chapter 42

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Madelyn got up from the floor. She gave me a questioning look.
What?! Is that what you want me to do?!
I gave her a stern nod. She was a bit hesitant at first but agreed.
Okay, I will try but it is very risky. If we get caught then we are in for some deep shit!
She said. She was petrified. It was visible on her face. Her eyes widened a bit. She spoke again.
Crap! I forgot about the task I came here for! No!
She kept on mumbling words under her breath which were inaudible for me. She dashed towards the small closet on one corner of the room.

She was weird and she has always been like this. I chuckled and decided to follow her. I got up and limped towards the closet. I held on to the door for support. Shit! I could not even stand properly. It hurts everywhere.

But a smile braced my features once I saw Madelyn panicking. I can not understand what she was saying. But from her facial expressions and bodily movements, it looked like she was scolding herself. I even heard her saying 'i am the biggest stupid in the whole cosmo'. That's it. I was full-on laughing at her behavior. That's when she noticed me standing by the door. She looked at me and started laughing too.

A sharp shot through my body and I winced in pain. I clutched my stomach which made me lose my balance. Madelyn yelled my name and ran towards me. Fortunately, she caught me before I hit the ground. She supported my body and dragged me towards the bed. Very easily, she pulled me on top of the bed. I groaned in pain and laid in the form of a ball.
Hey, are you okay?
The pain stopped me from saying anything. I closed my eyes shut tightly and shook my head negatively.

What happened? Is it hurting somewhere?
She panicked. This time I shook my head positively.
My voice was hoarse. I felt my throat dry. I opened my eyes and looked at the jug by the bed. I somehow managed to stretch my hand to reach the jug. Madelyn noticed it and went towards it.

She picked up the jug but it was empty.
Just hold on! Okay?! I'll be back in a minute! Till then, just hold on Sabrina!
She said and ran out of the door. I turned my body again and laid on my back. I clutched my stomach tightly. It just hurts so much. It feels like my stomach is on fire. Sweat beads formed on my forehead and trickled down the side of my face. I was gasping for air.

I groaned loudly in pain and started yanking on the sheets and pillows. My fingers dug on the pillows and I squeezed my eyes shut. My back arched and my eyes shot open. I felt something crawling inside me. It was coming up. It reached my throat and that's it. I dragged my body to the edge of the bed and vomited. I was vomiting blood. When I finally let out everything I looked at my hands. Several black and red veins appeared on my body. My body was shaking. The vanity table was right in front of me. I looked up at the mirror and backed away in horror.

Was that me?
No! It's not possible!
My eyes were completely black and some kind of red smoke was coming out from them. My skin was extremely pale. Almost like a ghost. I screamed in terror and the door burst open. Lucifer came in. Panic was visible on his face. He rushed to my side. I fell back on the bed. The burning inside my body increased. Another scream escaped my mouth. Lucifer sat on the bed and laid my head on his lap.

He shushed me and slowly stroked my hair. I wrapped my arms around his neck and sat on his lap. Being close to him was giving me some kind of relief. I tucked my head on his neck and snuggled extremely close to him. He was a bit taken back but wrapped his hands protectively around me. Slowly I felt myself calming down. I looked at my hands again. The veins slowly disappeared. What is happening to me?

The door opened again and Madelyn walked in. She was holding the jug filled with water. She saw Lucifer sitting on the bed and her eyes widened bigger than a saucer. She gulped loudly and her body started trembling. Lucifer looked up at her. I was lying motionless on his lap. It feels like all energy from my body was drained.
Are you just going to stand there?! Bring me the jug! Go and tell your owner to call a doctor! NOW!
He yelled at Madelyn. She jumped at his demonic voice and quickly handed him the jug.
Yes, master.
She squeaked out and scurried out of the door.

He kept the jug on the nightstand. He carried me in his arms and walked towards the bathroom. He settled me down near the sink. He brought a wet cloth and gently wiped my face with it. His eyes fell to the bathrobe I was wearing. Its upper part was soaked with blood. He carried me again and sat me back on the bed. He poured the water into a glass and brought it near my mouth. I drank all of it and took a long breath. He brought his hand near my chest. I flinched back in fear. I was not feeling well and I could not handle his sexual appetite.
Blood and vomit are all over your robe. Let me change it.
He said in an irritated voice.

Oh, so he was about to change my clothes. Only. I thought he wanted to do something else. I sighed deeply. He slid off the robe from my body and tossed it aside. I wasn't wearing anything underneath. He covered my naked body with the blanket. He disappeared inside the closet. I threw my head back in exhaustion and closed my eyes. My mouth was open slightly.

My eyes snapped open when I felt a tug on the blanket. My hand gripped the blanket instinctively. But my grip loosened when I saw the person trying to take off the banket. Lucifer was standing in front of me with a raised eyebrow.
You might want to close your mouth unless you want me to put something else in there.
He pointed a finger at me and spoke in a husky voice. His statement made me gulp loudly and I looked down. He slowly sat on the bed in front of me. He slid a long strappy nightdress on my frame.
He laid me back on the bed and sat beside me. He pulled my head on his lap and slowly stroked my hair.

I involuntarily leaned into his touch. Suddenly, the door opened with a bang. Samael came in with a female doctor and a scared-looking Madelyn following closely behind him. Lucifer helped me in getting up so that the doctor can do her work easily. She checked my pulse rate.
Where is it hurting?
She asked.
It is burning here.
I croaked out and pointed towards my stomach.

She put one hand on my stomach and closed her eyes. I looked at her in confusion. What is she doing? She started chanting something and a bright yellow light came from her palms. She opened her eyes and removed her hand from my stomach. She looked at Lucifer and grinned widely. Lucifer raised his eyebrow at her and gave her a questioning look.
So, it's proved that you are a man!
Lucifer looked at Samael and he shrugged. He looked back at the doctor.
What do you mean, Ada?
He asked. So her name is Ada.

I had some serious doubts regarding your masculinity but now they all are cleared.
Ada spoke in a teasing tone. Nobody speaks in this way to Lucifer. But she did. Maybe she is close to him. Lucifer was irritated. It was visible on his face. Soon enough, his mouth curled into an evil smirk.
I can clear your doubts if you want me to.
Ada raised her eyebrows and glared at him.
I like guys who are a gentleman in bed and let me take control. Not someone worse than a monster.
It was now Lucifer's turn to grin widely.
Yes, I am worse than the worst monster but no one can pleasure a woman as I do. You can ask her!
Lucifer spoke while pointing towards me. Ada looked at me and then glanced back towards Lucifer.

I don't need to ask her about this matter. The bruises on her flesh tell the whole story. Now you need to stop that.
Ada spoke in a serious tone. What are they talking about?
Are you sure it is what you are telling me?
Lucifer went back to emotionless and his face became stern.
I am positive. It would be better if you control yourself.
Now, the conversation got intense. They were talking about me. But what? I don't know. I sighed internally.
You know I can't. There's a reason behind everything I do and you know it.
Lucifer spoke in a dominating tone. This made Ada shut her mouth. She bowed her head in submission.

What happened to me?
I squeaked out. Every head in the room snapped towards me. It looks like I interrupted their conversation. Ada looked at me and gave me an assuring smile. I felt good by this gesture of hers. I returned the smile. She patted my head and spoke.
You are pregnant, darling..........

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