chapter 8

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Lucifer P.O.V

Something about this woman intrigues me. She looks......familiar.

But to whom? She was the first one who did not fall for my looks and capabilities.
Fuck! I doubt that she even know who I am. What she did with me in front of everyone was way too beyond my acceptance level. I wanted to fuck her brutally and then suck every ounce the blood in her body. I was very tempted to see life slipping from her eyes.

But I can not bring myself to do it. And this frustrated me. I never felt like this before especially for a filthy woman. 
There is something which I don't know about her. This doubt just became strong when I saw her talking to Henry Hart. He is not even capable of being called a man. I have never seen a fool like him. Born with a gold spoon and left all of it for a worthless piece of woman.

That's why I never believed in love or anything like that. These feelings make you weak and I don't want weakness. I and other kings were standing near the bar when Anthony Marano approached with what looked like his daughter. This son of a bitch wants us to annex this dimension so that all the powers come under his hands only and in return he offered us different things.

All I ever wished for is to find the person who bears my mark who is supposed to be my craving. Well, long story short. When hell was rising above all and we were capturing different kingdom of powerful beings, I slaughtered senselessly. It was the witch kingdom I was fighting with. There was a witch who was more potent than any other. I killed almost all of them but left a few to continue their progeny. I don't want to lose them, they are powerful and good fuck.

Back to the story, this witch named Kallista. Her name meant beautiful and she was gorgeous. I wanted her and she was denying. So, I forcefully mated with her and marked her and killed her true mate and family in front of her. Now she was mine. But Kallista jumped in the same fire in which I burned the bodies of her loved ones. And then an idiotic prophecy was made which stated that a person will be born who will either be my weakness or strength, who will rule me or be ruled by me.

The best part I can not kill it. Yes, I am connected to it and that person is nothing more than an object to me. I am finding it and making that person's life miserable.

And I doubt that the woman who bloody pinched me is the one I have been looking for. I need to find that out.
So, I hope we all are ready to execute our plan.
Anthony spoke with a grin on which we all smirked. Not something new, we ten kings only appreciate two things in our life. Blood and fuck. That's what it is.

Anthony introduced his daughter whose name was Britney to us. The look on her face clearly said she was ready to get into all of our pants at one time. Not that I am gonna mind. We have decided that we are going to kill all men and take every single woman from babies to adults with us.

Anthony agreed with this. While all were busy chatting about the plan and some random fucks, my eyes fell on her again. She looked like a lost kitten. Some might get fooled by her looks. she might look innocent and timid but she actually is very feisty and savage. Anthony noticed me watching her. I don't even know her name!
I see! Interested in her?

I gave him a look when he placed his hands on my shoulder. I don't like anyone talking to me like that. He got the clue and quickly removed his hands.
No need to get all grumpy! I was just asking!

He said with his hands up in the air.
I need information about her!
I finally spoke.

You will get her information after we finish the first part of the plan.

I swear if I didn't have my benefit in this, I would have ripped his head off his body right this instant. I can stare at her for the whole day without getting tired but I need to go with this dumbass.
We all went to the seventh floor and Anthony went to bring the stars of the show.

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