chapter 44

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I lost my appetite. His words were enough for me to gag. I don't know what he has planned to do with me this time.

Lucifer brought the spoon near my mouth but I can not bring myself to lean forward and take the spoon in my mouth. When I didn't make any attempt to eat, he forcefully grabbed my jaw and put the spoon inside my mouth. I half-heartedly chewed on the food and swallowed it. Lucifer continued spoon-feeding me.

After a while, everyone was done with the food. I sighed internally. Finally, I can go back to my room and get a peaceful sleep. The thought of being pregnant and that so with Lucifer's child wasn't easy. I feel way too exhausted than before.

I was about to get up when Lucifer yanked me back on his lap. He sent a brief glare at me.
It's time for a family game, isn't it?
He said with a big grin plastered on his face. I looked back at everyone to see them acknowledging back with smirks and maniac looks on their faces. A chill passed through my spine. I have a very bad feeling about this. My attention diverted towards Britney after her unholy words.
Oh, family games! I am excited! But what we will be playing?
Her high pitched voice was filled with enthusiasm. She was excited. I mentally chuckled. Little did she know.

You will know soon enough! Now, let's get going to the living area for the game.
He said with a malicious glint in his eyes. I swear I saw his eyes darkening. This will do no good for me. I just want to get out of here. I am not interested in some shitty game like Britney. I yanked on his shirt to gain his attention. His dark eyes darted to me with a questioning look. I was almost lost in the paradise which was his eyes. But his doings were enough for me to run back to reality.

What an irony it is! I fell in love with the orbs which once gave me pain. He raised his brow and tightened his grip around my waist to pull me back from my reverie. He leaned towards me. His face was way too close for my liking. His delightful smell filling my sense and his fear flooding my brain.
Can I go back?
My voice was barely above a whisper. He didn't even consider my question once before replying with a straightforward denial.
His gruff voice rang in my ear like war drums and I could see the glimpse of an upcoming future filled with blood and dead bodies. I closed my eyes for a second and another chill ran down my spine.

Lucifer held my head in between his hands and tucked my head under his chin. As much as I hate it, but his embrace was capable enough to comfort me. His embrace has the power to make me have faith and trust in him which I will soon be regretting.

He got up from the chair with me and strode down the hallway. I was trotting a few steps behind him with my head hung low like a good little pet. Britney was walking by his side. I kind of pity her. She will soon be witnessing the real horror. I was surrounded by the other fallen as we reached our destination. Lucifer tugged on my leash which was wrapped around his palm as he moved towards the center of what looked like a living room. I glanced around through my lashes as I have never seen this part of the castle.

It was massive like all the other living rooms in this castle

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It was massive like all the other living rooms in this castle. It's dark and gothic theme complemented the true colors of breathtaking hell. Everyone took their respective seats while we stood in the middle of the room. Lucifer rubbed his hands together in excitement. His eyes dripping with malice and crazy. These two are not a good combination in the case of satan.
I can't wait for this game to start.
Dagan, one of the kings of hell, spoke in enthusiasm.
You won't have to. Sabrina dear, open the door over there.
Lucifer spoke with a smirk. He let go of my leash. My mind went blank for the moment. Endless escape plans circulated through my system. It was then I made my mind that I won't be staying here for even a moment. I will run. Far far away from here.

A big grin surfaced on my face when he ushered me forward. But before I could take another step he pulled me towards his chest and leaned down to my ear.
Don't do anything which will officially prove you the biggest dumbass in the entire cosmo!
His low threat rang in my ears. Now, I started to think about the consequences which will take place after I was caught. My eyes widened and I shook my head aggressively. Lucifer nodded and pressed a soft kiss on my temple before pushing me off him. I somehow regained my composure and took small steps towards the door Lucifer was pointing.

When I was just a few feet away from the door I recognized it was not an actual door but something like a cabinet which is engraved on the wall. Some muffled noises can be heard from it. They got louder with my every step. After every two steps, I turned my head to glance at Lucifer. His eyes turned completely black and he was staring at me. Is this another trick? Am I a pawn again in his stupid game?

Honestly, I couldn't tell. His face and posture denied any expression.

I stood right in front of the cabinet. My hands shook in a thrill. I was scared of the unknown. And that unknown was anything but good. I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes. I moved my hands forwards and wrapped my palms around the handle. With a little pressure, I pulled open the cabinet.

For a second it felt like I was in a void. No disturbances. nothing. Everything was just so quiet. But the beautiful silence was soon broken by a shrill scream of a woman.

My eyes snapped open on their own. And I standing right in front of an almost dead Anthony Marano, Britney's father. The man who started everyone and didn't know how to stop it. I can see he was barely alive. His chest was rising and falling and there was a frown on his forehead. He was spread on the wall of the cupboard. His hands cuffed above his head and his legs were cuffed wide apart. I could not find any injuries except the one on his head as blood was dripping like a stream from that long gash.

My eyes were wide in horror. My mouth hung low in shock. Suddenly, I couldn't speak. It feels like I lost my voice. I was just looking at Anthony's unconscious body. I started feeling light-headed. Everything was spinning. My throat was parched. I heard some hurried clickings of the heel. I turned my head to the side and spotted Britney with a tear-stained face standing behind me. She glared at me and held my arm in a death grip. With a jerk, she pushed me to the opposite side and rushed towards her father.

I could not resist my fall so I prepared myself for the pain which was about to come. But the fact was that pain never came. Samael caught me before I could collide with the ground. He pulled me up gently and smiled sweetly. That was the last thing I saw before I went unconscious. All the cryings and beggings disappeared. Now, I was in peaceful silence. I wish I could stay here forever.

But I know it is not possible.

Not until I am with him.

Not until I have his child growing inside me.

I should kill this child but then again it is my child too.

I will stay.......

I will stay till the moment my child breathes for the first time in the place filled with mirth and evil known as hell.

I am seriously sorry for being out of Wattpad for such a long time but I will update early from now on. You know, because it is a NEW YEAR!


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