chapter 70

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You know the moment when you couldn't contain your happiness and have a stupid grin plastered on your face even though you know you need to be sophisticated. That's what I was doing. Lucifer stood on the aisle with a calm and collected look without any expression on his face whereas I was almost running with a grin on my face. I can be sure if I was in a different outfit I would have run towards him.

Soon enough I reached him and stood in front of him. There was no preacher and nothing. It was just him and I standing on the type of aisle. I remember what he told me earlier but shouldn't there be a preacher?

I glanced at the people sitting in the room for our wedding. They weren't much. It was an intimate wedding with close friends and family. I looked back at Lucifer who tightened his hold around my shoulders. I knew it was coming. And I don't know I was ready for it. He gave me a nod in assurance. Slowly, he brought his hand to his mouth and cut his wrist with his teeth. He brought his nipped hand up to my mouth. I opened my mouth and started sucking his blood. Shockingly, his blood didn't have a metallic or rustic taste. When he pulled away, a small drop of his blood dripped from the corner of my mouth. My eyes widened and an inaudible gasp escaped my mouth. His blood was black.

I looked back at him as he came closer to me. I wanted to take a step back but my feet were glued to the ground as I took in his presence. He looked paler than ghosts. All the black veins in his body popped out and can be seen with naked eyes. His eyes turned completely black with a red flame burning in them. He looked scary. He looked scarier when he smiled at me and his grown canines were visible to my eyes. I just stood there in shock. Slowly, he grazed my neck with his sharp canines. A low whimper escaped my lips when he harshly dug his teeth inside my skin. I couldn't control my tears and they started pouring out. I can feel the blood being sicked out of my body. I instantly felt weak and lightheaded when he pulled back after several painful seconds. He licked his lips and kissed me on my lips. I was too weak to kiss back.

He grabbed my waist to support me and we faced the crowd. I felt dizzy but I can sense something surging through my body. I shiver ran down my spine. Everything in front of me blurred for a second and I almost lost my consciousness. I was very thankful to Lucifer when he carried me out of the wedding hall. All the cheering and roaring zoned out as we exited the room together.

Once we were out, Lucifer carried me in his arms and took me to our room. He gently placed me on the bed and held one of my hands. He placed his two fingers on my wrist checking my pulse. I was still a little dizzy. I smiled at him and told him not to worry anymore about him. There was a knock on the door. Lucifer stood to answer it. I couldn't see who was there as Lucifer blocked my line of sight. I saw him nodding and then he closed the door. When he turned, he had a glass in his hand. He brought the glass and kept it on the nightstand. Lucifer helped me sit up straight and handed me the glass.
Drink it.
He announced leaving no room for arguments.
What is it?
I questioned back.
It will help you.
As I opened my mouth to ask how it will help me, he brought the glass near my mouth.
Be a good girl and drink up.
I have never seen him so adamant on something so trivial as a drink. I glanced back at the glass. It was filled with some green-looking liquid.

What could be so bad with it? With this thought, I drank it whole. I handed back the glass to him and gazed at him.
What was it?
I asked again.
I thought you dropped the question already.
He said while placing the glass back on the nightstand.

Without saying anything, I continued staring at him. He sighed.
It is nutritious juice. I sensed the power surfacing through your body. It will stop them temporarily. You have to drink it three times a day for the next five days.
He exclaimed.

Okay, so he was concerned about me and hence brought that juice for me. He should have told me earlier.
I think it would be better if I try to gain control over them instead of suppressing them.
I said. I think it is a better way. In that sense, I will also get to know more about my special powers. I still don't know what kind of powers I have. Lucifer's expression changed drastically with this statement.
No! I don't think so!
He almost yelled at me. I was dumbfounded and looked at him with big wide eyes. Why is he behaving so strangely?
I mean, it will only harm you, Selene. Remember I don't want you hurt. I have a permanent solution for it. But for that, you need to drink this juice on time. Don't miss it!
Lucifer said emphasizing the last sentence. I nodded in acknowledgment. Maybe this is not the correct timing for such talks. I think he is worried about me a lot. It would be better if a comply with him.

When will we be visiting the twins?
I changed the topic. I have been trying to ask this question for a while now. Last time he said after the marriage I can go. I just have this sudden desire to see them and settle some old scores with them.
Didn't you see one of them just now?
He asked. Did I? I don't think so I noticed either of the twins. I gave him a questioning gaze.
When did that happen?
I asked.

Marilyn was present in the wedding hall with Samael and their year-old baby.
He proclaimed.
Does she have a baby? With Samael? When did this happen?
Is she married to Samael and bore his child?
I asked with a shocked expression on my face. How come is this possible? Ten months ago, she was about to be sacrificed. Then how come she got a one-year-old child?
They are not married. It is just that Marilyn was Samael's mistress for a long time before he sent her to work here as a maid. When she came, she found out she was pregnant. A few old acquaintances of her helped her hid Samael's son but on the day of the sacrifice, he managed to found out about his heir and took both of them back.
He explained the whole story. This explains the contradictory situation of both of the twins.

It might be the case that now Marilyn is the mother of Samael's heir and need to act accordingly that she remains passive most of the time.
Frankly speaking, Marilyn was the most feisty among the people brought from Andromeda. It is just that Samael has his methods to handle women and she managed to catch his attention. After meeting him, she was the most obedient one. I guess that's why Samael instantly took Marilyn and Adrian back with him.
Lucifer stated further.

Maybe I didn't notice them as all my focus was present in him. I nodded my head in acknowledgment. So, it means that she is far away from me and can not even try to hurt me. That's good and now my only trouble is Madelyn. I need to find a way to deal with her.
So when can I meet Madelyn and Ace?
I questioned again. An annoyed expression surfaced on his face. He must be annoyed by my nagging.
Madelyn is dangerous and I consider that you should not meet Ace. And that's final. No more discussion that. Rest for a while and I will send a few maids to get you ready for the reception.
Lucifer stated, making his decision final. Though I never agreed with him, still I nodded my head in acknowledgment.

Send Madelyn along with the maids.
This time I didn't request. I told him to do what I wanted to do. I was adamant about seeing her. Lucifer stopped in his tracks and looked dead in my eyes. I gulped a big lump down my throat and gazed directly into his eyes. I guess this was my first time standing up to him. He should understand too. I am the queen of his realm. I should have some authority too. He doesn't need to explain that to me.
Being a queen, right?
I said with a smirk. Sarcasm lacing his words. I could see the muscles of his neck twitching considering that I did piss him off. I like it. I giggled mentally.
He exclaimed and stormed out of the room. It was then I finally let out a sigh of relief.

Just as I was about to lay down, a sharp pain shot through my chest. It was excruciating that I could not even scream. I clutched my chest tightly and laid on the bed.

What is happening to me?


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