Chapter 31

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I flew towards the door of the room
all the while breaking it due to the impact. My back is definitely broken. I groaned in pain. I underestimated her. She is powerful.

I wiped the blood which was seeping from the corner of my mouth.
You made a big mistake!
I said through gritted teeth. Now, she has enraged the beast within me. I accept the fact that I am not as strong as Lucifer but there is one thing for sure that this woman is going down. I got up from my fallen position and blew a tight punch on her face.

Now, it was her turn to go flying across the hallway.
You just don't understand! Just leave me alone, I don't want to go with you!
I yelled at her face. I balled my fist and aimed towards her face but she rolled to the other side. Instead of her face, I punched the floor. A crack was developed on the floor by none other than me due to the impact.

She picked up a vase that was kept in the hallway. She threw the vase and it came flying towards me. God really hates me, maybe because of Lucifer. Why am I saying this? Because before the vase could reach me the debris from the ceiling fell over my leg restricting any movement. I tried but there was no way of escaping. I shielded my face from my hands and waited for the vase to hit me.

Suddenly, a large body jumped on me and wrapped his arms around my body like a cover. The vase never hit me. I removed my hands and looked up to see Lucifer kneeling in front of me with his arms around my body. His wings were spread out and covered me from head to toe. His wings had black feathers and were looking so soft and shiny.

I looked in his orbs which were shifting from black to red. He is super mad. He stood up and moved the debris off my feet. He helped me stand. My foot was bleeding but it was not that bad. A few of my wounds were reopened and I had some new bruises. Lucifer looked back at the maid with his eyes as dark as the moonless sky.

The maid and I locked our gazes. She slightly smirked at me. Oh no! She will tell everything to Lucifer. And then, he will put me back in the dungeons. He will take away all the care he is giving me and torture me more than earlier. He can also send me back and then they will kill me and afterward, Lucifer will torture my soul.

I started thinking about the worst scenarios. I can't let that happen.

Who are you?
Lucifer said in a low yet dangerous tone. This is just the calm before the storm. She was glancing between me and Lucifer. Before she could open her mouth to say something, I screamed in pain and intentionally fell back on the debris hitting my head hard.

Lucifer was by my side instantly. I held my head in the place where I git hit. I brought my hands in front of my eyes to see blood staining my hands. It also started rolling down from my forehead. I was drifting in and out of consciousness. Lucifer kept my head in his lap and was patting my cheeks. He was telling me to keep my eyes open.

An emotion was clearly visible in his features for the very first time. I saw concern in his eyes and fear in his features. He was afraid of losing me. Guilt cut through my heart like an arrow. This time I am making the right decision by staying. And why should I even go back? All they wanted from me was my powers. Marano lied to me. He only told me what he wanted me to know so that I can work according to him. Anthony Marano, a power-thirsty bitch.

He had already told me about my real parents a month before the party. I knew what was about to happen at the party. At least that is what I thought. He never told me that there will be bloodshed. He never told me he was supporting because he too wanted my power. He never told me that he was allied with fake parents of mine and wanted to kill me. But now I know. And I am not going back. I wanted revenge but I want lucifer more.

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