chapter 89

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3 days later......

I have been roaming around in the woods for the last 3 days surviving on water and fruits I could find in the wilderness. I thought I might have to face some wild beast but I forgot that I am in hell. Here, wild beasts roam in streets and not in a damn forest.

I had a long incision on the side of my stomach which has been bleeding for a long time. I managed to roughly patch it up but it is not working.

All the energy was drained from my body as I collapsed on the foot of a tree. I clutched the bleeding wound tightly trying to stop the bleeding. When I retracted my hand it was covered in blood. The bleeding intensified.

The first day was quite alright but ever since the second day some mysterious black patches have been appearing on my skin. Those patches bleed occasionally too and they start burning when exposed to the sun. These patches have covered my entire torso.

I started gasping for air. This is it. This is my end. This is how I will perish. Just as I was about to close my eyes and succumb to the darkness I heard a voice calling my name. I blinked my eyes several times to focus on the person standing in front of me.
My eyes fluttered open at the male voice.

I could not help but feel a bit flustered after seeing the person standing in front of me. My breath hitched in my throat and my heart was racing wildly. No, this is impossible!

I shook my head vigorously. I pointed my finger at him. My hands were shaking.
It can't
I stuttered out.
Yes, it's me!
He said. I couldn't help but cry out loudly at his sight. I thought he was gone. I felt so helpless when the first thing I saw was his dead body being thrown in the air like a piece of trash. I wanted to scream and tell him not to leave me ever again.
I croaked out as big drops of tears rolled down my cheeks.
I am here to help you. You could not leave like this. Do you know how hard it was to bring you back to life?
Ace said as he crouched down to meet my eyes. He sat in his eyes and extended his hand for me to take. I put my shaking hands in his palms.

I am dead but I can not go in peace because of you.
Ace said with a smile on his face. His words made me cry even more.
I am sorry...
I admitted guilt. My red puffy eyes took in his appearance. It looks like ages since I last saw him.
You should be. Not for me but yourself because you're admitting defeat without fighting the battle.
Ace exclaimed.

I smiled brightly at him. He didn't know how much I longed for Ace scolding me like this.
Look at me. I will be joining you soon.
I said and smiled at him. I started coughing blood violently.
I am not here to take you with me. I am here to inform you about something.
Ace said. I looked at him with curiosity.

He smiled at me in return.
The soul binding process was failed but here the catch is that your soul has been damaged beyond repair. Marilyn gave her powers to revive you but that process was interrupted too and now, you have been cursed.
Ace said. I looked at him in disbelief. What is he talking about?

Do you see these patches?
Ace extended my arm and turned it a bit making the patches exposed to sunlight. I hissed before retracting my hand back in the shade.
This is what I am talking about. To cure this you have to feed on souls and energies. If not you will die!
My eyes widened at his sudden proclamation.
What do you mean?
I asked him. What does he mean by feeding on souls? How do I feed on them?
I know there are questions in your head. But you have to figure it out on your own. I can only help you once.
Ace spoke.

I just looked at him in bewilderment as he joined our hands and looked me in the eye.

I just looked at him in bewilderment as he joined our hands and looked me in the eye

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