I started to scream in agony. The pain became unbearable and I fell on my knees. Sabrina!!!

She is the one doing it. I can't let her out. Master will definitely not like it. I need to stop her. Focus!!! Focus for Master!!

I can't take this anymore. The pain is too much. She is draining my powers.
No!!! Stop!!!!!
I was screaming at the top of my lungs hoping someone would come and save me from this vixen. I don't want to leave the Master.

My vision became blurry and I blacked out.

Yes!!! I did it!
I knew that I can do it.

I scurried through the door. I was walking through the hallway when I bumped into a man. I fell to the ground. I looked up to see another godly man gawking at me. God, why these people are eye candies? I can stare at them for the whole day and not get tired or bored.

His gaze fell to my chest and then I realized that I am half-naked. He pointed at me and before he could say anything else I ran back to the room from where I came and locked it from inside.

My eyes fell on the bag which Lucifer left. I hastily lifted the bag and there were clothes inside it. The man started banging the door. I quickly changed into the clothes. It was a blue off-shoulder blouse and a white skirt.

 It was a blue off-shoulder blouse and a white skirt

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Okay, now I need to get out of here. The man who was outside may break the door if he kept on banging it. I need to think fast. I reached the window and looked outside. Fate really is determined to take revenge from me.

Goddamit, I am on the top floor. No way I could jump from here. The banging increased. If it's a ride or dies situation then let be it. I can't reach the ground in one go but I can definitely go down to the third or fourth floor. I took out all the curtains and removed the bed sheets and tied them together. I threw it out of the window and tied the other end to the bedpost.

But before I could jump out the door flew open. I told you there is always a but in my life.

The man barged in and his eyes fell upon me. His eyes darkened and he strode towards me.

I am so dead...............

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