Chapter 62

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The crowd was roaring in excitement. Are they going to sacrifice some animal? I mean, what else could be the meaning of baits. I could hear music playing in the background.

Shortly the music died down and the room fell eerily silent. Then came a nerve-wracking voice of a whip cutting through someone's body followed by a blood-curdling scream. I tightened my hand around Lucifer's palm. The clinking of chains and shouting of guards became clearer as they neared the hall.

My eyes were stuck at the entrance. My heartbeat speeding up with every passing second. I don't know why but I have a very bad feeling about this. Anticipation was visible on my face. It felt like it took a century for them to enter and when they did I was shocked.

Nine girls were dragged inside the room. Their hands were bound behind their back and their ankles were chained together. Their hair was in mess. But that's was not the most shocking part. All of the nine girls were completely naked. Not a single piece of cloth was present on their body. The nine girls were of different age groups. Two of them looked somewhere near my age. I guess they were twins as they had somewhat look-alike features. The other females were much younger than me. I guess the youngest was ten or eleven years old. This was cruelty. I felt humiliated even though I was not in their position. I wonder what they felt right now.

My curiosity was sparked by two twins. One of them was glaring at me as she might kill me. Our eyes locked and she did scare me with the look on her face. Tears stained her face. There were several blue and black marks on her body. She was beaten up very badly. All of them did. But no one was looking at me with that look in their eyes. It looked like she was blaming me.

But why? I didn't do anything wrong to her.

But what if I did? I might never know because I don't remember anything at all. I couldn't remember my name then how am I supposed to remember what wrong I did to her.

Contrary to her, the other twin was looking at me with some sort of pity and fear in her eyes. Wow, great! One of them wants to kill me and the other one looks like she might want to give me a shoulder to cry on. I wanted to go to them and ask them what they want to tell me. I would have run to them if he would not be holding me back. He was not letting go of my hand.

I looked down at our locked hands. But the scene was different here. It was not him who tightly grasped my hand. It was me doing that. I held his hand in a death grip.

The guards kicked the nine girls and they fell to their knees. One of the guards ordered them to bow down. All of them followed except one. The one who wants to strangle me to death. Lucifer nodded his head at the priest as if giving permission. The priest stood before the youngest one and ordered the guards to lay her down. She started screaming and thrashing her limbs. The guards forcefully held her down and spread her body in a star position.

That was way too disgraceful. As she was naked, her privates were visible for everyone to see. I could see a few from the mob drooling over her. I was mentally gagging. She was merely a child. Demons don't have any heart. For sure.

The priest bent down and inserted his two fingers inside her vagina. This made my blood boil. I remember how it feels like when someone invades your body without your permission. I might not remember anything but I remember this. I could hear her muffled cries. Enough was just enough. I stood from my place and yelled as loud as I can.
You fucking bastard! Get your hands off of her!
I ran towards the priest with a fierce expression on my face. I was much more than just mad. I was about to whack his face when my hand was stopped by Lucifer who was standing right behind me. Samael came in and blocked my view of the priest.
Is he screwed up?!
I shouted again.

Lucifer started dragging me back by my waist. I was furious and thrashed my legs in an attempt to kick his bloody face. I could not reach him but fortunately, my shoes did. It landed right in the middle of his face. A victorious smile spread across my lips. I was so proud of myself at this moment. With a sudden jerk, I was finally placed back in my seat.

Samael spoke something with the priest. The priest glared at me and mumbled something under his breath. Did he just cursed at me?! I have been pissed off again.  Again, I tried to get up from my seat but good for him I was held back by maids. He then moved to the other girl and the same process was repeated.

I was fuming in anger. If looks could kill, then the priest would have evaporated under my gaze. I couldn't beat him but I could curse at him for sure. The maids tried to shut my mouth with their hands but I bit them. They are women too. How can they see someone doing this to other women?

I didn't stop cursing at him even after he finished with the last girl. I was behaving like an untamed cat. I only stopped my mouth after another death warning from Lucifer. The mob became more interested in me after my little show. I can see people bashing me out mentally. As they know that Lucifer will have their head if they spoke out loud. 

The priest came before us. He snickered at me and bowed his head to Lucifer.
The women are all pure witches. We can move with the sacrifice.
Wait! What did he just say? Are they going to sacrifice them?!

Sweat broke out on my forehead. I looked at Lucifer in shock. My breath became heavy and soon enough, I was panting for air. Lucifer nodded his head again at the priest. I almost lost my voice. Did he just permit him to do so? I wanted to yell at him but I could not find a voice to do so. I was choking on my words. Finally, he looked at me and gave me a look that he was very serious about this.
Don't create a scene!
He said in a hushed voice. I could feel the threat lingering behind his statement. I looked at the front in horror.

The priest went towards the nine girls who were kneeling on the ground while crying silently.
Speak your name and your last wish!
The priest announced. He gestured towards the youngest one firstly. A guard picked her up by the arm and ordered him to speak.
How are they supposed to speak when you yell at them?!
Out of nowhere, my voice rang through the room. Once again, I grabbed the attention of everyone present in the room. They were looking at me with suspicious eyes. I was never on their side from the beginning.

The little girl spoke out.
What is your last wish?
With this question, she burst into tears. Big fat tears rolled down her cheeks. They did not wait for her to speak up. They moved on to other girls.

I was right with my assumption. Those two girls were twins. One with a pitying look was named Marilyn. I don't why but this name sound familiar. I just could not place my finger on it. Then came the turn of the last girl. She is giving me a creepy vibe.
What is your name?
The priest asked.
She said through gritted teeth. Then she continued.
My last wish is to see the queen rot in hell.
She spat.

I could hear shocked gasps across the room. Everyone looked at Lucifer with widened eyes. I too looked at him. He had his usual stoic expression. It is so hard for anyone to predict his next action.

The room grew silent with the passing minute. Everyone knew this was the silence before the storm.

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