chapter 90

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That narrow trail of blood was enough to send Lucifer overboard. He growled in anger.
No! He is my child! Let him go, Uncle Nick!
Sabrina begged as she tried to get up.

Do you still not understand?! He is not your child! He is the devil's spawn! How he can be your child? You need to leave with me for your sake!
Nick yelled back at Sabrina. His contact with her was abruptly disconnected leaving no room for him to explain her things. Though Sabrina was not his child neither was Henry Hart was the best man out there, still, Nick has always loved Sabrina like his own child.

Sabrina ignored his words and cried continuously to let Eligor go.
What do you want?!
Lucifer seethed. The veins of his neck pulsing in anger.
You return my child and I return your child. That's it!
Nick screamed back as he continued to apply pressure on Eligor's neck. Nick knew that using Lucifer's son as bait will directly land him in Lucifer's to-kill list but he had no other option.

Nick needs to take Sabrina back for her sake. He wished if he would have come earlier then there would be nothing to hold Sabrina back. He came late and he wants to compensate for it by giving her freedom. Sabrina needs to understand that she could not have both.
No, I will not him behind! He is my son too!
Sabrina kneeled and yelled at the top of her lungs.
You cannot!
Nick yelled back. Sabrina never gave up easily. She is doing the same thing again.

Lucifer who was standing behind the scene smirked. What nick was saying is right! It is the same for both Sabrina and Lucifer! They need to let go of one thing for the other. And right now, Lucifer's top priority was his child who was crying miserably. He can not stand the sight of it. Lucifer had this realization in his head. This was the first time, Lucifer needs to comply with someone else's demands.

Fine! Child for a child!
Lucifer said in a loud voice. His words thundered through the walls of the dungeon making it very clear for Sabrina that there is no way she could return with Eligor. She was dumbfounded by the sudden announcement. When realization settled within her heart, she started shaking her head vigorously.

None of the men paid attention to her, as they discussed their terms. Nick nodded his head at Lucifer and stepped back from Eligor. The child was a crying mess.
He croaked out through his sore throat. Sabrina found her chance to talk to her son.
Eligor Listen! Listen to me, baby! I promise I will give you a better life! Just come with your momma!
Sabrina cooed as she tried her best to make Eligor come with her willingly. But it was harder than she expected. The child only looked at her and cried.

Eligor shook his head in negative.
I will not leave dad. You stay with me.
His conscience projected Sabrina and all others as the villain here. Still deep within his heart, he knew that Sabrina was his mother. She will never hurt him. But there was no way he was leaving his father. No one could blame the child. He has always been closer to Lucifer than anyone else and in these three days, he learned the fact that he cares about Eligor the most.

Eligor's weak voice and crying face hurt Sabrina's heart. She just hung her head low. It is impossible to bring him along. Sabrina sucked in a breath as she stood up and look straight towards Nick.

It was like Nick could see through her broken soul. Nick strode towards Sabrina as Lucifer picked up the little Eligor in his arms. The little boy wailed in his father's embrace. Eligor turned his head to look at his mother whose head was hung low.

Lucifer walked up to Sabrina with Eligor. This is it! This was Sabrina's final goodbye. Sabrina sniffed and looked at Eligor. Lucifer took advantage of the moment to blow a strong punch at Nick. How dare he threaten his child! Everyone present in the dungeon was taken aback by the sudden outrage.

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