chapter 54

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I don't know for how long I have been lying on this bed. A maid came a few hours ago but she left after seeing not phased by her blabbering. I can not give Lucifer a hard time but it doesn't mean that I can not have my fun by making all his people go mad.

I sighed inwardly. I know it's not right what I am doing with all these people. I mean, I should not be treating them like shit just because of him. But I just can't help it.

With yet another sigh, I finally leave the comfort of the warm bed. If there is anything nice that happened to me then it is just my bed. I love it dearly.

As soon as I got up from the bed there was a light knock on the door before it burst open. My eyes widened due to the loud noise. Woah! I mean, why knock on the door when you have to break it?

A slim figure stepped out in front of my sight. When I recognized the person, I was not at all surprised by the little door stunt of hers. I kinda expected it from her.

Madelyn strode up to me and huffed in annoyance. Well, she was not at all pleased to see me. I know that. She crossed her arms in front of her chest. I can see her jaw clenching.
Where is she?
She asked.

Who are you talking about?
I asked in confusion. A frown etched on my face. Who is she talking about?
Don't act all innocent! Tell me, where is Britney?
She said. Gosh, she was very angry. It is just a matter of seconds and I can guarantee that soon enough, smoke will be coming out of her ears. I tilted my head in confusion.
I don't know where is she. I haven't seen her.
I said. I can see her face turning beet red from anger.
You bitch!
She jumped to hit me. But before she could hit me, the door opened again, and a few maids stepped in while carrying a few stuff in their hands. When she spotted them, she instantly backed up.

Oh Madelyn, good I found you here only. His lordship has ordered you to get mistress Sabrina ready for a special dinner.
The maid spoke while the others kept all the things on the bed and left. Madelyn angrily stomped her foot to the ground and started unpacking all the stuff. I was just watching her standing in a corner. She nearly tore a few of the things. Her eyes snapped up to me. She glared at me.
What are you waiting for? Go and wash your dirty ass!
She snapped at me.

I sighed. She hates me to the core. Annoyed by the argument I took my leave to the bathroom. I bathed quickly and entered the bedroom. Madelyn has already laid the dress on the bed. She grabbed me by the arm and made me stand in the middle of the room. I was wrapped in a towel. All my scars were in view for naked eyes. Both of my hands and legs were covered in deep scars and bruises. She stood in front of my eyes and analyzed me from top to bottom. A smirk etched onto her face.
A slut like you deserve nothing more than this.
She said while pointing at my body. She circled me and stood behind my back. She not so gently ushered me towards the mirror and whispered in my ears.
This is your reality. Don't get any wrong ideas from the silk dresses and expensive jewelry.
She spoke with a grin. She was enjoying my state.

But now I am sick of all of theirs taunts. This time I will fire back.

I know my reality very well. And I guess you should know yours too. Don't get any wrong ideas by sleeping with Lucifer's ministers.
This made her shut up. I can see anger seeping from her eyes. I was unaffected.

She hurriedly brought the dress and made me wear it. It was a red mermaid dress with detailed designs.

 It was a red mermaid dress with detailed designs

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