chapter 73

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You think only you can play dirty tricks! What if I tell you that Sabrina listened to whatever you confessed just now.
Marilyn spoke with a victorious grin plastered on her face.

I furrowed my brows at her. Maybe I was wrong that she is under my brother's control. She is still a little bitch and I want to smash her face for playing dirty with me.

Isn't it what you wanted me to say, Marilyn? What do you think that I will take all the blame for what you did?
I spoke with a grin and raised my hand. Marilyn's eyes widened when she saw what I was holding. It was a little microphone she has been hiding in her hair. Through this, Marilyn made Sabrina listen to everything and got herself in deep shit.

She opened her mouth to scream and took a step towards me. But before she could do that she was held back by Samael who grabbed her from behind and closed her mouth with his hand.
You can meet Ace. He has already confessed everything so there's no point in arguing with you now.
I can see tears pouring down from her eyes. Too bad, her perfect plan was good for nothing. She should have expected it when she decided to mess with me.

We walked out of the room and headed towards the ninth circle prison where I have kept Ace. I smirked as I had a perfect plan for these too. I know how to make Ace speak what I wanted to hear.

I teleported three of us to the ninth circle. The demon guards bowed down in submission and opened the gates. Without any further ado, I strode towards Ace's place. One by one, demons bowed down.

Marilyn's eyes widened in horror when she took in the appearance of Ace. I smirked at her. Ace has been locked up in this prison for the last two years. Honestly, I wanted to kill him the moment I caught him but what's fun in that? So, I barely kept him alive. He gets tortured during the day and treatment during the night and the cycle continues. Ace's body is so weak right now that I am afraid he couldn't even lift a finger. He was barely standing with the support of the three chains. Two around his both arms and one around his neck.
Long time no see Ace. Right?
I said and entered the prison. His body toughened after hearing my voice. Good.

I walked behind him and grabbed a fistful of his hair to make him lookup. His eyes directly fell on Marilyn who let a guttural scream after looking at Ace. She's scared. Very good. I would not be blaming Marilyn for hurting my ears. Sabrina would have passed our right now, taking in her medical condition. I held the microphone near Ace's mouth and jerked his head to look forward.

Till now, Samael had already grabbed Marilyn by the waist. Samael's favorite knife was resting on her delicate neck, ready to tear her apart. Ace panicked looking at the situation. I have got to say he still dares to go against me.

Now, Ace, please tell me about your plan which you made with your guys against Sabrina. Weren't you a part of the team that used Sabrina as a pawn to fulfill your desire of ruling Andromeda? And let's not forget, how do you want to impregnate Sabrina and then sacrifice the child to gain more power? Marilyn here thinks that I am the one who did all those things. Tell her, that the lie is busted!
I declared.

I intentionally emphasized a few of the words to make Sabrina, who was listening to the conversation through the microphone, believe me. When Ace didn't utter a word, Samael closed Marilyn's mouth with one hand and started digging the knife deeper into her skin.
Yes! It's exactly what we planned! It was us!
Ace screamed.

As expected. Ace has an excellent ability to withstand pain but he is an emotional fool. How can he not see that Samael only scratched a bit of her skin? If he wanted to kill her, she would have been dead by now. That's where Ace is a failure. He never pays attention to the details. And that's how my demons are better than any other creatures alive.

I chuckled and circled to face him.
Did you see Marilyn?
I asked while looking at Ace. I took out a pocket knife and reopened a close wound of Ace. He screamed in agony. Blood gushed out of his wound fiercely.
Now, tell me how should I deal with you two? Should I just kill Ace here and make Marilyn clean the mess? After all, she holds the rank of a Madame. I can't kill her just like that. But I can not forgive her for doing so many evil things to my wife.
I spoke with a grin on my face and turned to face Marilyn.

Samael faked an injured voice. Isn't he a good actor?
Marilyn, no! Stop where you are! Brother!
Samael started screaming on top of his lungs. I took out the knife from Ace's body and stabbed my shoulder blade. Marilyn was looking at me. Her eyes told the tale of horror. Tears gushed out of her eyes rapidly.
No, Marilyn! You cannot attack my brother! Stop! Ahh!!!
Samael yelled. I threw the knife which hit his thighs. He is a strong person. You can't take him down by such plays.

Marilyn! Don't run! Stop! Guards!
Now, it was my turn to act a bit. In short, we portrayed it like Marilyn's lie got caught and she stabbed both of us and ran away. Isn't it impressive? I wanted to laugh at her foolishness right now. Alas, I can not do that. I crushed the microphone with my fingers and threw its remains on the ground.

What to do now?
Samael asked eyeing Ace.
Get rid of her first.
I said, pointing towards Marilyn. Samael knocked her out by pressing one of her nerves. She fell on his embrace and he held her tight.

Don't worry, I will make sure she gets back to her obedient self. And...
Samael hesitated at the end.
I questioned back. What does he want to say?
Will you be killing Eligor and Sabrina for the ritual?
Samael asked while pulling out the knife from his thighs. He threw the knife back at me and I caught it mid-air.
I would not be killing any of them.
I said. I never planned on killing either of them. Eligor is my blood. How can I kill my heir? If he was someone else's blood I would have done it long ago. As for Sabrina, there is no need to do that. After the ritual is complete and I drain the last bit of power from her body, she will be defenseless. I made her hate her people too. I have things planned for her. She will be my queen and take care of my son and me. I do not want anything else from her.

Wouldn't the transmission kill her?
Samael questioned again. He lifted Marilyn in his arms and we started walking out of the prison. A guard rushed to aid Ace as I still want him alive.
I already planned for it. The tonic will arise all her powers and it will be a ruckus. Both of us will be sick before the ritual. After it is complete, I will get the power and Sabrina will survive due to my blood in her system.
I explained everything to Samael.

Did you make her drink your blood?
Samael asked and raised an eyebrow at me. He knows how dangerous it is. My blood was the cause of the death of many personalities.
I didn't had a choice. I mix a small amount in her daily food and now her body has accepted the blood. It will protect her now.
I said further.

Sabrina doesn't need to know about it. Even if she knows, she couldn't do anything about it.
I said further and patted his back. We parted our ways when we reached the castle back. Samael took Marilyn back to his palace. I guess they won't be coming for the reception anymore. I smirked and walked back to my office.

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